eliben / pycparser

:snake: Complete C99 parser in pure Python
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Grammar railroad diagram #481

Closed mingodad closed 1 year ago

mingodad commented 2 years ago

Using a script to extract the grammar rules from https://github.com/eliben/pycparser/blob/master/pycparser/c_parser.py and manually adding the tokens from https://github.com/eliben/pycparser/blob/master/pycparser/c_lexer.py we can have a navigable railroad diagram.

Copy and paste the EBNF shown bellow on https://www.bottlecaps.de/rr/ui on the tab Edit Grammar then click the tab View Diagram:

translation_unit_or_empty   ::= translation_unit
                                        | empty

 translation_unit    ::= external_declaration

 translation_unit    ::= translation_unit external_declaration

 external_declaration    ::= function_definition

 external_declaration    ::= declaration

 external_declaration    ::= pp_directive
                                    | pppragma_directive

 external_declaration    ::= SEMI

 external_declaration    ::= static_assert

 static_assert           ::= _STATIC_ASSERT LPAREN constant_expression COMMA unified_string_literal RPAREN
                                    | _STATIC_ASSERT LPAREN constant_expression RPAREN

 pp_directive  ::= PPHASH

 pppragma_directive      ::= PPPRAGMA
                                    | PPPRAGMA PPPRAGMASTR

 pppragma_directive_list ::= pppragma_directive
                                    | pppragma_directive_list pppragma_directive

 function_definition ::= id_declarator declaration_list_opt compound_statement

 function_definition ::= declaration_specifiers id_declarator declaration_list_opt compound_statement

 statement   ::= labeled_statement
                        | expression_statement
                        | compound_statement
                        | selection_statement
                        | iteration_statement
                        | jump_statement
                        | pppragma_directive
                        | static_assert

 pragmacomp_or_statement     ::= pppragma_directive_list statement
                                        | statement

 decl_body ::= declaration_specifiers init_declarator_list_opt
                      | declaration_specifiers_no_type id_init_declarator_list_opt

 declaration ::= decl_body SEMI

 declaration_list    ::= declaration
                                | declaration_list declaration

 declaration_specifiers_no_type  ::= type_qualifier declaration_specifiers_no_type_opt

 declaration_specifiers_no_type  ::= storage_class_specifier declaration_specifiers_no_type_opt

 declaration_specifiers_no_type  ::= function_specifier declaration_specifiers_no_type_opt

 declaration_specifiers_no_type  ::= atomic_specifier declaration_specifiers_no_type_opt

 declaration_specifiers_no_type  ::= alignment_specifier declaration_specifiers_no_type_opt

 declaration_specifiers  ::= declaration_specifiers type_qualifier

 declaration_specifiers  ::= declaration_specifiers storage_class_specifier

 declaration_specifiers  ::= declaration_specifiers function_specifier

 declaration_specifiers  ::= declaration_specifiers type_specifier_no_typeid

 declaration_specifiers  ::= type_specifier

 declaration_specifiers  ::= declaration_specifiers_no_type type_specifier

 declaration_specifiers  ::= declaration_specifiers alignment_specifier

 storage_class_specifier ::= AUTO
                                    | REGISTER
                                    | STATIC
                                    | EXTERN
                                    | TYPEDEF
                                    | _THREAD_LOCAL

 function_specifier  ::= INLINE
                                | _NORETURN

 type_specifier_no_typeid  ::= VOID
                                      | _BOOL
                                      | CHAR
                                      | SHORT
                                      | INT
                                      | LONG
                                      | FLOAT
                                      | DOUBLE
                                      | _COMPLEX
                                      | SIGNED
                                      | UNSIGNED
                                      | __INT128

 type_specifier  ::= typedef_name
                            | enum_specifier
                            | struct_or_union_specifier
                            | type_specifier_no_typeid
                            | atomic_specifier

 atomic_specifier  ::= _ATOMIC LPAREN type_name RPAREN

 type_qualifier  ::= CONST
                            | RESTRICT
                            | VOLATILE
                            | _ATOMIC

 init_declarator_list    ::= init_declarator
                                    | init_declarator_list COMMA init_declarator

 init_declarator ::= declarator
                            | declarator EQUALS initializer

 id_init_declarator_list    ::= id_init_declarator
                                       | id_init_declarator_list COMMA init_declarator

 id_init_declarator ::= id_declarator
                               | id_declarator EQUALS initializer

 specifier_qualifier_list    ::= specifier_qualifier_list type_specifier_no_typeid

 specifier_qualifier_list    ::= specifier_qualifier_list type_qualifier

 specifier_qualifier_list  ::= type_specifier

 specifier_qualifier_list  ::= type_qualifier_list type_specifier

 specifier_qualifier_list  ::= alignment_specifier

 specifier_qualifier_list  ::= specifier_qualifier_list alignment_specifier

 struct_or_union_specifier   ::= struct_or_union ID
                                        | struct_or_union TYPEID

 struct_or_union_specifier ::= struct_or_union brace_open struct_declaration_list brace_close
                                      | struct_or_union brace_open brace_close

 struct_or_union_specifier   ::= struct_or_union ID brace_open struct_declaration_list brace_close
                                        | struct_or_union ID brace_open brace_close
                                        | struct_or_union TYPEID brace_open struct_declaration_list brace_close
                                        | struct_or_union TYPEID brace_open brace_close

 struct_or_union ::= STRUCT
                            | UNION

 struct_declaration_list     ::= struct_declaration
                                        | struct_declaration_list struct_declaration

 struct_declaration ::= specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list_opt SEMI

 struct_declaration ::= SEMI

 struct_declaration ::= pppragma_directive

 struct_declarator_list  ::= struct_declarator
                                    | struct_declarator_list COMMA struct_declarator

 struct_declarator ::= declarator

 struct_declarator   ::= declarator COLON constant_expression
                                | COLON constant_expression

 enum_specifier  ::= ENUM ID
                            | ENUM TYPEID

 enum_specifier  ::= ENUM brace_open enumerator_list brace_close

 enum_specifier  ::= ENUM ID brace_open enumerator_list brace_close
                            | ENUM TYPEID brace_open enumerator_list brace_close

 enumerator_list ::= enumerator
                            | enumerator_list COMMA
                            | enumerator_list COMMA enumerator

 alignment_specifier  ::= _ALIGNAS LPAREN type_name RPAREN
                                 | _ALIGNAS LPAREN constant_expression RPAREN

 enumerator  ::= ID
                        | ID EQUALS constant_expression

 declarator  ::= id_declarator
                        | typeid_declarator

 xxx_declarator  ::= direct_xxx_declarator

 xxx_declarator  ::= pointer direct_xxx_declarator

 direct_xxx_declarator   ::= yyy

 direct_xxx_declarator   ::= LPAREN xxx_declarator RPAREN

 direct_xxx_declarator   ::= direct_xxx_declarator LBRACKET type_qualifier_list_opt assignment_expression_opt RBRACKET

 direct_xxx_declarator   ::= direct_xxx_declarator LBRACKET STATIC type_qualifier_list_opt assignment_expression RBRACKET
                                    | direct_xxx_declarator LBRACKET type_qualifier_list STATIC assignment_expression RBRACKET

 direct_xxx_declarator   ::= direct_xxx_declarator LBRACKET type_qualifier_list_opt TIMES RBRACKET

 direct_xxx_declarator   ::= direct_xxx_declarator LPAREN parameter_type_list RPAREN
                                    | direct_xxx_declarator LPAREN identifier_list_opt RPAREN

 pointer ::= TIMES type_qualifier_list_opt
                    | TIMES type_qualifier_list_opt pointer

 type_qualifier_list ::= type_qualifier
                                | type_qualifier_list type_qualifier

 parameter_type_list ::= parameter_list
                                | parameter_list COMMA ELLIPSIS

 parameter_list  ::= parameter_declaration
                            | parameter_list COMMA parameter_declaration

 parameter_declaration   ::= declaration_specifiers id_declarator
                                    | declaration_specifiers typeid_noparen_declarator

 parameter_declaration   ::= declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator_opt

 identifier_list ::= identifier
                            | identifier_list COMMA identifier

 initializer ::= assignment_expression

 initializer ::= brace_open initializer_list_opt brace_close
                        | brace_open initializer_list COMMA brace_close

 initializer_list    ::= designation_opt initializer
                                | initializer_list COMMA designation_opt initializer

 designation ::= designator_list EQUALS

 designator_list ::= designator
                            | designator_list designator

 designator  ::= LBRACKET constant_expression RBRACKET
                        | PERIOD identifier

 type_name   ::= specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator_opt

 abstract_declarator     ::= pointer

 abstract_declarator     ::= pointer direct_abstract_declarator

 abstract_declarator     ::= direct_abstract_declarator

 direct_abstract_declarator  ::= LPAREN abstract_declarator RPAREN
 direct_abstract_declarator  ::= direct_abstract_declarator LBRACKET assignment_expression_opt RBRACKET

 direct_abstract_declarator  ::= LBRACKET type_qualifier_list_opt assignment_expression_opt RBRACKET

 direct_abstract_declarator  ::= direct_abstract_declarator LBRACKET TIMES RBRACKET

 direct_abstract_declarator  ::= LBRACKET TIMES RBRACKET

 direct_abstract_declarator  ::= direct_abstract_declarator LPAREN parameter_type_list_opt RPAREN

 direct_abstract_declarator  ::= LPAREN parameter_type_list_opt RPAREN

 block_item  ::= declaration
                        | statement

 block_item_list ::= block_item
                            | block_item_list block_item

 compound_statement ::= brace_open block_item_list_opt brace_close
 labeled_statement ::= ID COLON pragmacomp_or_statement
 labeled_statement ::= CASE constant_expression COLON pragmacomp_or_statement
 labeled_statement ::= DEFAULT COLON pragmacomp_or_statement
 selection_statement ::= IF LPAREN expression RPAREN pragmacomp_or_statement
 selection_statement ::= IF LPAREN expression RPAREN statement ELSE pragmacomp_or_statement
 selection_statement ::= SWITCH LPAREN expression RPAREN pragmacomp_or_statement
 iteration_statement ::= WHILE LPAREN expression RPAREN pragmacomp_or_statement
 iteration_statement ::= DO pragmacomp_or_statement WHILE LPAREN expression RPAREN SEMI
 iteration_statement ::= FOR LPAREN expression_opt SEMI expression_opt SEMI expression_opt RPAREN pragmacomp_or_statement
 iteration_statement ::= FOR LPAREN declaration expression_opt SEMI expression_opt RPAREN pragmacomp_or_statement
 jump_statement  ::= GOTO ID SEMI
 jump_statement  ::= BREAK SEMI
 jump_statement  ::= CONTINUE SEMI
 jump_statement  ::= RETURN expression SEMI
                            | RETURN SEMI

 expression_statement ::= expression_opt SEMI
 expression  ::= assignment_expression
                        | expression COMMA assignment_expression

 assignment_expression ::= LPAREN compound_statement RPAREN
 typedef_name ::= TYPEID
 assignment_expression   ::= conditional_expression
                                    | unary_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression

 assignment_operator ::= EQUALS
                                | XOREQUAL
                                | TIMESEQUAL
                                | DIVEQUAL
                                | MODEQUAL
                                | PLUSEQUAL
                                | MINUSEQUAL
                                | LSHIFTEQUAL
                                | RSHIFTEQUAL
                                | ANDEQUAL
                                | OREQUAL

 constant_expression ::= conditional_expression
 conditional_expression  ::= binary_expression
                                    | binary_expression CONDOP expression COLON conditional_expression

 binary_expression   ::= cast_expression
                                | binary_expression TIMES binary_expression
                                | binary_expression DIVIDE binary_expression
                                | binary_expression MOD binary_expression
                                | binary_expression PLUS binary_expression
                                | binary_expression MINUS binary_expression
                                | binary_expression RSHIFT binary_expression
                                | binary_expression LSHIFT binary_expression
                                | binary_expression LT binary_expression
                                | binary_expression LE binary_expression
                                | binary_expression GE binary_expression
                                | binary_expression GT binary_expression
                                | binary_expression EQ binary_expression
                                | binary_expression NE binary_expression
                                | binary_expression AND binary_expression
                                | binary_expression OR binary_expression
                                | binary_expression XOR binary_expression
                                | binary_expression LAND binary_expression
                                | binary_expression LOR binary_expression

 cast_expression ::= unary_expression
 cast_expression ::= LPAREN type_name RPAREN cast_expression
 unary_expression    ::= postfix_expression
 unary_expression    ::= PLUSPLUS unary_expression
                                | MINUSMINUS unary_expression
                                | unary_operator cast_expression

 unary_expression    ::= SIZEOF unary_expression
                                | SIZEOF LPAREN type_name RPAREN
                                | _ALIGNOF LPAREN type_name RPAREN

 unary_operator  ::= AND
                            | TIMES
                            | PLUS
                            | MINUS
                            | NOT
                            | LNOT

 postfix_expression  ::= primary_expression
 postfix_expression  ::= postfix_expression LBRACKET expression RBRACKET
 postfix_expression  ::= postfix_expression LPAREN argument_expression_list RPAREN
                                | postfix_expression LPAREN RPAREN

 postfix_expression  ::= postfix_expression PERIOD ID
                                | postfix_expression PERIOD TYPEID
                                | postfix_expression ARROW ID
                                | postfix_expression ARROW TYPEID

 postfix_expression  ::= postfix_expression PLUSPLUS
                                | postfix_expression MINUSMINUS

 postfix_expression  ::= LPAREN type_name RPAREN brace_open initializer_list brace_close
                                | LPAREN type_name RPAREN brace_open initializer_list COMMA brace_close

 primary_expression  ::= identifier
 primary_expression  ::= constant
 primary_expression  ::= unified_string_literal
                                | unified_wstring_literal

 primary_expression  ::= LPAREN expression RPAREN
 primary_expression  ::= OFFSETOF LPAREN type_name COMMA offsetof_member_designator RPAREN

 offsetof_member_designator ::= identifier
                                         | offsetof_member_designator PERIOD identifier
                                         | offsetof_member_designator LBRACKET expression RBRACKET

 argument_expression_list    ::= assignment_expression
                                        | argument_expression_list COMMA assignment_expression

 identifier  ::= ID
 constant    ::= INT_CONST_DEC
                        | INT_CONST_OCT
                        | INT_CONST_HEX
                        | INT_CONST_BIN
                        | INT_CONST_CHAR

 constant    ::= FLOAT_CONST
                        | HEX_FLOAT_CONST

 constant    ::= CHAR_CONST
                        | WCHAR_CONST
                        | U8CHAR_CONST
                        | U16CHAR_CONST
                        | U32CHAR_CONST

 unified_string_literal  ::= STRING_LITERAL
                                    | unified_string_literal STRING_LITERAL

 unified_wstring_literal ::= WSTRING_LITERAL
                                    | U8STRING_LITERAL
                                    | U16STRING_LITERAL
                                    | U32STRING_LITERAL
                                    | unified_wstring_literal WSTRING_LITERAL
                                    | unified_wstring_literal U8STRING_LITERAL
                                    | unified_wstring_literal U16STRING_LITERAL
                                    | unified_wstring_literal U32STRING_LITERAL

 brace_open  ::=   LBRACE

 brace_close ::=   RBRACE


AUTO    ::= 'auto'
BREAK   ::= 'break'
CASE    ::= 'case'
CHAR    ::= 'char'
CONST   ::= 'const'
CONTINUE    ::= 'continue'
DEFAULT ::= 'default'
DO  ::= 'do'
DOUBLE  ::= 'double'
ELSE    ::= 'else'
ENUM    ::= 'enum'
EXTERN  ::= 'extern'
FLOAT   ::= 'float'
FOR ::= 'for'
GOTO    ::= 'goto'
IF  ::= 'if'
INLINE  ::= 'inline'
INT ::= 'int'
LONG    ::= 'long'
REGISTER    ::= 'register'
OFFSETOF    ::= 'offsetof'
RESTRICT    ::= 'restrict'
RETURN  ::= 'return'
SHORT   ::= 'short'
SIGNED  ::= 'signed'
SIZEOF  ::= 'sizeof'
STATIC  ::= 'static'
STRUCT  ::= 'struct'
SWITCH  ::= 'switch'
TYPEDEF ::= 'typedef'
UNION   ::= 'union'
UNSIGNED    ::= 'unsigned'
VOID    ::= 'void'
VOLATILE    ::= 'volatile'
WHILE   ::= 'while'
__INT128    ::= '__int128'

_BOOL   ::= '_bool'
_COMPLEX    ::= '_complex'
_NORETURN   ::= '_noreturn'
_THREAD_LOCAL   ::= '_thread_local'
_STATIC_ASSERT  ::= '_static_assert'
_ATOMIC ::= '_atomic'
_ALIGNOF    ::= '_alignof'
_ALIGNAS    ::= '_alignas'

//# Operators
PLUS              ::= '+'
MINUS             ::= '-'
TIMES             ::= '*'
DIVIDE            ::= '/'
MOD               ::= '%'
OR                ::= '|'
AND               ::= '&'
NOT               ::= '~'
XOR               ::= '^'
LSHIFT            ::= '<<'
RSHIFT            ::= '>>'
LOR               ::= '||'
LAND              ::= '&&'
LNOT              ::= '!'
LT                ::= '<'
GT                ::= '>'
LE                ::= '<='
GE                ::= '>='
EQ                ::= '=='
NE                ::= '!='

//# Assignment operators
EQUALS            ::= '='
TIMESEQUAL        ::= '*='
DIVEQUAL          ::= '/='
MODEQUAL          ::= '%='
PLUSEQUAL         ::= '+='
MINUSEQUAL        ::= '-='
LSHIFTEQUAL       ::= '<<='
RSHIFTEQUAL       ::= '>>='
ANDEQUAL          ::= '&='
OREQUAL           ::= '|='
XOREQUAL          ::= '^='

//# Increment/decrement
PLUSPLUS          ::= '++'
MINUSMINUS        ::= '--'

//# ->
ARROW             ::= '->'

//# ?
CONDOP            ::= '\?'

//# Delimiters
LPAREN            ::= '('
RPAREN            ::= ')'
LBRACKET          ::= '['
RBRACKET          ::= ']'
COMMA             ::= ','
PERIOD            ::= '.'
SEMI              ::= ';'
COLON             ::= ':'
ELLIPSIS          ::= '...'
eliben commented 1 year ago

Thanks for pointing this out.

Since pycparser parses standard C, this doesn't seem to be a pycparser-specific thing to me. Where do you want to keep this information?

I'll close the issue for now, but feel free to reopen if you think there's something I should be doing about this.