Open fred-atherden opened 1 week ago
- error: [journal-ref-article-title] This journal reference (id c29) has no article-title element.
- error: [journal-ref-article-title] This journal reference (id c32) has no article-title element.
- error: [junk-character-presence-3] p element contains a junk character '□' which should be replaced or deleted.
! warning: [aff-no-wrap] Affiliation doesn't have an institution-wrap element (the container for institution name and id). Is that correct?
! warning: [journal-ref-text-content] This journal reference (id c57) has untagged textual content - :eabn5648. doi:. Is it tagged correctly?
! warning: [p-all-bold] Content of p element is entirely in bold - 'Figure 1 – source data 1'. Is this correct?
! warning: [p-all-bold] Content of p element is entirely in bold - 'Figure 1 – figure supplement 1 – source data 1'. Is this correct?
! warning: [p-all-bold] Content of p element is entirely in bold - 'Figure 2 – source data 1'. Is this correct?
! warning: [p-all-bold] Content of p element is entirely in bold - 'Figure 3 – source data 1'. Is this correct?
! warning: [p-all-bold] Content of p element is entirely in bold - 'Figure 3 – source data 2'. Is this correct?
! warning: [p-all-bold] Content of p element is entirely in bold - 'Figure 3 – figure supplement 2 – source data 1'. Is this correct?
! warning: [p-all-bold] Content of p element is entirely in bold - 'Figure 3 – figure supplement 2 – source data 2'. Is this correct?
! warning: [p-all-bold] Content of p element is entirely in bold - 'Figure 4 – source data 1'. Is this correct?
! warning: [p-all-bold] Content of p element is entirely in bold - 'Figure 4 – figure supplement 1 – source data 1'. Is this correct?
! warning: [p-all-bold] Content of p element is entirely in bold - 'Figure 6 – figure supplement 1 – source data 1'. Is this correct?
! warning: [p-all-bold] Content of p element is entirely in bold - 'Figure 6 – figure supplement 1 – source data 2'. Is this correct?
! warning: [p-all-bold] Content of p element is entirely in bold - 'Supplementary file 1'. Is this correct?
+ info: [article-version-flag] This is preprint version 1.2.
+ info: [permissions-info] This article is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.
MSID: 86194
Version: 2
Preprint DOI:
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