Open JerryX1110 opened 2 years ago
Same question here.
Same, I would like to visualize the xyz image. Did you manage to do it?
was any able to visulize anomaly maps??
The paper of Patchcore has some problem. We suggest that you pay attention to this problem, so as not to step on the pit again. see:
was any able to visulize anomaly maps??
I don't do research anymore, but I might be able to help.
was any able to visulize anomaly maps??
I don't do research anymore, but I might be able to help.
Can you please give some suggestions about visulization?? Thank you
The paper of Patchcore has some problem. We suggest that you pay attention to this problem, so as not to step on the pit again. see:
What kind of problems???
What kind of problems??? The Patchcore paper defines a module with side effects, and there is no ablation experiment, no code implementation, but it is implemented by this project., this paper discussed and solved the problem, are interested can read.
was any able to visulize anomaly maps??
I don't do research anymore, but I might be able to help.
Can you please give some suggestions about visulization?? Thank you
I will help you find the code this weekend, too long haven't done this work, a little forgot. Of course, it is better that the author can open source.
was any able to visulize anomaly maps??
I don't do research anymore, but I might be able to help.
Can you please give some suggestions about visulization?? Thank you
I will help you find the code this weekend, too long haven't done this work, a little forgot. Of course, it is better that the author can open source.
Thank you... I will wait for your response. Appreciate it
was any able to visulize anomaly maps??
I don't do research anymore, but I might be able to help.
Can you please give some suggestions about visulization?? Thank you
I will help you find the code this weekend, too long haven't done this work, a little forgot. Of course, it is better that the author can open source.
Thank you... I will wait for your response. Appreciate it
I'm sorry. I didn't manage my code well. The following I have written from memory, I hope it will be useful.
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Function to load point cloud data
def load_point_cloud_data(point_cloud_file):
Load point cloud data from a .npy file.
The file should contain a 3D tensor with shape (3, 224, 224).
point_cloud_file (str): Path to the .npy file containing the point cloud.
np.ndarray: A (N, 3) array of points where N is the total number of points.
# Load the point cloud tensor
point_cloud = np.load(point_cloud_file)
# Flatten the x, y, z components
x, y, z = point_cloud[0].flatten(), point_cloud[1].flatten(), point_cloud[2].flatten()
# Combine them into a single array of 3D points
points = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T
return points
# Function to load RGB image data
def load_rgb_image(rgb_image_file):
Load RGB image data and map it to corresponding point cloud points.
rgb_image_file (str): Path to the .png file containing the RGB image.
np.ndarray: A (N, 3) array of RGB values normalized to the range [0, 1].
# Read the RGB image
rgb_image = plt.imread(rgb_image_file)
# Flatten the image and normalize RGB values to [0, 1]
return rgb_image.reshape(-1, 3) / 255.0
# Function to load precomputed outlier mask
def load_outlier_mask(outlier_mask_file):
Load the outlier mask from a .npy file.
The file should contain a tensor with shape (1, 224, 224).
outlier_mask_file (str): Path to the .npy file containing the outlier mask.
np.ndarray: A boolean array of shape (N,) indicating outlier points.
# Load the outlier mask tensor
outlier_mask = np.load(outlier_mask_file)
# Flatten and convert to a boolean array
return outlier_mask.flatten().astype(bool)
# Function to visualize the point cloud
def visualize_point_cloud(points, colors, outliers):
Visualize the point cloud with normal points and outliers.
points (np.ndarray): A (N, 3) array of point cloud data.
colors (np.ndarray): A (N, 3) array of RGB values for the points.
outliers (np.ndarray): A boolean array indicating outlier points.
# Create an Open3D PointCloud object
pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
# Assign points and their colors
pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points)
pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors)
# Separate normal points and outliers
normal_pcd = pcd.select_by_index(np.where(~outliers)[0])
outlier_pcd = pcd.select_by_index(np.where(outliers)[0])
# Color outliers red
outlier_pcd.paint_uniform_color([1, 0, 0])
# Visualize the normal points and outliers together
o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([normal_pcd, outlier_pcd])
# Main function
def main():
Main pipeline to:
1. Load point cloud data.
2. Load corresponding RGB image.
3. Use the model-provided outlier mask.
4. Visualize the results.
# File paths
point_cloud_file = "0.tff" # Path to the point cloud file (assumed .npy format)
rgb_image_file = "0.png" # Path to the RGB image file
outlier_mask_file = "outlier_mask.npy" # Path to the precomputed outlier mask
# Load the point cloud data
points = load_point_cloud_data(point_cloud_file)
# Load the corresponding RGB image
colors = load_rgb_image(rgb_image_file)
# Load the precomputed outlier mask
outliers = load_outlier_mask(outlier_mask_file)
# Output statistics
print(f"Total points: {len(points)}, Outliers: {np.sum(outliers)}")
# Visualize the point cloud with outliers
visualize_point_cloud(points, colors, outliers)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Thanks for your insightful paper about 3D AD&S and the released neat code! I am trying to make some visualizations of the 3D data and blend an anomaly score map on it. However, I have a problem with the camera intrinsic parameter settings. Do you know how to visualize the point cloud with the given camera parameters using Open3D?