elifesciences / elife-pubmed-feed

code to support uploading feeds to pubmed for POA articles and VOR articles
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Author keywords #1

Closed Melissa37 closed 9 years ago

Melissa37 commented 10 years ago

Message from James: I've set up a query 'POA Keywords' which will return each keyword on a separate row.

Melissa37 commented 10 years ago

TNQ QC the author keywords and change capitalisation to lower case where necessary. However that cannot be automated as proper nouns and abbreviations cannot be changed to lower case. We need to look at some samples. Could add QC step at PoA production - correct keywords?

gnott commented 10 years ago

Editing keywords prior to CSV data export is ideal, so the below is not required:

A more challenging process would involve generating a notional PubMed XML prior to final publication that can be reviewed and edited. This edited file would be transmitted to PubMed when the article is finally published.

  1. Generate preliminary pubmed XML when PublishPOA happens and save to S3
  2. eLife Production can check or edit the files, somehow
  3. Once the bot confirms the article appears on HW (is published) send the XML to PubMed.
gnott commented 10 years ago

Looking today, I do not see a POA keywords file in S3. Could you please confirm the query is enabled, and/or what the exact query name is?

JGilbert-eLife commented 10 years ago

Apologies, I thought I'd set it to export but apparently didn't get around to it. All set up now - it will export as POA Keywords.

Sorry again!

gnott commented 10 years ago

I see the file now James, no worries! Looks good!