elieserdejesus / JamTaba

Jamtaba is a software to play online music jam sessions.
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Problem with Kontakt plugin (possibly because of low RAM) #209

Closed jonjamcam closed 8 years ago

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

Hi Elieser. I just did some testing of this bug and I'm not experiencing it with reaper(reaninjam). Only with Jamtaba (standalone) (tested versions 2.0.9, 2.0.6 and 2.0.5) 32bit and 64bit. (not tested jamtaba vst yet)

It happens randomly when using Kontakt and KingPin Drums: All the midi sent by my SPD-30 gets scrambled. This means that I play the Bass drum and it triggers the snare or if I press the hihat pedal and the kick drums is triggered. Additionally latency goes significantly up. Sometimes it sounds like the notes are "jammed" and when one pad is played many are triggered like a cascade..

It happens sometimes just as I enter a ninjam Room, other times when I'm in the middle of the jam.

Closing and reopening kontakt doesn't solve the issue nor changing ninjam rooms. It is solved only by closing Jamtaba and reopening.

I'm using Kontakt 5.5.0 now, but I tested 5.4.3, 5.5.1 and the problem persists.


elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Hi Jon, this is a bit difficult to test because my midi controller is working without problems. One solution is add more info in the midi log. So you can play a session until the problem appears, and share your log. I'm suspecting the midi messages are getting messed in some point.

The v2.0.10 is very bloated, a lot of issues. Let's work in this problem in the v2.0.11.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

ok. Thx, man.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

I will start a round of tests to see in detail when this is happening. I suspect it is a kontakt problem, so I'll test with other libraries as well and post the results here.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Jon, I have a suspect and maybe you can test. The current midi implementation in Jamtaba is minimal = notes and Control Change only. Maybe your controller is generating some different from note or CC and the code is not handling these "exceptions" in a good way.

You can test this hypothesis using Reaper. Create a track in Reaper and insert the plugin ReaControlMidi. Click in show log and now you can "spy" all midi messages. Check if your messages are all Notes or Control Changes. I'm suspecting from some "Program Change" or SysEx message. image

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

ok I will do that to test. thx

I have another hypo to test. Kontakt uses DFD (Direct from disk) streaming to load samples.

My laptop disk is 5400 rmp (very slow for DFD streaming; recommended is >10000 or SSD) and just found a kontakt handling option that reduces disk stream a lot.

override buffer

Maybe this bottleneck is causing problems when there's not enough speed from the system to load samples in real time. This could explain why the randomness when it happens.

With reaper I don't have the issue, but sometimes the samples "arrive late" some ms, but it doesn't kiil the playing. I tested using full buffer size (in reaper) and now I don't have the problem at all. next I will test Jamtaba, but some kind limited because 32bit can handle less than 4G of memory.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Understand Jon, the DFD can be a problem with 5200 rpm. I experiment some problems trying the huge "Ivory Piano" in a laptop. No way to use the most heavy presets in a 5200 rpm laptop HD.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

the DFD can be a problem with 5200 rpm.

True. I have 4G ram so I can load most drum samples to memory for small libraries.

My point here is try to figure out why jamtaba is having this scrambled midi issue and I still have very little facts. Just compiled the last 2.0.11 and tested all along the session (about 2 hours) with another library - smoker- and no scrambled midi this time at all!.Next time I will try the kingpin all the way. I expect scrambling half an hour in.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Jon, I'm not shure if you know about "Debug" and "Release" in compiling. in QtCreator (in bottom left) you can select "Debug" or "Release". If you compile Jamtaba in Debug mode the performance is poor, and maybe you have some issues. Compile in "Release" mode to have Jamtaba running in full speed and eliminate this "variable" from your test.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

yes I compile using release. Compiling in Debug mode is not working in my system.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

@jonjamcam , you tested the kingpin library? If not yet, please test using the v2.0.11 alpha.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

Hi, Elieser. I've been a bit busy with my daughter (she's on vacation). I'll have plenty of time during the weekend to jam and test it fully.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

No problem Jon, enjoy your daughter.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

For the record. Testng alpha 2.0.11 with kontakt kingpin and smoker with both normal buffer setting and override (120k). Not one problem. I'll keep testing all the weekend. Maybe it's already solved. Don't know.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

now it's happenning but with smoker library. tested not using buffer overrride

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

tested again with kingpin changing the buffer override to half (120 kb) and the problem persists, but the effect is different. No scramble this time, just the notes have more latency (felt like 100 or 200 ms to me, but that's just a guess).

Tomorrow I will test with full buffer override (this should load most samples to memory at start) and the problem should go away (if my hypo is correct).

I did some random tests previously with max bufer override and never had any problems. The issues started today when I purposely swutched back to low values (that uses the HHD) 120kb and default (60kb)

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

testing with full preload buffer size (240 kb):

test 1: no issues test2: no issues

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Nice news Jon! Can we conclude it's not a problem in JamTaba midi? It's something related with streaming direct from disk and slow HDDs, right?

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

That's right. Bottlenecks can have very unpredicted results, but with today fast systems there should be no problem even for laptops and a good amount of ram. Closing

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Ok Jon, thanks for spend your time in this task.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

np, Eleser. This problem was spoiling most (if not all) of my jams, so kicking the can much further ahead was not an option for me :D.

I'm very happy with my system as it is now and finally it's working full capacity. The only drawback of loading most samples to ram at the beginning with such a slow HDD is that the host (jamtaba) freezes for about 20-40 seconds (or up to a minute!) every time I change the library; this leads sometimes to server disconnection or being unable to see the new chat messages, but this I can handle if the jam will be flawless.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Jon, you pointed a very important issue here: the plugins loading is freezing the application, including the networking processing.

I'm creating a new issue #241.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

The problem started again last night. I'm reopening the issue.

the jam went OK for a long time, but after about 1 hour the midi started having a nasty delay again. There's no scramble of notes anymore, just an annoying latency. I noticed my internet connection had a bit of lag (chat messages were taking time to appear) so I suspect an internet bottleneck could trigger the problem too not just a HDD bottleneck.

Does this make sense?

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

In JamTaba audio + midi and networking are running in different threads, these things are 99% isolated from each other. I say 99% because sometimes these two building blocks (audio+midi and network) need (inter)comunicate. So, these things are isolated, but to run audio + midi and networking you need CPU. If your CPU is exausted (by a bug in Jamtaba or by another reason (antivirus running a scan?)) you will experience a slow down in GUI and in network, and maybe audio glitches, noises, gaps, etc.

I need more clues, If you experience the problem again try these things: 1 - Check your Windows Task Manager and observe the CPU usage. I suspect your CPU usage was high when the problem appeared. 2 - Check the memory usage too, if your memory is exausted you will have general performance problems. 3 - Check if the antivirus is doing something. 4 - Check if the Jamtaba GUI is responsive. The meters are ok or slow down? If you release the mouse over a button you see the "hover" effect or this effect is slow too?

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

I will test today. I use esset as firewall and antivirus. It's on all the time. Could this be the problem?

I have a camera and I can record my next session with the task manager open. Maybe the footage can show any clue.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

Some footage for you to see the problem.

Footage 1: normal playing.


Pads I use are mapped to:

TOP ROW (from left to right):. 1.- Crash 1 2.- ride bell 3.- tom 1 4.- Crash 2

BOTTOM ROW (from left to right): 1.- ride bow 2.- floor tom 3.- hihat 4.- sidestick

As you can see the mapping is flawless and latency is aprox 2ms.

Footage 2: midi is scrambled:


Bug was triggered today just as I entered the server. I'm the only one inside.

Now the latency is far higher and the pads do not trigger the correct sound.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Jon, I watched the 2 videos here. First of all, congrats for the good job in the pads, I like these snare ghost notes :)

The second video is terrible, random sounds and a huge/unplayable latency!

I see in 2nd the video your CPU is under 50%, right? So it's not a CPU issue.

In the 2nd video you are in a server. If you leave the server/room you experience any difference? When you are disconnected the audio encoders are not working, and these encoders are using a lot of processor. When you have the problem again please try disconnect, just to see if is something related with encoders.

About the antivirus: antivirus can be a problem during scan phase, but in general is not a big issue. But is quick turn off the antivirus and test.

I'm not 100% confident about the midi programming in JT, so I will check this too.

If possible, please play a session in Reaper using the plugin ReaControlMidi (I mention some days ago in this issue) just to see if your Roland device is generating some uncommon midi messages, this is my first hypothesis at moment.

Edit: Another thing you can test: activate the log for midi in Jamtaba logging.ini. The log entry in the file is jtMidi, I check the code and if a different midi message is received a warning is generated in the log.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Jon, I see the RtMidi library has a option to ignore sysex, miditime and midi sense messages. I change the code to use this option. Try push the last code version and see if helps.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

testing now. compiled the new version. Happened once, then restart and I'm 1 hour into a jam and nothing...still testing....tricky bug.

reacontrolmidi shows this:

0: 9E 24 34 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 52 1: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 2: BE 04 06 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 6 3: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 4: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 5: BE 04 22 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 34 6: BE 04 32 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 50 7: BE 04 41 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 65 8: BE 04 30 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 48 9: BE 04 25 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 37 10: BE 04 15 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 21 11: BE 04 03 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 3 12: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 13: BE 04 09 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 9 14: BE 04 06 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 6 15: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 16: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 17: BE 04 22 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 34 18: BE 04 32 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 50 19: BE 04 43 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 67 20: BE 04 4C [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 76 21: 9E 44 06 [Note On] chan 15 note 68 vel 6 22: BE 04 53 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 83 23: 8E 44 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 68 offvel 64 24: BE 04 57 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 87 25: BE 04 47 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 71 26: BE 04 36 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 54 27: BE 04 25 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 37 28: BE 04 15 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 21 29: BE 04 03 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 3 30: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 31: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 32: BE 04 22 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 34 33: BE 04 32 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 50 34: BE 04 43 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 67 35: BE 04 4D [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 77 36: BE 04 3E [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 62 37: BE 04 2E [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 46 38: BE 04 1D [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 29 39: BE 04 0F [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 15 40: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 41: 9E 24 4F [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 79 42: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 43: 9E 37 74 [Note On] chan 15 note 55 vel 116 44: BE 04 22 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 34 45: BE 04 32 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 50 46: BE 04 43 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 67 47: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 48: 8E 37 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 55 offvel 64 49: BE 04 53 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 83 50: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 51: 9E 1A 78 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 120 52: 9E 26 72 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 114 53: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 54: 9E 26 25 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 37 55: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 56: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 57: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 58: 9E 1A 31 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 49 59: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 60: BE 04 58 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 88 61: 9E 1A 50 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 80 62: BE 04 4D [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 77 63: BE 04 3C [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 60 64: BE 04 2C [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 44 65: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 66: BE 04 22 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 34 67: BE 04 15 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 21 68: BE 04 09 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 9 69: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 70: 9E 24 50 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 80 71: 9E 37 70 [Note On] chan 15 note 55 vel 112 72: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 73: BE 04 22 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 34 74: BE 04 32 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 50 75: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 76: BE 04 43 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 67 77: 8E 37 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 55 offvel 64 78: BE 04 53 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 83 79: 9E 26 79 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 121 80: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 81: 9E 1A 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 127 82: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 83: 9E 26 23 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 35 84: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 85: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 86: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 87: 9E 1A 3A [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 58 88: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 89: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 90: 9E 1A 51 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 81 91: 9E 24 51 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 81 92: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 93: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 94: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 95: 9E 1A 43 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 67 96: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 97: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 98: 9E 1A 6B [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 107 99: 9E 26 6F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 111 100: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 101: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 102: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 103: 9E 1A 48 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 72 104: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 105: 9E 24 54 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 84 106: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 107: 9E 1A 60 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 96 108: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 109: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 110: BE 04 56 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 86 111: BE 04 4F [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 79 112: 9E 1A 48 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 72 113: BE 04 50 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 80 114: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 115: BE 04 49 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 73 116: 9E 26 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 127 117: BE 04 3A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 58 118: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 119: BE 04 2E [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 46 120: BE 04 22 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 34 121: BE 04 1A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 26 122: 9E 1A 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 127 123: BE 04 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chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 144: 9E 26 62 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 98 145: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 146: 9E 39 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 57 vel 127 147: 9E 24 63 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 99 148: 8E 39 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 57 offvel 64 149: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 150: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 151: BE 04 22 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 34 152: BE 04 32 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 50 153: 9E 26 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 127 154: BE 04 43 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 67 155: BE 04 4C [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 76 156: 9E 44 04 [Note On] chan 15 note 68 vel 4 157: BE 04 4F [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 79 158: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 159: 8E 44 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 68 offvel 64 160: BE 04 57 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 87 161: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 162: 9E 1A 34 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 52 163: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 164: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 165: 9E 1A 39 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 57 166: 9E 24 4D [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 77 167: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 168: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 169: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 170: 9E 1A 58 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 88 171: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 172: 9E 26 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 127 173: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 174: 9E 1A 67 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 103 175: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 176: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 177: 9E 26 10 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 16 178: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 179: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 180: 9E 1A 4D [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 77 181: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 182: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 183: 9E 1A 5C [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 92 184: 9E 24 55 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 85 185: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 186: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 187: BE 04 4F [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 79 188: BE 04 3F [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 63 189: BE 04 2E [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 46 190: BE 04 2E [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 46 191: 9E 1A 68 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 104 192: 9E 26 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 127 193: BE 04 22 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 34 194: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 195: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 196: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 197: BE 04 22 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 34 198: BE 04 32 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 50 199: BE 04 43 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 67 200: BE 04 4D [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 77 201: 9E 44 06 [Note On] chan 15 note 68 vel 6 202: BE 04 53 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 83 203: BE 04 58 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 88 204: 9E 1A 46 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 70 205: 8E 44 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 68 offvel 64 206: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 207: 9E 26 2A [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 42 208: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 209: 9E 26 21 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 33 210: 9E 24 58 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 88 211: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 212: 9E 1A 61 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 97 213: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 214: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 215: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 216: BE 04 53 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 83 217: BE 04 43 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 67 218: BE 04 32 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 50 219: BE 04 25 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 37 220: 9E 1A 5D [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 93 221: BE 04 22 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 34 222: 9E 24 60 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 96 223: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 224: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 225: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 226: BE 04 03 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 3 227: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 228: 9E 26 68 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 104 229: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 230: 9E 24 5E [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 94 231: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 232: 9E 1A 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 127 233: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 234: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 235: 9E 24 65 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 101 236: 9E 37 71 [Note On] chan 15 note 55 vel 113 237: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 238: 8E 37 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 55 offvel 64 239: 9E 24 50 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 80 240: 9E 37 70 [Note On] chan 15 note 55 vel 112 241: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 242: BE 04 22 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 34 243: BE 04 32 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 50 244: BE 04 43 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 67 245: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 246: 8E 37 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 55 offvel 64 247: BE 04 53 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 83 248: 9E 26 23 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 35 249: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 250: 9E 1A 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 127 251: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 252: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 253: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 254: 9E 1A 3A [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 58 255: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 256: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 257: 9E 1A 51 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 81 258: 9E 24 51 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 81 259: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 260: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 261: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 262: 9E 1A 43 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 67 263: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 264: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 265: 9E 1A 6B [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 107 266: 9E 26 6F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 111 267: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 268: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 269: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 270: 9E 1A 48 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 72 271: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 272: 9E 24 54 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 84 273: BE 04 5A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 90 274: 9E 1A 60 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 96 275: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 276: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 277: 9E 30 61 [Note On] chan 15 note 48 vel 97 278: BE 04 0C [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 12 279: BE 04 18 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 24 280: 8E 30 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 48 offvel 64 281: 9E 30 4A [Note On] chan 15 note 48 vel 74 282: 8E 30 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 48 offvel 64 283: BE 04 1A [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 26 284: 9E 1A 4F [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 79 285: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 286: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 287: 9E 1A 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 127 288: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 289: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 290: BE 04 03 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 3 291: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 292: BE 04 06 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 6 293: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 294: BE 04 1D [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 29 295: BE 04 2C [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 44 296: BE 04 20 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 32 297: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 298: BE 04 09 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 9 299: 9E 26 4F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 79 300: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 301: 9E 26 37 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 55 302: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 303: 9E 26 27 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 39 304: BE 04 12 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 18 305: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 306: 9E 26 14 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 20 307: BE 04 09 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 9 308: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 309: 9E 26 2B [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 43 310: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 311: 9E 26 32 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 50 312: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 313: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 314: 9E 26 70 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 112 315: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 316: 9E 26 5F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 95 317: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 318: 9E 26 44 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 68 319: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 320: 9E 33 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 51 vel 127 321: 8E 33 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 51 offvel 64 322: 9E 24 43 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 67 323: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 324: 9E 24 3F [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 63 325: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 326: 9E 24 2E [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 46 327: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 328: 9E 26 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 127 329: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 330: 9E 26 70 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 112 331: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 332: 9E 26 21 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 33 333: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 334: 9E 24 4A [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 74 335: 9E 26 4B [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 75 336: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 337: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 338: 9E 26 7C [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 124 339: 9E 24 46 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 70 340: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 341: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 342: 9E 24 55 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 85 343: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 344: 9E 26 48 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 72 345: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 346: 9E 26 70 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 112 347: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 348: 9E 26 50 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 80 349: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 350: 9E 26 45 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 69 351: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 352: 9E 26 35 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 53 353: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 354: 9E 26 33 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 51 355: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 356: 9E 26 32 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 50 357: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 358: 9E 26 4C [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 76 359: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 360: 9E 26 5D [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 93 361: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 362: 9E 26 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 127 363: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 364: 9E 26 77 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 119 365: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 366: 9E 26 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 127 367: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 368: 9E 26 19 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 25 369: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 370: 9E 26 2A [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 42 371: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 372: 9E 26 5F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 95 373: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 374: 9E 26 3C [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 60 375: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 376: 9E 30 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 48 vel 127 377: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 378: 9E 1A 54 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 84 379: 9E 26 34 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 52 380: 8E 30 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 48 offvel 64 381: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 382: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 383: 9E 26 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 127 384: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 385: 9E 26 34 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 52 386: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 387: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 388: 9E 1A 6E [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 110 389: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 390: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 391: 9E 1A 59 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 89 392: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 393: 9E 26 48 [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 72 394: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 395: 9E 26 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 127 396: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 397: 9E 26 2E [Note On] chan 15 note 38 vel 46 398: 8E 26 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 38 offvel 64 399: BE 04 00 [CC4 Foot Pedal MSB] chan 15 val 0 400: 9E 1A 61 [Note On] chan 15 note 26 vel 97 401: 8E 1A 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 26 offvel 64 402: 9E 29 6E [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 110 403: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 404: 9E 29 7B [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 123 405: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 406: 9E 24 51 [Note On] chan 15 note 36 vel 81 407: 9E 39 76 [Note On] chan 15 note 57 vel 118 408: 8E 24 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 36 offvel 64 409: 8E 39 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 57 offvel 64 410: 9E 29 4D [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 77 411: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 412: 9E 29 20 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 32 413: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 414: 9E 29 2D [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 45 415: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 416: 9E 29 1D [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 29 417: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 418: 9E 29 35 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 53 419: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 420: 9E 29 3E [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 62 421: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 422: 9E 29 24 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 36 423: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 424: 9E 29 59 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 89 425: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 426: 9E 29 58 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 88 427: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 428: 9E 29 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 127 429: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 430: 9E 29 65 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 101 431: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 432: 9E 29 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 127 433: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 434: 9E 29 0F [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 15 435: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 436: 9E 29 22 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 34 437: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 438: 9E 29 26 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 38 439: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 440: 9E 29 3F [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 63 441: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 442: 9E 29 47 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 71 443: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 444: 9E 29 3E [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 62 445: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 446: 9E 29 3A [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 58 447: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 448: 9E 29 43 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 67 449: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 450: 9E 29 28 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 40 451: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 452: 9E 29 24 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 36 453: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 454: 9E 29 10 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 16 455: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 456: 9E 29 28 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 40 457: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 458: 9E 29 2E [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 46 459: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 460: 9E 29 32 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 50 461: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 462: 9E 29 3F [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 63 463: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 464: 9E 29 4D [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 77 465: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 466: 9E 29 2B [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 43 467: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 468: 9E 29 4C [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 76 469: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 470: 9E 29 3F [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 63 471: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 472: 9E 29 56 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 86 473: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 474: 9E 29 68 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 104 475: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 476: 9E 29 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 127 477: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 478: 9E 29 58 [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 88 479: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64 480: 9E 29 7F [Note On] chan 15 note 41 vel 127 481: 8E 29 40 [Note Off] chan 15 note 41 offvel 64

I know it's sending midiclock too although it doesn't appear here.

Just enabled jt.midi=true. Next jams wel'll have a log.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

All messages in the ReaControl log are ok, all messages with 3 bytes. My suspect is related with messages with less 3 bytes. Possibily the ReaControl is filtering the special messages. Now rtMidi is ignoring these messages, so let's see if the problem appears again.

I have an idea for a test: 1 - Revert your Jamtaba to use the last code (non ignoring the special midi messages) or install the 2.0.11. 2 - Click/tap the start or stop button in your drum to force special midi messages. If your drum have another buttons try these buttons too and see if after this you have problems with midi.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

Just had the bug appear in jamtaba 2.0.12 x64 using my keyboard and with no connection to a server. I was listening to ongoing jam though via listen button.


I used midiOX to see what notes were going in, so it's not "ninjam-related" problem. It could be my system that has a particular problem.

So we can discard the octapad as a source of the problem.

Indeed I noticed some sluggishness if the GUI at first. The midi peak meter didn't show up although I was sending midi data and there was no sound nor audio peaks. As I continued playing, notes started to appear but scrambled. Another thing I noticed is that the midi peaks of the meter had some delay too; they move according to the sound heard, not the midi note played. One last weird thing: I think I saw the midi meter not in the center, but on the left. I thought it was a design change, but now I realize It's just as it's always been. uhh. hope I'm not delutional!! :D

EDiT: I'm not delutional!

midi peak left

Midi peak bar on the left, but no bug this time.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

The midi peak at left was a side effect of the last changes, was not intentional. But I think is pretty good in the left.

About the problem: I see you are using LoopBe. This is a "virtual midi cable", right? Please try use your midi device directly, without LoopBe.

We eliminate the possibility of special midi messages. We eliminate the possibility of some problem in your octapad. LoopBe is the first suspect now.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

ohh loopbee....just used it today. I normally conect directly

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

Don't worry we'll get to the bottom of this. Fortunately Jamtaba 2.0.12 is really stable. I will try to test in other computer. Maybe it's just my machine.....or some driver stuff. but for sure it only happens with kontakt so far...

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

Tomorrow I'll continue testing this issue. What I have in mind is try to test my first hypo (HDD bottleneck) to the limit. This is what I mean:

Let's use the kingpin library as an example:

1.- When you load the library normally you get a portion of the samples loaded into memory.

kingpin normal

The rest of the samples will be streamed from disk (DFD)

2.- If you want more samples loaded into memory you can use the preload buffer override. If set to max (240 kb) the result is this:

kingpin max preload buffer

I thought previously that this setting loaded most samples into memory, but I was wrong.

3.- So to load all sample data to memory you have to change the internal setting of every sample to "sampler" instead of "DFD" and resave the patch. The result is:

kingpin sampler

Now this is as far as I know the ultimate option for limiting the use of HDD streaming. The size of the sample folder is very close (although not exactly the same):

kingpin sample data

So if this option works,then the hypo was proven correct. If the problem persists, then we're back to where we begun.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Very good test method. You created a "trap" for the problem, this is the idea :)

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

No problems with last tests so far. Working as expected.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Good news! Are you planning another tests or "case closed"?

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

let's close it. I think it's gone now.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Ok, thanks for your time!

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

@elieserdejesus . I've been using standalone a lot this week and after using it without problems for days, the bug appeared again yesterday testing 2.0.12 x64. So I guess I was wrong about the cause of the bug.

The good thing I did was optimize my system to work better, so the bug was not triggering for some time.

I've been working lately with Jamtaba vst and Reaper, so I don't have the problem with this configuration.

For now I have no other hypothesis about why it happens, so maybe we should leave it open without milestone. I leave it to you, my friend.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

No problem Jon, I'm reopening the issue.

The problem you experienced this time is still drastic? Huge latency and random midi notes as in your video?

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

Yes. It's the same problem that the video shows. Only happening with Jamtaba standalone and kontakt.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Jon, please check if you have some logging activated (check the logging.ini file). Today I experienced a big audio problem (lot of crackles) and the solution was just remove two log lines. Too much logging slow down the application, and midi can be messed. Remember you have two logging.ini files, one for Standalone and another for the VST plugin.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

I could find only the standalone logging.ini and it's all set to false. If I turn the jt.Midi to true, could this info be of some use?

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

yes, please try the jt.Midi as true. Possibly you will experience some slow down, but I'm not shure.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

Ok. Done. I will keep testing with standalone until I get the bug.Then I send you the log.

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Jon, when you experience the high latency in midi, please try these 2 tests too: 1 - the latency problem is only in midi or the audio is messed too? Can you try some analog audio input to check the audio latency?

2 - the GUI is normal when you have midi problems or GUI is slow? Try click the transmit button to see if the button reaction is normal.

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

@elieserdejesus Here's the log. As soon as the bug happened I closed jamtaba and saved it.

log - copia.txt

For this test I used one track only (kontakt). Next test you want a new channel or a new subchannel for audio?

elieserdejesus commented 8 years ago

Jon, check the last log line: a uncommon midi message was received. In general midi messages are 3 bytes, Jamtaba is receiving a message with just 1 byte. The code is handling this situation, so I don't think this can be a problem. The small midi message is just ignored.

I see in your log the midi streams are started twice for the same device. This can be a problem, two midi streams grabbing messages from same device is not the expected behavior. Your log is

jt.Midi.INFO:  Starting MIDI in  "LoopBe Internal MIDI 0"
jt.Midi.INFO:  Starting MIDI in  "LoopBe Internal MIDI 0"
jt.Midi.INFO:  Starting MIDI in  "3- SPD 1"
jt.Midi.INFO:  Starting MIDI in  "LoopBe Internal MIDI 0"
jt.Midi.INFO:  Starting MIDI in  "3- SPD 1"

As you can see the midi starting stuff is duplicated for the same devices. Unfortunally the log file don't have timestamps, so we cant' know if these log events are from the "same time", or if you start Jamtaba, opened midi preferences, change the midi devices and the midi stuff was restarted.

Jon, please do a simple test: 1 - Open Jamtaba. Open midi preferences and selected all your midi devices. 2 - Close Jamtaba. We need a clean log for the next Jamtaba session. 3 - Reopen Jamtaba. This will generate the initialization log, including the midi log. 4 - Close Jamtaba. 5 - Check the new log file. The midi initialization is still duplicated for your devices?

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

@elieserdejesus I've been testing other kontakt libraries to see what happens and this is what I learned:

1.- I noticed the "bug" triggered immediately when I added a subchannel to the kontakt channel. 2.- When using NI drum libraries such as Abbey Road (loading all to memory), there's no problem at all (so far).

My logging.ini's JTmidi was set to false during this tests. I will change to true and test what you ask above in the next days.