elgatito / plugin.video.elementum

Elementum add-on for Kodi. Development of this addon has been stopped!
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Video's "playback progress" sync from Trakt to internal menus #782

Open antonsoroko opened 3 years ago

antonsoroko commented 3 years ago

Expected Behavior

if user do not use kodi library and if user enabled scrobble then we can get % and set it in elementum's menus (do not confuse with kodi library), so it will be shown in skins and can be used to continue playback from different devices.

if kodi library is used - this already works for kodi's library items.

Current Behavior

currently we do/send scrobble (if enabled), but we do not receive it.

Possible Solution

we can get info from https://trakt.docs.apiary.io/#reference/sync/playback/get-playback-progress like we do for kodi library in RefreshTraktPaused function and set ResumeTime in our code for our ListItems https://alwinesch.github.io/group__python__xbmcgui__listitem.html#ga96f1976952584c91e6d59c310ce86a25 example https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=369255&pid=3134379#pid3134379

also, i have seen that skins use ListItem.PercentPlayed so if will not be set by kodi automatically, then we also need to set it.


there is a small fix to show resume data in elementum menu if library integration is enabled https://github.com/elgatito/plugin.video.elementum/issues/959#issuecomment-2125253775 . that resume data is per library video.

we also have internal "resume data" (it is not received from trakt, but from kodi's player when you play video) that is used by option called "by Elementum". this resume data is per torrent.

and here the idea is to get resume data from trakt even when user do no use kodi library (for people like me). this data will be per TMDB id.

and obviously we will have to deal with some issues because we will have 3 sources of "resume data". e.g.: which sources has more priority, how to make sure that all items (kodi/elementum) has same resume time, how to make sure that if you play in one place - then in other place resume also was updated.

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

1. 2. 3. 4.


Your Environment

burekas7 commented 9 months ago

Hi, @elgatito

I see it's an old issue but still relevant. I will glad to know the status here. I have the same issue.

The option of "Sync playback progress into Kodi library" is enabled but it doesn't work. Kodi Library doesn't show the progress percentage according to Elementum progress.

By the way, I will glad to know if this option can be implemented also for the opposite way, from Kodi Library into Elementum (Based on Trakt data of course)

@antonsoroko , please confirm if you meant the same bug as I mentioned. If not, I will open a new separated issue.

Elementum: 0.1.98 Kodi: 20.1 Skin: Titan OS: Windoes

antonsoroko commented 9 months ago

@burekas7 i think you are talking about different thing. this is about elementum items (the ones you see when you navigate through elementum's menus).

unless you confuse Kodi library with elementum's internal menus (that might look like a "library").

no offence, just to avoid any misunderstanding, i will tell this: for kodi library integration you need to enable/set appropriate settings in elementum so elementum will write nfo+strm files into some directory, then add 2 library directories (movies & shows, they are inside directory that you set in elementum settings) to kodi as library sources in kodi settings - this is mandatory and should be obvious.

from your old log from other issue: LibrarySyncEnabled: false, so the sync is not enabled.

(just LibraryEnabled: true, is not enough (it just enables library, so you can add things manually), see https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aelgatito%2Felementum+LibrarySyncEnabled&type=code)

also i am not sure that you added 2 directories to kodi. check what you have in userdata/sources.xml.

if nowadays you actually have that options enabled and 2 directories added but "Sync playback progress into Kodi library" really does not work, then: code is here https://github.com/elgatito/elementum/blob/636ec924ce75d69eefd176ee81f9f5855c6ce2d3/library/trakt.go#L692C1-L692C1 you can try to read code and check if the logic is ok or not. (i do not use library, so right now i do not want to take a look at this code.) or create new issue with log file and etc.

burekas7 commented 9 months ago

@antonsoroko I disabled this "LibrarySyncEnabled" since I wanted to have a control on what added to library.

Currently, maybe I work wrong, but My Collection in Trakt holds additional TV Shows in addition to what I have now in my Kodi Library, and if I enable it, it starts automatically to add to my library five TV Shows from there which I don't want in the library. I don't know why it's doing it. Even when the setting of "Sync items from collections into Kodi Library" in Trakt menu is disabled. (The only option there which enabled is "Sync items from user lists into Kodi Library", and non of the lists contains this extra TV Show, it's clearly sync them from the My Collection in Trakt) This is why I disabled it.

I just want that the playback progress will be synced between Elementum and Kodi Library.

I think I opened an issue on it somewhere a long time ago, but I need to find it somewhere here. If not I will open a new issue for it.

Edit: These five tv shows that were added, they are "fully" collected by Trakt in the My Collection. This is why it added these specific Tv Shows, the other are still partly collected so they weren't added.

By the way, your issue here was solved? This playback progress is saved locally or if I will open it in another device the progress in Elementum and Library will be synced too?

antonsoroko commented 9 months ago

@burekas7 1.

By the way, your issue here was solved?

this is not an issue, this is the feature request that i wrote in case if i or elgatito will have time to implement this feature. and as i clearly said above - it is not about library (for library we already have such code and option - the one you mentioned), this one is about internal elementum's menus - for people like me who do not use kodi library.

with library integration enabled and "Sync playback progress into Kodi library" enabled - you should be able to see same progress in all devices, unless code (link above) does not work anymore.


I just want that the playback progress will be synced between Elementum and Kodi Library.

Regarding your issue - please create a separate issue. We should not mix different discussions.

but as i can see sync of playback does not depend on LibrarySyncEnabled, so it should work if you just enable library integration and "Sync playback progress into Kodi library": https://github.com/elgatito/elementum/blob/657ca6ef822725f9521173403edf5b441ffc3524/library/library.go#L296 https://github.com/elgatito/elementum/blob/657ca6ef822725f9521173403edf5b441ffc3524/library/trakt.go#L143 https://github.com/elgatito/elementum/blob/636ec924ce75d69eefd176ee81f9f5855c6ce2d3/library/trakt.go#L769

ideally - you can spend some time and read the code to see why it might not work for you, so then you do more tests and provide more info or even a fix. it is better then just creating issue.

to answer some of your other unrelated (to this feature request) questions (this is last time in this thread):


and if I enable it, it starts automatically to add to my library five TV Shows

just to be clear - if "Sync items from collections into Kodi Library" is enabled then elementum add everything from trakt collection to kodi library, as was answered here https://github.com/elgatito/plugin.video.elementum/issues/823#issuecomment-917693555

so the fact that it adds all things from collection - is expected.

  1. Even when the setting of "Sync items from collections into Kodi Library" in Trakt menu is disabled.

if you mean that those 5 shows are not in trakt anymore but they still got added then you got answer here https://github.com/elgatito/plugin.video.elementum/issues/825#issuecomment-1011422896

you just decided not to ask how to overcome it :-)

iirc i fixed similar issue, see https://github.com/elgatito/plugin.video.elementum/issues/825#issuecomment-1862640243 for possible solutiuon.

elgatito commented 9 months ago

Playback progress is synced to Kodi with trakt_sync_playback_progress setting enabled.

We automatically track progress with Trakt scrobble and sync progress to Kodi on each Trakt sync run. Of course that is only for Kodi library items, that we can find for specific Trakt IDs.

It is working properly, as I have it on multiple devices and when I watch something on one device - others will show that item as partly watched and with proper progress percentage. That is not something controlled by a skin. Kodi will report progress status per each library item. And that is only for Kodi library items. I don't see a way to properly manage playback progress for just anything.

antonsoroko commented 9 months ago

@elgatito to make it clear, since there are 2 different topics now:

  1. I created this feature request for internal items that you see when you browse elementum menus. i think it can be implemented by using info from "Possible Solution"
  2. @burekas7 has some issue with trakt_sync_playback_progress and he misunderstood my feature request as the issue that he has and wrote here. now we have a messy communication :-D
burekas7 commented 9 months ago

@antonsoroko Just to be sure before I open a new issue. Are you sure that the playback progress should be synced with Kodi Library even if "Enable Kodi library synchronization" is disabled? Because it works only when it's enabled.

"Enable library integration with Kodi" (Kodi library) and "Enable synchronization while playback" (Kodi library) and "Enable synchronization while playback" (Trakt) and "Sync playback progress into Kodi library" (Trakt) - are enabled

By the way, why there is duplicate of this setting "Enable synchronization while playback" (Kodi library and Trakt)?

antonsoroko commented 9 months ago


Are you sure that the playback progress should be synced with Kodi Library even if "Enable Kodi library synchronization" is disabled? Because it works only when it's enabled.

note that i wrote "as i can see sync of playback does not depend on LibrarySyncEnabled" - key part is "as i can see". i can be wrong. although i checked again and i do no see why LibrarySyncEnabled should affect TraktSyncPlaybackProgress but i could have missed something. i am quite far from knowing all of the elementum's code.

so maybe it is a bug. unless it is "by design" for some strange reason. make sense to create a new issue.

duplicate of this setting "Enable synchronization while playback" (Kodi library and Trakt)

context: in general it means to do sync while something is playing. sync can slow down device so if you play something and there is a sync going on - video can stutter - so you have an option to disable sync when you play something.

but there a 2 type of syncs:

  1. trakt site <=> elementum
  2. elemetum <=> kodi library

thus 2 separate options.

you can search for plugin.video.elementum parameter name (like trakt_sync_playback_enabled) from settings.xml in https://github.com/elgatito/elementum/ repo and then search for elementum parameter name (like TraktSyncPlaybackEnabled) to find where it used.

elgatito commented 9 months ago


By the way, why there is duplicate of this setting "Enable synchronization while playback" (Kodi library and Trakt)?

That is same label for different options. One for starting Kodi library update while playback is active. Second for starting Trakt sync while playback is active.

Are you sure that the playback progress should be synced with Kodi Library even if "Enable Kodi library synchronization" is disabled? Because it works only when it's enabled.

It should not work. Because if you enable Trakt progress sync then we get that information from Trakt, but if you don't enable Kodi library integration then we don't have information about Kodi library and so we cannot set playback progress.

I think without Kodi library integration Elementum should store playback progress internally and then if you try to start that item from Elementum - it should propose you to continue playback.

Actualy, as next comment says, I think we are not storing playback progress for non-library items, so that is how you don't get questions for continuing playback if you disable Kodi library integration.

elgatito commented 9 months ago


if user enabled scrobble then we can get % and set it in kodi, so it will be shown in skins and can be used to continue playback from different devices.

Playback progress is assigned only to Kodi library items. I was never thinking about having Elementum's internal list of Movies/Shows, as long as Elementum was always coupled with Kodi library as the target and the source of what should we store.

But we can probably do same way we do with playcount that stores snapshot of playcounts and is fully refreshed each time.

burekas7 commented 9 months ago

@elgatito @antonsoroko Just to be sure if it's a known issue.

When I'm watching through Elementum, the progress is updating also in the Kodi Library item. But when I'm watching through Kodi Library, the progress isn't updating in Elementum (Trakt -> My Collection, for example)

Is this what you have been talking about it here?

So actually there is no way to share this progress with other devices?

antonsoroko commented 9 months ago

@burekas7 i can't answer other questions with 100% confidence, since i do not use library, but @elgatito has already answered your questions above.

let me add more details and paraphrase, maybe it will be more clear:

Is this what you have been talking about it here?

No. it is about only internal menus of elementum. not connected to kodi library. that's why i asked you to create separate issue, but then we found out that you just misconfigured your elementum (you must enable "Enable library integration with Kodi" as elgatito said).

But when I'm watching through Kodi Library, the progress isn't updating in Elementum (Trakt -> My Collection, for example)

read @elgatito answer above:

It is working properly, as I have it on multiple devices and when I watch something on one device - others will show that item as partly watched and with proper progress percentage. That is not something controlled by a skin. Kodi will report progress status per each library item. And that is only for Kodi library items. I don't see a way to properly manage playback progress for just anything.

before diving into technical details, you need to understand 1 thing: in file explorer open library directory/folder and open any .strm file (also open any .nfo file, just out of curiosity), and you will see that it has a link to elementum, so visually it is kodi library, but video is from elementum. which means that elementum have info about video, so elementum can send data to trakt about this video (like watched status, or playback %).

from technical point of view it works as elgatito wrote above:

Playback progress is synced to Kodi with trakt_sync_playback_progress setting enabled. We automatically track progress with Trakt scrobble and sync progress to Kodi on each Trakt sync run. Of course that is only for Kodi library items, that we can find for specific Trakt IDs.

to paraphrase:

  1. when you watch video from elementum - elementum sends data to trakt (including % of playback), so it is sync from "kodi/elementum -> trakt"
  2. then in background we always check is used did something (trakt has api call about it) and if used did - we do sync
  3. among other things, this sync also sync % from "trakt -> kodi/elementum" (if you have library integration enabled, of course)


So actually there is no way to share this progress with other devices?

incorrect. if you have library integration enabled (and all other necessary library options enabled) then it does work!!! and this feature was added 4 years ago, as i can see. it is just your elementum configuration was incorrect, so it have not worked for you only.

Is this what you have been talking about it here?

as i wrote in my previous comments - this issue about internal menus. we do not sync "% playback" data from trakt to internal menus, only to kodi library.

I do not think i can explain it more clearly and more detailed :-D

@burekas7 if sync between multiple devices does not work for you - create new issue plz.

burekas7 commented 9 months ago

@antonsoroko You all the time mentions "If you have library integration enabled" - But I have already enabled it! Since I figure out and found the hidden TV Shows that were always added to my library when I tried to enable it. All our last discussions are when it's enabled.

As I said it works in "one direction" - Watching in Elementum updates the progress of the same item in Kodi Library. But watching in Kodi Library doesn't update the progress in Elementum. (Currently tested on the same device)

Clearing the cache, waiting for Trakt updates/sync etc.., nothing change it.

So it's a bug and I will create a new issue for it.

antonsoroko commented 9 months ago


So it's a bug and I will create a new issue for it.

okay. as i said - i do not use library in real life, only in my development environment. but author use it and he said that i works for him. maybe you and him have different configurations, maybe there is some "conditional" bug, anyway it is better to discuss this in separate issue.

burekas7 commented 9 months ago


So, following my issue: https://github.com/elgatito/plugin.video.elementum/issues/959 What is the status regarding the issue here. Is it possible to sync the progress from Trakt into Elementum? So the progress of Kodi Library <-> Trakt <-> Elementum, all be synced on both directions?

antonsoroko commented 9 months ago

What is the status regarding the issue here.

most likely it can be implemented but nobody tried so far.

elgatito commented 9 months ago


Is it possible to sync the progress from Trakt into Elementum? So the progress of Kodi Library <-> Trakt <-> Elementum, all be synced on both directions?

Elementum is getting from Kodi library only items, that belong to Elementum. So that playback progress of those items are also controlled by Elementum. If something is played by Elementum with enabled Trakt sync - then progress is updated on Trakt and later is synced to other devices Kodi libraries.

burekas7 commented 9 months ago


Is it possible to sync the progress from Trakt into Elementum? So the progress of Kodi Library <-> Trakt <-> Elementum, all be synced on both directions?

Elementum is getting from Kodi library only items, that belong to Elementum. So that playback progress of those items are also controlled by Elementum. If something is played by Elementum with enabled Trakt sync - then progress is updated on Trakt and later is synced to other devices Kodi libraries.

So why when I'm watching through the Kodi Library, the progress of the same item isn't updating in Elementum? (As I said, when watching through Elementum it's ok, it does update the Kodi Library item progress. But not in the opposite direction)

elgatito commented 9 months ago

So why when I'm watching through the Kodi Library

With Kodi library integration enabled or disabled?

same item isn't updating in Elementum?

What exactly you mean by "updating in Elementum"? Where you expect to see something and what you expect to see in Elementum after you started something from Kodi library?

burekas7 commented 9 months ago


With Kodi library integration enabled or disabled?


What exactly you mean by "updating in Elementum"? Where you expect to see something and what you expect to see in Elementum after you started something from Kodi library?

Watching a movie in my Kodi Library, I'm expecting that the same progress will be shown in Elementum -> Movies -> Trakt > My Collection. (For the opposite direction, it does sync the progress between them)

elgatito commented 8 months ago

@burekas7 Can you post here part of the Kodi log with addon settings (or whole log)? I want to see which syncs are enabled/disabled on your host.

burekas7 commented 8 months ago

@burekas7 Can you post here part of the Kodi log with addon settings (or whole log)? I want to see which syncs are enabled/disabled on your host.


elgatito commented 8 months ago

Leaving this to have a log cut:

2023-12-29 15:04:58.497 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum] INFO  config       в–¶ Reload           Using configuration: &config.Configuration{
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   DownloadPath: "F:\\KODI_Downloads\\Elementum",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TorrentsPath: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Kodi v20.1 x64 Nightly\\portable_data\\cache\\elementum_torrents",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   LibraryPath: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Kodi v20.1 x64 Nightly\\portable_data\\userdata\\addon_data\\plugin.video.elementum",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   Info: &xbmc.AddonInfo{
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Author: "elgatito",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Changelog: "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Description: "Elementum is a torrent finding and streaming engine. It doesn't go on torrent websites for legal reasons. However, it calls specially crafted add-ons (called providers) that are installed separately.[CR]This project is a fork of the well known, but no longer maintained Pulsar/Quasar projects from steeve and scakemyer.",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Disclaimer: "The author does not own or host any content found within this Addon. The author is not connected to or in any other way affiliated with Kodi, Team Kodi, or the XBMC Foundation.",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Fanart: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Kodi v20.1 x64 Nightly\\portable_data\\addons\\plugin.video.elementum\\fanart.jpg",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Home: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Kodi v20.1 x64 Nightly\\portable_data\\",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Icon: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Kodi v20.1 x64 Nightly\\portable_data\\addons\\plugin.video.elementum\\icon.png",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     ID: "plugin.video.elementum",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Name: "Elementum",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.498 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Path: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Kodi v20.1 x64 Nightly\\portable_data\\addons\\plugin.video.elementum\\",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Profile: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Kodi v20.1 x64 Nightly\\portable_data\\userdata\\addon_data\\plugin.video.elementum\\",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     TempPath: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Kodi v20.1 x64 Nightly\\portable_data\\cache\\elementum",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Stars: "-1",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Summary: "Elementum: Media streaming",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Type: "xbmc.python.pluginsource",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Version: "0.1.98",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Xbmc: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Kodi v20.1 x64 Nightly\\",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   },
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   Platform: &xbmc.Platform{
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     OS: "windows",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Arch: "x64",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Version: "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Kodi: 20,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     Build: "20.1 (20.1.0) Git:20230316-5b10dbab1b",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   },
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   Language: "en",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   Region: "AU",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.499 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TemporaryPath: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Kodi v20.1 x64 Nightly\\portable_data\\cache\\elementum",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ProfilePath: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Kodi v20.1 x64 Nightly\\portable_data\\userdata\\addon_data\\plugin.video.elementum\\",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   HomePath: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Kodi v20.1 x64 Nightly\\portable_data\\",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   XbmcPath: "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Kodi v20.1 x64 Nightly\\",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   SpoofUserAgent: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   DownloadFileStrategy: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   KeepDownloading: 1,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   KeepFilesPlaying: 1,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   KeepFilesFinished: 1,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UseTorrentHistory: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TorrentHistorySize: 200,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UseFanartTv: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   DisableBgProgress: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   DisableBgProgressPlayback: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ForceUseTrakt: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UseCacheSelection: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UseCacheSearch: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UseCacheTorrents: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.500 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   CacheSearchDuration: 120,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ShowFilesWatched: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ResultsPerPage: 30,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   GreetingEnabled: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   EnableOverlayStatus: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   SilentStreamStart: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoYesEnabled: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoYesTimeout: 10,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ChooseStreamAutoMovie: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ChooseStreamAutoShow: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ChooseStreamAutoSearch: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ForceLinkType: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UseOriginalTitle: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UseAnimeEnTitle: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UseLowestReleaseDate: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AddSpecials: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AddEpisodeNumbers: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ShowUnairedSeasons: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.501 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ShowUnairedEpisodes: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ShowEpisodesOnReleaseDay: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ShowUnwatchedEpisodesNumber: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ShowSeasonsAll: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ShowSeasonsOrder: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ShowSeasonsSpecials: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   SmartEpisodeStart: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   SmartEpisodeMatch: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   SmartEpisodeChoose: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   LibraryEnabled: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   LibrarySyncEnabled: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   LibrarySyncPlaybackEnabled: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   LibraryUpdate: 2,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   StrmLanguage: "en",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.502 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   LibraryNFOMovies: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   LibraryNFOShows: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   PlaybackPercent: 95,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   DownloadStorage: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   SkipBurstSearch: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoMemorySize: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoKodiBufferSize: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoAdjustMemorySize: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoMemorySizeStrategy: 1,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   MemorySize: 262144000,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoAdjustBufferSize: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   MinCandidateSize: 104857600,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   MinCandidateShowSize: 4194304,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   BufferTimeout: 300,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   BufferSize: 62914560,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.503 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   EndBufferSize: 4194304,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   KodiBufferSize: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UploadRateLimit: 1024000,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   DownloadRateLimit: 14336000,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoloadTorrents: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoloadTorrentsPaused: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   LimitAfterBuffering: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ConnectionsLimit: 200,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ConnTrackerLimit: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ConnTrackerLimitAuto: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   SessionSave: 15,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   SeedForever: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ShareRatioLimit: 25,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   SeedTimeRatioLimit: 200,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   SeedTimeLimit: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   DisableUpload: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.504 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   DisableLSD: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   DisableDHT: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   DisableTCP: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   DisableUTP: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   DisableUPNP: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   EncryptionPolicy: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ListenPortMin: 6881,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ListenPortMax: 6891,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ListenInterfaces: "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ListenAutoDetectIP: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ListenAutoDetectPort: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   OutgoingInterfaces: "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TunedStorage: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   DiskCacheSize: 12582912,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UseLibtorrentConfig: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UseLibtorrentLogging: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UseLibtorrentDeadlines: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.505 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UseLibtorrentPauseResume: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   LibtorrentProfile: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   MagnetResolveTimeout: 40,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AddExtraTrackers: 1,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   RemoveOriginalTrackers: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ModifyTrackersStrategy: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   Scrobble: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoScrapeEnabled: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoScrapeLibraryEnabled: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoScrapeStrategy: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoScrapeStrategyExpect: 3,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoScrapePerHours: 12,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoScrapeLimitMovies: 50,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   AutoScrapeInterval: 30,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktAuthorized: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktUsername: "burekas",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktToken: "********",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktRefreshToken: "********",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktTokenExpiry: 1704152883,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.506 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncEnabled: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncPlaybackEnabled: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncFrequencyMin: 5,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncCollections: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncWatchlist: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncUserlists: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncPlaybackProgress: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncHidden: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncWatched: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncWatchedBack: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncAddedMovies: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncAddedMoviesLocation: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncAddedMoviesList: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncAddedShows: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncAddedShowsLocation: 1,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncAddedShowsList: 22227909,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.507 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncRemovedMovies: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.508 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncRemovedMoviesBack: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.508 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncRemovedMoviesLocation: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.508 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncRemovedMoviesList: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.508 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncRemovedShows: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.508 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncRemovedShowsBack: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.508 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncRemovedShowsLocation: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.508 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktSyncRemovedShowsList: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.508 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktProgressUnaired: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.508 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktProgressSort: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.509 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktProgressDateFormat: "dd-mm-yyyy",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.509 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktProgressColorDate: "yellow",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.509 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktProgressColorShow: "none",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.509 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktProgressColorEpisode: "skyblue",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.509 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktProgressColorUnaired: "chocolate",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.509 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktCalendarsDateFormat: "yyyy-mm-dd",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.509 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktCalendarsColorDate: "yellow",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.509 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktCalendarsColorShow: "none",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.509 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktCalendarsColorEpisode: "skyblue",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.509 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TraktCalendarsColorUnaired: "deeppink",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.510 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UpdateFrequency: 1,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.510 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UpdateDelay: 10,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.510 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   UpdateAutoScan: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.510 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   PlayResumeAction: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.511 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   PlayResumeBack: 5,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.511 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TMDBApiKey: "ecbc86c92da237cb9faff6d3ddc4be6d",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.511 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   TMDBShowUseProdCompanyAsStudio: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.511 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   OSDBUser: "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.511 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   OSDBPass: "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.511 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   OSDBLanguage: "en",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.511 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   OSDBAutoLanguage: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.511 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   OSDBAutoLoad: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.511 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   OSDBAutoLoadCount: 1,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.511 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   OSDBAutoLoadDelete: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.511 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   OSDBAutoLoadSkipExists: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.511 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   OSDBIncludedEnabled: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   OSDBIncludedSkipExists: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   SortingModeMovies: 1,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   SortingModeShows: 1,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ResolutionPreferenceMovies: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ResolutionPreferenceShows: 0,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   PercentageAdditionalSeeders: 25,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   CustomProviderTimeoutEnabled: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   CustomProviderTimeout: 120,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   InternalDNSEnabled: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   InternalDNSSkipIPv6: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   InternalDNSOpenNic: []string{
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]     "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   },
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   InternalProxyEnabled: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.512 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   InternalProxyLogging: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   InternalProxyLoggingBody: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ProxyURL: "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ProxyType: 1,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ProxyEnabled: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ProxyHost: "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ProxyPort: 1080,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ProxyLogin: "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ProxyPassword: "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ProxyUseHTTP: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ProxyUseTracker: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   ProxyUseDownload: true,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   CompletedMove: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   CompletedMoviesPath: "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   CompletedShowsPath: "",
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   LocalOnlyClient: false,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum]   LogLevel: 3,
2023-12-29 15:04:58.513 T:31308 warning <general>: [plugin.video.elementum] }
elgatito commented 8 months ago

@burekas7 Can you try one thing. Open playback from Kodi library (as written in issue description), then from Elementum settings run Kodi library update and then check playback state in Elementum.

The idea is to trigger library update from Elementum, which includes getting latest data from Kodi library. To check if that action is helping to update progress properly.

burekas7 commented 8 months ago

@burekas7 Can you try one thing. Open playback from Kodi library (as written in issue description), then from Elementum settings run Kodi library update and then check playback state in Elementum.

The idea is to trigger library update from Elementum, which includes getting latest data from Kodi library. To check if that action is helping to update progress properly.

I did. Playing from Kodi Library, stop, Elementum-Settings-Library-Update Nothing has been changed at first time, but suddenly it does update (But it happened once) But opening again the Elementum -> Trakt> My Collection, show the previous progress wrong value. It still shows the wrong progress value when doing it again (The last time progress what it was played through Elementum)

In addition, when I'm watching from Elementum, it automatically update Kodi library when I stop the playback, I don't need to force update or something like that.

Log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xrysfMkhth/plain

burekas7 commented 8 months ago

@elgatito Hi, Is there any new update about it?

antonsoroko commented 8 months ago

(looks like this conversation is going into wrong direction. i am almost sure that we sync "playback time" only from trakt to kodi library. if user watches inside elementum menus we just remember "playback time" and use it to continue playback (and there are different ways of how we continue, in settings user can choose), but it is local "playback time", not from trakt. only kodi library get "playback time" from trakt. what i mean - the feature I described is not implemented.)

elgatito commented 8 months ago

@burekas7 @antonsoroko

To be honest, I am totally lost. There are multiple issues regarding playback sync.

It would be helpful to have an easy script like:

but it is local "playback time", not from trakt. only kodi library get "playback time" from trakt.

@antonsoroko You mean you want to have playback progress sync got from Trakt and used when you start something directly from Elementum and not from Kodi library?

burekas7 commented 8 months ago


I already opened a separated issue, but @antonsoroko said it the same as here, so I continue to discuss on it here.

My problem is simple (I don't know if the solution is)

When the same items are exist in Kodi Library and Trakt Collection (Or any Trakt List)

I'm expecting that the last time the item was played, the progress will be update in all the relevant places (Elementum/Kodi Library) with the updated progress value (I don't sure where the value is saved, Trakt or in local Kodi files)

Now it works only in one direction (Elementum -> Kodi Library), but not the other direction (Kodi Library -> Elementum)

antonsoroko commented 8 months ago


You mean you want to have playback progress sync got from Trakt and used when you start something directly from Elementum and not from Kodi library?

yes. exactly this. personally i do not use library in real life (i use it only for development purposes), so i open everything inside elementum menus.

antonsoroko commented 8 months ago

to be clear: burekas7 wants slightly different thing - sync of "playback time" from kodi library item to elementum item by item i mean ListItem kodi's entity or we can say "video file".

my "feature request" is about use case when you do NOT have a library at all.

BUT if we implement sync from trakt to elementum's ListItems (this "feature request" #782) - then probably it also will automatically implement sync from kodi library to elementum, but via longer "path" (library->trakt->elementum).

(of course we can try to implement some hack to make a direct sync from library->elementum, but it will fix only use case described by burekas7 )

burekas7 commented 8 months ago

@antonsoroko @elgatito Exactly, correct. Basically there is a separated issue that I open for my case: https://github.com/elgatito/plugin.video.elementum/issues/959

But everything will be synced through Trakt I think it's the better choice. On that way, Trakt always keep the updated progress value, so you don't need to check what was the last source that was playing, and who should update who. So all devices will be synced too (Library and Elementum)

antonsoroko commented 4 months ago

@elgatito can we store resume data that we got from trakt in some "internal library" (like this stormdb library we already have)? like it is done for kodi library here.

so then, when we create ListItem we can grab that resume data and set ResumeTime.

what do you think?

i tried to write proof of concept but i stuck in "import cycle not allowed" error. GetMediaFromInternalLibrary.PATCH

burekas7 commented 1 month ago

@antonsoroko Is your fix merged into the last release 0.1.103? Becaues it doesn't work there.

antonsoroko commented 1 month ago

@burekas7 the fix was for #959 , not for this issue (I made the PR reference by mistake). Anyway, as you can see in PR it was merged on Jul 23, 2024, while version 0.1.103 was released on May 10, 2024, so fix will be available only in next version, but when @elgatito will release a new version - I do not know.