elieserdejesus / JamTaba

Jamtaba is a software to play online music jam sessions.
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Feature Req: Offering solo time ? #1411

Open Immele opened 2 years ago

Immele commented 2 years ago

I would like to make a request for Jamtaba. ..Or maybe just an Idea.

Most of us do want to play a solopart ..once in a while .-)

But I have noticed , that things get pretty messy , when all of the participants in a jam wants to do that in the same time.

There are some of us , who do listen to the jam , and wait for a "spot" ( or a space) where they find it suitable to start a solo. They have mostly also the dignity to stop the soloplaying and enter the rythm/chord playing again, to let other players do a solo. This is the spot where it gets messy , cause noone really knows whos turn it is.

Lets assume there are 4 players in a room: A, B,C ,D

Now my question: -Would it make sense to implent a kind of function into Jamtaba that shows something like:

"Offering Solo(play) for A for the next upcoming 8 Bars" . The text should be flashing.

Now A can accept ,-play some solos over 8 Bars , and then return to chordplaying , ..just like in real Life .-) -Or - A do not want to play a solo -and "hands it on" to B . -Or- A do not want to play a solo - and the "Offerfunction" will rest for 8 Bars, and the offer B a solo.

Then B makes the same , and/or passes on to C. C makes the same and/or passes on to D.

Is this a good Idea ? or am I crazy ?

Im no programmer , but the Interface could look like:

Checkbox on/off : "Show solo status"
Checkbox on/off : " I want to be offered a solotime" Enterbox : " Lenght of solotime (global) " Enterbox : "Lenght of pause (global) , before next solotime-offer"

Maybe ouput information in the chatbox ? like :" Next upcoming solo is for player C ! "

What do you think ? Kind regards, Immele

berndkeul commented 6 months ago

I like this idea !