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OpenVPN tunnel TAP couldn't redirect all traffic on 3G #358

Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 8 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
This steps reproduces the problem:

1. install OpenVPN Settings fomr Google Paly (rooted DHD)
2. set OpneVPN client with:
     - TAP device
     - redirect all traffic
     - static key autentication
3. start OpenVPN connection

The expected output is all traffic redirected to tunnel.
(I'd like to use Skype from DHD via OpenVPN tunnel, because my mobile carrier 
aply extra-bill to VoIP traffic.)

With http://www.whatismyip.com I see my IP address is the public 3G IP, but it 
should be my home router's WAN IP

I'm using JellyBean - JELLYTIME for DHD/Inspire4g - 4.2.2 R11 (same problem 
with and R10)

OpenVPN server is integrated to my router NetGear DG834Gv4 with modified 
firmware (latest DgTeam firmware).

Additional information:

1) via WiFi it seems working, but I can't try only with my wifi and I nedd it 
woring on 3G.

2) the commands 

ip route flush table 2

should solve, but the following command in .ovpn ends with this error:

route-up "/system/bin/sh /system/bin/up.sh"

WARNING: Failed running command (--route-up): could not execute external program

(I applyed chmod 755 to up.sh)

3) In log file you could see that even this command ends with error:

/system/bin/ip route add via
ERROR: Linux route add command failed: external program exited with error 
status: 2

See my .ovpn and log file.

Thank you

Original issue reported on code.google.com by matteo.c...@gmail.com on 1 Jul 2013 at 9:33
