elgatito / plugin.video.elementum

Elementum add-on for Kodi. Development of this addon has been stopped!
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(Request) Manage artwork option #738

Closed Bequiet19 closed 3 years ago

Bequiet19 commented 3 years ago

I found one great option in tmdb helper. Manage artwork! With this option, any artwork can be changed. @elgatito With this option you would solve the problem with frequent questions I want this artwork, I want that... I saw that there were a lot of questions like this. On the other hand, there is a lot of space for customization, who likes that. I use artic horizon skin with tmdb helper and it looks great. But I also love so much elementum. So please add this option. Pleeeease. :-)

matke-84 commented 3 years ago

@antonsoroko To not open a new topic when it already exists and we talked about this. What are the chances of implementing of this?

antonsoroko commented 3 years ago

i am not interested in this since i do not use library and i do not care about artworks in general. sorry. and this is probably quite hard/tedious to implement. so if it will be implemented then probably not by me.

matke-84 commented 3 years ago

@antonsoroko Fair enough. I don't use the local library either. Elementum only. This also works with the online database in TMDB helper, but as you said, there is probably a lot of work.

antonsoroko commented 3 years ago

@matke-84 @Bequiet19

so, i took a look into this and i do not see the big issue here.

in skin you can click "information" and then "choose art" and them you will be able to choose different images. of course if you use only tmdb - the images selection is small.

but if you set "Use Fanart.tv for posters/images" option in elementum - then you have enough of choices.



on the other hand - looks like official tmdb scraper adds more images of every art type, e.g. we have only a lot of fanarts but not other types of arts.

this is because we use setArt() func https://github.com/elgatito/plugin.video.elementum/blob/master/resources/site-packages/elementum/navigation.py#L442 https://codedocs.xyz/AlwinEsch/kodi/group__python__xbmcgui__listitem.html#gad3f9b9befa5f3d2f4683f9957264dbbe that was added in kodi 13

while new tmdb scraper uses addAvailableArtwork() func https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/a80d1293b0579bbed7dd7d20304ba34a20519f78/addons/metadata.themoviedb.org.python/python/scraper.py#L81 https://codedocs.xyz/AlwinEsch/kodi/group__python__xbmcgui__listitem.html#ga029e2e45023ed17a8f5305249959a149 that was added in kodi 18

so if by "manage artworks" you mean just to have more images - then it can be done. changing of image in UI ,of course, will be handled by kodi/skin as i described above.

matke-84 commented 3 years ago

@antonsoroko This option exists in the kodi, but when I apply it in the elementum, it changes temporarily and returns to the one that determines by elementum. Also like you said there is no choice of pictures and different fanarts. On the other hand, manage artwork option in tmdb helper really changes almost all fanarts and they remain changed. To be honest until I read what @Bequiet19 asked I didn’t even know it was possible with an online database. As I mentioned I don't have a local library. I only use elementum for stream. But I liked this option because it gives a lot of space for customization.

antonsoroko commented 3 years ago

yeah, if i change some "art" it does not persist. i kind of missed that behaviour. i guess it should be somehow saved to elementum database, but currently elementum generates these on the fly (and cache them). it does not really keep the data in db.

so i guess it will be not an easy task to implement this. sad.

matke-84 commented 3 years ago

@antonsoroko It seems to me that tmdb helper somehow changes rout when replacing a certain fanart. For example, if in the elementum by default we gave a query for the fanart with the most votes and in English it is under a certain number on fanart.tv. The TMDB helper probably makes a different query at that point and changes the query for a particular fanart. I don't know, I'm just guessing.

antonsoroko commented 3 years ago


This also works with the online database in TMDB helper,

did you mean that TMDB helper can change artwork for elemetum items? or something else?

also - what is the full name (or better addon id) of this "TMDB helper" addon?

matke-84 commented 3 years ago

@antonsoroko Unfortunately no. Works only with tmdb helper. That's his menu. TheMovieDB Helper. Here is the link. https://github.com/jurialmunkey/plugin.video.themoviedb.helper I found it while the elementum had stopped developing a bit. Besides the elementum the only addon I still use but lately much less often.

antonsoroko commented 3 years ago

@matke-84 so i tried to read their code and search info about this in kodi. looks like there is no way to use internal kodi functionality to change artwork for non-library items. and in addon code i can see that they use custom dialogs to ask user about what to change and to what image.

could you please confirm that tmdb helper does not use kodi internal functionality and use its own dialogs?

matke-84 commented 3 years ago

@antonsoroko Yes, I confirm that tmdb helper is not using Kodi internal artwork manager but his own. When I use the internal kodi artwork manager then the same thing happens as the elementum, only temporarily change image and then immediately returns to the default. When I use tmdb helper artwork manager then the image is saved. artwork1 artwork2 artwork3 artwork4

antonsoroko commented 3 years ago

thank you for screenshots!

yeah, so basically they re-implemented existing kodi functionality because it does not work with non-library items. to be honest it should not be super hard to do the same but i would prefer to do something more relevant for me at the moment.

in case if someone is interested - here is the "reference" code from thdm helper - https://github.com/jurialmunkey/plugin.video.themoviedb.helper/blob/abc6e8bb6284571a90d95cb2e228bec2a106b5cd/resources/lib/fanarttv/api.py#L232

but ideally, I would prefer that kodi introduce some sort of mechanism to notify addons that an image has been changed by the user.

matke-84 commented 3 years ago

@antonsoroko You're welcome. Thank you for everything you do. ;-)