For all single-line profile entries (Brief description, Location, Interests, Skills (if not more)), Elgg escapes & < and > twice on output, resulting in the user seeing HTML entities on the profile view and edit pages.
To duplicate, save "& < >" in one of the fields. It will display as "& < &rt;" in later requests. Thankfully the ampersands in the entities are not re-escaped when you re-save the value.
Original ticket on 2009-12-08 by trac user mrclay, assigned to unknown.
Elgg version: 1.6
For all single-line profile entries (Brief description, Location, Interests, Skills (if not more)), Elgg escapes & < and > twice on output, resulting in the user seeing HTML entities on the profile view and edit pages.
To duplicate, save "& < >" in one of the fields. It will display as "& < &rt;" in later requests. Thankfully the ampersands in the entities are not re-escaped when you re-save the value.