Open fred-atherden opened 2 weeks ago
! warning: [given-names-test-16] given-names for author is made up only of uppercase letters (and spaces) 'RT'. Are they initials? Should the authors full given-names be introduced instead?
! warning: [given-names-test-16] given-names for author is made up only of uppercase letters (and spaces) 'SP'. Are they initials? Should the authors full given-names be introduced instead?
! warning: [given-names-test-16] given-names for author is made up only of uppercase letters (and spaces) 'RT'. Are they initials? Should the authors full given-names be introduced instead?
! warning: [given-names-test-16] given-names for author is made up only of uppercase letters (and spaces) 'SP'. Are they initials? Should the authors full given-names be introduced instead?
! warning: [aff-no-country] Affiliation does not contain a country element: 1Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Bangalore 560012
! warning: [aff-no-wrap] Affiliation doesn't have an institution-wrap element (the container for institution name and id). Is that correct?
! warning: [aff-no-country] Affiliation does not contain a country element: 2Centre for Neuroscience Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012
! warning: [aff-no-wrap] Affiliation doesn't have an institution-wrap element (the container for institution name and id). Is that correct?
! warning: [journal-ref-text-content] This journal reference (id c49) has untagged textual content - Available at: . Is it tagged correctly?
! warning: [journal-ref-text-content] This journal reference (id sc4) has untagged textual content - Available at: ; [Accessed . Is it tagged correctly?
! warning: [title-lower-case] Content of <title> element is entirely in lower-case case: Is that correct? '1-back task for functional localizers'
! warning: [title-upper-case] Content of <title> element is entirely in upper case: Is that correct? 'VISUAL HOMOGENEITY IN DEEP NETWORKS EXPLAINS SEARCH'
! warning: [title-upper-case] Content of <title> element is entirely in upper case: Is that correct? 'ADDITIONAL ANALYSIS FOR EXPERIMENT 1'
! warning: [title-upper-case] Content of <title> element is entirely in upper case: Is that correct? 'GENERALIZATION TO OTHER OBJECTS'
! warning: [title-upper-case] Content of <title> element is entirely in upper case: Is that correct? 'VISUAL HOMOGENEITY PREDICTS SAME/DIFFERENT RESPONSES'
! warning: [title-upper-case] Content of <title> element is entirely in upper case: Is that correct? 'VISUAL HOMOGENEITY IS UNAFFECTED BY CONTEXT'
! warning: [title-upper-case] Content of <title> element is entirely in upper case: Is that correct? 'ENCODING OF VISUAL HOMOGENEITY IN BRAIN ACROSS EXPERIMENTS'
! warning: [title-upper-case] Content of <title> element is entirely in upper case: Is that correct? 'RELATING TARGET-ABSENT RESPONSES AND SYMMETRY'
! warning: [title-upper-case] Content of <title> element is entirely in upper case: Is that correct? 'VISUAL HOMOGENEITY EXPLAINS ANIMATE CATEGORIZATION'
+ info: [article-version-flag] This is preprint version 1.4.
+ info: [permissions-info] This article is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.
! warning: [ed-report-kwd-group-2] evidence-strength type kwd-group has 2 keywords: Incomplete; Solid. This is unusual, please check this is correct.
MSID: 93033
Version: 3
Preprint DOI:
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