elifesciences / XML-mapping

Mapping the XML to new Continuum requirements and build of a new Kitchen sink
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Competing interests: #19

Closed Melissa37 closed 8 years ago

Melissa37 commented 8 years ago

None. Difference in PDF vs XML and html

Melissa37 commented 8 years ago

Currently, any author with no competing interest has a footnote (confX) link to a statement either declaring "The authors declare that no competing interests exist." or "The other authors declare that no competing interests exist." depending on whether any of the other authors have competing interests (could be "The other author declares . . ." if only one has no competing interests).

This is present in the fn-group:


The other authors declare that no competing interests exist


and crosslinked in the author contrib:

<xref ref-type="fn" rid="conf2"/>

Melissa37 commented 8 years ago

The alternative is that every author gets a distinct footnote declaring their competing interest or lack thereof and this could contain the exact text that will be used on the website. The PDF would then either have a list of the competing interests or produce a statement based on how many authors have and do not have competing interests (The authors declare, The other author(s) declare etc).

Melissa37 commented 8 years ago

Decision made in production: No names in XML tag any more PDF will have alternative textual wording XML will contain exact text for online display.

<!--XML comtains no names of authors in competing interest footnote, but PDF must add full name of author where they decclare an interest, 
                eg below "Chair of JATS4R" would be come: Melissa Harrison: Chair of JATS4R" Generic "No competing interests declared" is linked to 
                all authors who do not declare a competing interest. For the PDF rules are as follows:
            All authors declare no competing interests: statement reads "The authors declare that no competing interests exist."
            One or more authors declare competing interests and rest do not: "The other authors declare that no competing interests exist."
            Only one author out of two or more declares no competing interests exist: "The other author declares that no competing interests exist."
            One author only and there declare no competing interests: "The author declares that no competing interests exist."-->
            <fn-group content-type="competing-interest">
                <title>Competing interests</title>
                <fn fn-type="conflict" id="conf1">
                    <p>Chair of JATS4R</p>
                <fn fn-type="conflict" id="conf2">
                    <p>No competing interests declared</p>
                <fn fn-type="conflict" id="conf3">
                    <p>Not an eLife employee</p>