elidehher / TodoApp-FlutterFlow

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US6 Sendgrid Welcome Email #22

Open elidehher opened 2 weeks ago

elidehher commented 2 weeks ago

AS A new user, I WANT TO receive a welcome email upon successfully creating an account, TO confirm my registration and receive a greeting from the app SO THAT I feel welcomed and know my account has been set up correctly.

SCENARIO: Successful Welcome Email Sent

GIVEN the user has successfully created an account, WHEN the account creation process is completed, THEN the system should trigger the SendGrid cloud function to send a welcome email to the user WITHIN 5 seconds, AND the email should contain a welcome message with the subject “Welcome to the ToDo App.”

SCENARIO: Email Fails to Send

GIVEN the user has successfully created an account, WHEN the SendGrid cloud function fails to send the welcome email, THEN the system should log the error in the server logs AND display a message to the user stating “Account created, but welcome email failed to send. Please check your inbox later.”