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better right/left sidebar css (Trac #1402) #93

Closed elgg-gitbot closed 11 years ago

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

Original ticket http://trac.elgg.org/ticket/1402 on 2009-12-08 by cash, assigned to cash.

Elgg version: 1.6

I think a better way to handle left and right sidebar with the core css is to define a sidebar class that contains things like border, width, background, etc. Then define ids for left and right sidebar that contain anything unique to being on the left or right like float or margin.

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

brettp wrote on 2010-02-01

Discussion: http://community.elgg.org/mod/groups/topicposts.php?topic=397103&group_guid=212846

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

Milestone changed to Elgg 1.8 by brettp on 2010-02-01

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

ewinslow wrote on 2010-11-24

Here's what I had in mind:

.elgg_page (optionally + .elgg_admin_page)
        [.elgg_right_sidebar] (optional)
        [.elgg_left_sidebar] (optional)
        .elgg_body_contents (fluid, takes up remaining space not used by sidebars)


  1. They're all classes, not id's
  2. It's possible to have 2 left sidebars
  3. The naming convention is more consistent. i.e., /elgg_(header|body|footer)(_contents)?/

Inspired by https://github.com/stubbornella/oocss/wiki/Template.


elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

ewinslow wrote on 2010-12-03


The way I envisioned .elgg-body is that it's fluid width, so no need for width specifier. It just takes up whatever space the asides don't use. This allows us to change the layout with and the aside widths independently of each other, rather than having to keep everything in sync.

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

cash wrote on 2010-12-03

Are you suggesting we use this hack?

.main{display:table-cell;_display:block;width:auto;} .body,.main{_zoom:1;} .body:after,.main:after{clear:both;display:block;visibility:hidden;overflow:hidden;height:0 !important;line-height:0;font-size:xx-large;content:" x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ";}

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

ewinslow wrote on 2010-12-03

The * hacks are for IE. The xxxxx stuff is clearfix. Who knows why there are so many x's... and we already have our own clearfix implementation.

{display:table-cell; width:auto} seems fair to try out, no?

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

cash wrote on 2010-12-03

The xxxx stuff is what makes it fill the space. {display:table-cell; width:auto} does not do that.

If we want a fixed width sidebar and a space filling main column, the options that I know of are:

Using a table layout means you cannot float the columns to achieve right/left sidebar changes. It also doesn't work with IE6 or IE7 so we would need to implement negative margins.

Specifying the width or using the xxxx hack look like the best options.

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

ewinslow wrote on 2010-12-03

There is method in the madness! Cool. The other techniques I can think of are overflow: hidden or inline-block. Haven't tested those though.

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

cash wrote on 2010-12-03

Another option is absolute positioning the sidebar. Neither overflow: hidden nor inline-block should work (or maybe I don't know where you're going with those).

The key is getting the body div to either fill the available space up to the sidebar or fill the entire parent div with a margin for sidebar. All the margin/absolute positioning techniques require CSS markup of the body div based on the size of the sidebar. I'd rather not deal with that and just use a width on the body div.

At this point, the two contenders seem to be main column width or using the xxxx hack. The xxxx hack has the advantage of being able to reuse it in any body|aside module.

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

ewinslow wrote on 2010-12-03

overflow:hidden is magical: http://www.stubbornella.org/content/2009/07/23/overflow-a-secret-benefit/.

Sounds like display:table-cell is best, though, because there's no chance of having content clipped. Why don't we go with that?

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

cash wrote on 2010-12-04

Very cool - I didn't know that about overflow. I agree it is not a good solution due to clipping.

By display:table-cell, do you mean the xxxx trick or a table based layout using display:table* elements?

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

ewinslow wrote on 2010-12-04

xxxx means we can use floats, but display:table* gives equal-height columns. I'm not too picky either way. I hate to cite cross-browser issues, but I'm betting xxxx will do better with these. I'm not sure what fallback we could use for older browsers if we went with display:table* since it requires a certain order in the source code.

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

cash wrote on 2010-12-04

I'll deal with creating an expanding .elgg-body first and then deal with the equal column heights.

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

cash wrote on 2010-12-04

(In [svn:7528]) refs (Trac Ticket 1402) first cut of the new sidebar layout code (plus some other stuff - very non-atomic commit). blog plugin uses the one sidebar layout and bookmarks uses the two sidebar layout (for testing purposes)

elgg-gitbot commented 11 years ago

cash wrote on 2011-02-06

sidebar layouts work - still working on spacing filling body options