Closed Asif0507 closed 2 years ago
Hello @Asif0507, Could you give one exact example of hdri URL you try to import? Could you also look into Blender's console (Window > Toggle SYstem Console) and copy the full error log here? Thanks!
Hi eliemichel, love this addon. Had trouble recently adding this HDRI. This is the message I received after going to the link to HDRI Haven now known as PolyHaven and then making a copy of the URL and trying to import it but it will not let me. Here is the error report. I had to make a copy and convert it to word as I am not computer literate enough to make a copy from system console even with your instructions above.
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "CUsersUser AppDataiRoaming Blender
FoundationBlender2.92\scriptsladdonsiLilySurfaceScraper". line 262,
in invoke
return self. execute(context)
File "CAUsersiUserAppDatalRoamingiBlender
FoundationiBlender2.92\scriptsiaddons\", line 265,
in execute
bpy.ops.object.lily world import('EXEC DEFAULT, url=bpy.context.window manager.clipboard)
File "CProgram Files\Blender FoundationiBlender 2.9212.921scriptsimodulesibpyops, py", line l30, incall
ret = op call(selfidname py()., C dict, kw, C exec, C undo)
RuntimeError: Invalid Input Error: Material provider not supported. See the documentation for a list of supported
material providers.
Hello @Pastorross, sorry for the delay but same question: could you precisely give an example of URL you try to paste?
Hi - this still doesn't seem to work for HDRI (i have also tried to install 17.5 pre release but it still seems to reinstall 17.4 no idea why - unless I'm doing something wrong). Here is an example of a url that doesn't work (responds with "Not a texture" error) -
This is because you are importing the HDRI from the texture tab instead of importing it from the World tab!
i am using blender 2.93.1 and lily surface scraper 1.7.4 .in windows 10 . problem is whenever i copy a url of hrdi from and paste the url i cant see hdri .hdri cant be loaded. but 1st time it worked then its not working anymore