elias-sundqvist / obsidian-annotator

A plugin for reading and annotating PDFs and EPUBs in obsidian.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Remote code execution vulnerability #384

Open theGEBIRGE opened 1 month ago

theGEBIRGE commented 1 month ago

Hey, I've discovered a vulnerability in obsidian-annotator. I'm sticking to GitHub's default template for advisories (maybe consider adding a SECURITY.md):


Opening an ebook with malicious scripts inside can lead to remote code execution on the users's machine. Testing was done with Obsidian 1.5.12 and Annotator 0.2.11 on Windows.


Because of the epub.js configuration option allowScriptedContent = true, it is possible to execute arbitrary JavaScript code from within an epub file:


epub.js itself uses an iframe to display the epubs. While it does set the sandbox attribute, it also sets allow-same-origin. This can't be changed by the consumer of the library. A combination of allow-scripts and allow-same-origin renders the sandboxing obsolete (see here).

The developers of epub.js warn about this.

In the case of obsidian-annotator, exploitation is really simple, as the attacker has access to the node integration.


An ebook can be crafted with Calibre to include this bare minimum script:


That's it!


Users have to point the annotation-target to a malicious file (be that on the local or a remote system) and start to annotate it. However, the attacker doesn't have to prepare a book specifically for obsidian-annotator, but can use some fingerprinting to determine in what environment it's running.

Distribution of malicious books could be done via pirate sites or even (online) conversion services, which could inject those malicious scripts.

Some ideas

In an ideal world, scripted content would be turned off. There are, however, limitations with that approach. The author of foliate sums it up nicely here. Maybe the user could be given the option to toggle scripted content.

That's it! If something's unclear, please ask away.

Cheers Frederic

PS: Audio warning for the PoC video!


elias-sundqvist commented 1 month ago

Nice investigation 👍

Ideally people will just load trusted sources, but I can imagine pirated epubs being an issue...

A short term solution could maybe be to show a warning message to users when they try to load epubs?

Longer term it would be good if we could properly block such script execution though.

theGEBIRGE commented 1 month ago

Thanks! :^)

That sounds like a good solution.

I don't know how many ebooks are relying on script execution to present their content. Probably not too many. As far as I can tell, the main reason for enabling scripts is this WebKit bug that prevents events from propagating into the main window (touch events etc.).

If that's a usability trade-off that you're willing to make, you could turn scripted content off by default and let the user decide when to enable it.

johnfactotum commented 1 month ago

For now, blocking scripts with CSP, if possible, would be a better option than the Epub.js setting, as the WebKit bug would break stuff like showing a popover on selection change, which kind of an essential feature for all reading systems that allow annotations. Another advantage of CSP is that it allows you to block stuff like remote resources, which could be a privacy concern. Alternatively, blocking at the WebView level would be preferable if possible.

And—this is really an edge case, but there is another reason why you might want to block scripts even if you trust that the EPUB file is not malicious. Some EPUBs use APIs like localStorage to persist their own data.[^1] This could result in conflict and data loss if you don't serve different[^2] EPUBs from different origins, which is difficult and most reading systems probably don't. In fact—I'm not familiar with Obsidian, but if plugins are allowed to access localStorage and they all run in the same origin, that would extend the problem to the plugin level.

[^1]: localStorage is in fact supported by iBooks, according to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18348214/does-ibooks-support-localstorage-in-the-epub-format [^2]: To make matters worse, there's no real definition as to what counts as "the same EPUB", so depending on how you handle that, e.g. if you're using a weak hash to identify EPUB files, it might possible for a malicious EPUB to impersonate another EPUB and read its data.

theGEBIRGE commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the clarification and detailed explanation. I don't know how restrictive plugin development for Obsidian is, but I imagine one has the ability to specify a meta tag in order to implement a CSP.