elifesciences / elife-pubmed-feed

code to support uploading feeds to pubmed for POA articles and VOR articles
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Add PublicationType element #18

Closed Melissa37 closed 9 years ago

Melissa37 commented 9 years ago



MH to confirm with Features what all the feature content should be labelled as. REVIEW LETTER EDITORIAL JOURNAL ARTICLE

Melissa37 commented 9 years ago

Editorials: EDITORIAL

All other feature content: JOURNAL ARTICLE

Confirmed by Peter Rodgers

gnott commented 9 years ago

Done, based on parsing <article article-type="editorial"> or <article article-type="research-article">.

Melissa37 commented 9 years ago

article-type="discussion" article-type="article-commentary" article-type="correction"

These are the other article types we currently use, and these should default to JOURNAL ARTICLE too.

There are other article-types (it is a controlled list): abstract addendum announcement article-commentary book-review books-received brief-report calendar case-report collection dissertation in-brief introduction letter meeting-report news obituary oration partial-retraction product-review rapid-communication reply reprint retraction review-article translation

We don't currently use any of these but could do in the future, but they could be set to default at JOURNAL ARTICLE, except review-article and letter.

Hope that makes sense?!

gnott commented 9 years ago

I've added the additional article-type values to explicitly set the value to JOURNAL ARTICLE.

If there is no rule for the particular article-type, it defaults to an empty element


This parses successfully on the PubMed citation checker, and defaults to JOURNAL ARTICLE anyway.

Melissa37 commented 9 years ago

Great, thanks!