[ ] Add link to the relevant tests from 'eLife figure processing' on Figures page and add bold text:
'The example above references a .eps file. The values of the mimetype and mime-subtype will differ and are dependent on what filetype is referenced (see also the Schematron tests related to this {link to graphic-test-1-4]).'
[ ] Link out from figures page 'Unlabelled images in the article file' section - add this sentence after 'These may be inline images, which are permitted and don't require any labels.': 'For more about inline images, see here.'
[ ] Add description of what is being covered
[ ] Add description of checks required on this content, compiled from current protocol documents
[ ] Add examples covering correct and incorrect scenarios, as required to support checks
[ ] Populate with schematron messages
[ ] Provide explanations for how to fix schematron errors and warnings
[ ] Review house style document to ensure all requirements are covered by GitBook and schematron
[ ] Review schematron messages related to this topic to ensure they are user friendly
Definition of done