eliemichel / OpenMfxForBlender

A branch of Blender featuring an OpenMfx modifier
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Crash trying to load effects from MfxExamples #59

Open Xceptionull opened 2 years ago

Xceptionull commented 2 years ago

Actually I was getting them on MfxVTK also, but I tried a simpler plugin to isolate the issue. Box Generator effect crashes on load. The Array effect works fine until I set and unset the Offset UV flag, then it crashes (specifically when I unset it). Other effects are working fine. I'm not loading from a blend file, it happens regardless.

blender.crash.txt blender.crash.txt

EDIT: The Array effect also crashes if I have no UV attribute and try to set the flag, or if I set the flag first and delete the UV data block afterwards.

eliemichel commented 2 years ago

Hello @ZanyDreamer! Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the delay. I was able to reproduce your issues so I am now able to work on it, I will come back to you when it is fixed!

Xceptionull commented 2 years ago

Oh, it's good to know this is still being worked on! That's reassuring, thanks for checking my issue out. I have since tried to write my own effects and discovered some additional things:

  1. For some reason I can only access UV data from the original mesh inside the effect. HasCornerAttribute method returns false for normal data and HasPointAttribute returns false for color and weight data. Of course, I make sure that data does exist in Blender's mesh object.
  2. When I apply an effect, any arbitrary attributes I add to the output mesh in the effect don't seem to get saved in Blender's mesh object. I assume it would either get saved as layers or in 'Mesh.attributes'.
  3. Inside an effect, If I try to access arbitrary attributes (edit: to be specific, I mean, requesting the attribute and calling HasPoint/CornerAttribute) added by a previous effect in the modifier stack, I get a crash. I get the crash regardless of if that previous effect exists in the stack or not.

Hope this helps. Good luck!