elifesciences / UX-features-roadmaps

A test attempt at moving some of the Product team feature definition and prioritisation into GitHub. The aim is to create more detailed feature definitions, provide more transparent prioritisation and more effective "linking" of product design to development tickets (currently in the xPub project board).
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Basic commenting features #26

Open chris-huggins opened 5 years ago

chris-huggins commented 5 years ago

Definition: The basic functionality for adding requests or questions to an author on specific parts of their submission when they need to make a change in order to pass quality checks. This should be a flexible pattern for commenting on anything within a submission, initially on form elements, but eventually also annotating an HTML version of a manuscript. It must be relatively consistent with the design of equivalent features in "Libero Producer" where similar "Author queries" are raised in the Production process.

Commenting on a submission should create a "to-do list" for authors to work through, and the expectation is for authors to complete the requested changes (or answer questions) and either "mark as done" if they feel they have sufficiently completed them, or "reply" if they need clarification, help or disagree. We need clear feedback of the progress of the to-do list to encourage authors to complete all requests.

We then expect staff to "resolve" anything they deem "complete", reply to any comments from the author or reply to comments "marked as done" if the author has not sufficiently completed the request. The alternative is for staff to make changes on the authors behalf.

User testing has highlighted the need for authors to add optional replies to comments even if marked as done (to explain or add context), and for staff to add an optional reply when "resolving" an issue to ensure the author has explanation for why it was resolved or simply to inform authors of changes they've made to make them aware.

Testing also highlighted potential for "questions" to authors, which aren't asking to mark as done but require a reply, and for simply adding information comments to authors to inform them of changes that require no action at all.

Potential comment types:

This prototype was used to test the basic interactions for adding and replying to comments.

This prototype walks through the commenting feature within the submission detail tabs

User stories: "As a staff user I would like to make requests to the corresponding author for changes to their submission metadata so that I can guide them to get their submission in a state ready for an initial decision or peer review."

"As a staff user I would like to ask questions of the author to help them update their submission, or inform them if I have made changes on their behalf so that I can be sure their submission is correct by making edits on their behalf if minor changes or they're having trouble updating their submission."

More user stories

chris-huggins commented 5 years ago

I've been reviewing our findings from user testing in terms of whether we have an overall "Send comments" button for staff and authors to work on their comments or responses, then "send" them all in one go.

There have been user stories and input from Production that the equivalent "author queries" in Production will need this...and ideally we'd have consistency.

My thoughts are in this document but the outcome was to continue with "real-time" comments to trial or test with an actual build. The production use cases and outcomes of user tests have not made a strong enough case for going to an overall "send comments" feature from the start.

chris-huggins commented 5 years ago

After some testing, it seems google's commenting notifications are based on a 5 min timer. It seems (but not certain yet) that after adding a comment a 5 minute timer starts. If another comment is added while the timer is less than 5 mins, the timer is reset. Once the timer reaches 5 mins (i.e. long enough to presume the user is done) do they sent a notification email with "bundled" notification of each comment added.

We could do the same. So any comment added or responded to starts a timer, but is reset and "bundled" with each comment added/responded. Only once the timer reaches our max do we send the notification. We could be more conservative e.g. 30 mins.

Dropbox Paper appears to use the same model but waits 10 minutes before sending notifications.

chris-huggins commented 5 years ago

Some rules:

The risk is that staff take a break or exceed the timer when in the middle of responding to comments, then an author will receive multiple notifications/emails. I guess this is acceptable assuming we set the timer sufficiently. Do we need to allow a manual override (send now) type function if it is urgent?

Could there be a situation where the author cannot finish everything but expect staff to be informed?