elifesciences / JATs-xml

eLife upgrade to JATS xml
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TNQ deliveries to the AWS #26

Closed Melissa37 closed 10 years ago

Melissa37 commented 10 years ago

TNQ have delivered two test samples to AWS bucket elife-ejp-ftp-test

02726 03385

To check whether this is suitable for Lens unpackaging and then ask TNQ to provide in this way going forward. Linked to #19

Would be good for archive to be in this format

Melissa37 commented 10 years ago

Dependent on #27

Melissa37 commented 10 years ago

HW have said we might be able to use the PMC naming convention but asked for a couple more samples - supplied.

Preference - use PMC naming convention for all 3 end points (AWS/PMC/HW).

gnott commented 10 years ago

I tested the files on the dev workflow and they are compatible for XML, JPG and PDF files.

One todo is the new files names supplemental files come in an .inline-media.zip file instead of a .suppl.zip file. I need to modify the bot to understand both these file suffixes.