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Create Press processes page #186

Closed naushinthomson closed 2 years ago

naushinthomson commented 3 years ago

Definition of done

griffithsc commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone, the press processes page is now ready to review. Thanks for your feedback! :) @Melissa37 @JGilbert-eLife @naushinthomson @FAtherden-eLife

fred-atherden commented 3 years ago

Thanks @griffithsc.

If it due to go out to the author later in the week, it should be scheduled for the following Tuesday. For instance, in the screenshot above, the proof goes out to the authors on a Wednesday (7th July), so should be scheduled for the Tuesday after next (20th July).

If you mean the 20th in this sentence (instead of the 13th) can we change "following Tuesday" to some other clearer phrase?

also typo => If it's due

fred-atherden commented 3 years ago

There's no mention of time - please can you add something about that (the fact that schedule articles for different times in the day, usually depending on the corresponding authors institutional time zone)?

[Edit: I see that it is mentioned - I jumped the gun 🤦 - but still would be nice to make it a bit clearer if possible :) ]

Melissa37 commented 3 years ago

If the article is due to reach Author Review on either a Monday or a Tuesday, then it can be scheduled for the nearest Tuesday.

I read that to mean you can schedule it for THAT Tuesday, not a later one, which feels like it's cutting it a bit fine.

fred-atherden commented 3 years ago

Could you explain what to do if a VoR is ready to send to Continuum and the PoA has already been scheduled for publication for a future date?

Melissa37 commented 3 years ago

As can be seen in the screenshot below, the email should clearly list all of the articles that have been scheduled, specifying the time and date and whether they have any related content such as an Insight.

Is there a chance co-subs are press released? Should they be mentioned?

fred-atherden commented 3 years ago

Please could you explain what Emily does in relation to Insight articles for Research articles getting Press, and how that might affect us?

fred-atherden commented 3 years ago

Can we add a link to our media policy somewhere, and how to respond to authors who ask about embargos etc.?

Melissa37 commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Looks good :-)

Only other minor comment - we use Oxford comma I think (a comma in front to the and in a list of items in a sentence)

fred-atherden commented 3 years ago

Is it worth mentioning somewhere that the eLife (or freelance) written press packs are here - https://elifesciences.org/for-the-press?

fred-atherden commented 3 years ago

I think we should change Scheduling articles in Kriya to something else. Maybe Marking articles as Press in Kriya or similar. The articles aren't scheduled for publication in Kriya, that's done in Continuum.

fred-atherden commented 3 years ago

Nice work, thanks @griffithsc.

JGilbert-eLife commented 3 years ago

It might be worth slightly loosening the language at the start. We have occasionally published articles on days other than Tuesday when there were unusual circumstances. Maybe 'almost always'? And say that if the authors insist on another date, that can be accommodated?

JGilbert-eLife commented 3 years ago

Also, Emily's title is officially 'Media Relations Manager' :)

JGilbert-eLife commented 3 years ago

Please could you make it clear that 'chronological' in the context of the press meetings means in terms of press date? Articles are showing in chronological order in Kriya but it's by acceptance date.

JGilbert-eLife commented 3 years ago

Is the screenshot of the template cut off at the top?

JGilbert-eLife commented 3 years ago

Minor point, but the email below that is from Jo so it's probably better if the text explains that both Emily and Jo/freelancers can send hold messages.

JGilbert-eLife commented 3 years ago

We've bolded links on other pages - would you mind doing the same for consistency? It makes them slightly more obvious.

JGilbert-eLife commented 3 years ago

I agree about making time factors more prominent; this has a big impact on when we're judging if something needs to be pushed back and can also impact on our judgement for when an article can be scheduled. I also think that things might need to be a bit clearer about how we estimate the dates we give to Emily. I've never bothered with the due dates in Kriya so much as an estimate for how long I expect the remaining stages to take. For example, I'd usually assume a no-digest article that's waiting for its decision letter would need about a week and a half to get to publication (best case). If it's already with the author, that's going to usually need less time, but not if there's been communication with the author that indicates a delay. And so on.

JGilbert-eLife commented 3 years ago

Thanks @griffithsc!

fred-atherden commented 3 years ago

I recently added a Schematron check for publication dates in the future (at date of validating) - press-pub-date-check. It fires a warning if the pub date is in the future and is not on a Tuesday. Is it worth adding to this page, or to a different one that covers publication dates?

naushinthomson commented 3 years ago

The Production team has a weekly meeting with Emily to schedule and to track the progress of upcoming press articles.

suggest changing to

The Production team has a weekly meeting with eLife's press officer, Emily Packer to schedule and to track the progress of upcoming press articles.

This section

Press meetings usually occur on a Thursday morning, and are attended by a member of the Production team and eLife's Press Officer (Emily Packer).

can then be changed to

Press meetings usually occur on a Thursday morning, and are attended by a member of the Production team and Emily.

naushinthomson commented 3 years ago

When checking the status of press articles, if any of those marked for next Tuesday are still at the Author Review stage, they do not need to be pushed back at this point, and Emily can be updated on these in the Press Update email on Monday.

I think a bit more detail is needed here - we may have already corresponded with the authors and they may, for example, have requested extensive edits and a second round of review. In that case, it might be better to push the press date to the following Tuesday.

naushinthomson commented 3 years ago

Would it be better to structure the press meeting section in an ordered list? Something like:

naushinthomson commented 3 years ago

Is there a chance co-subs are press released? Should they be mentioned?

Yes, it's definitely worth covering this - sometimes one press article needs to be pushed back because its co-sub is delayed.

naushinthomson commented 3 years ago

It is advisable to take the same course of action when an author enquires about a publication date, as often this means that they are considering press.

I'm not sure this is necessary actually - maybe something we need to discuss in the production meeting?

griffithsc commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone, this page is ready to review again. It has been edited to incorporate your (helpful) feedback, to add in info about PoAs on hold, and the press-pub-date-check schematron check. Thanks! @Melissa37 @JGilbert-eLife @naushinthomson @FAtherden-eLife

naushinthomson commented 3 years ago

@griffithsc Sorry for the delay - I think everything looks good, just one final thing, for the 'Estimate press dates for upcoming articles' section I think it would be better to remove the part about consulting due dates altogether, and instead use the information we have about how long each stage should take instead. So, you can say something like:

The estimated due date will depend on the stage an article is currently at. Unless there are problems, this is how long articles spend at each stage: Pre-editing - 2 days (4 for LaTex) Copyediting - 2 days Typesetter QA - 1 day Waiting for assets if relevant - check due date of digest on tracker Author review - 2 days PAV - 1 day Publisher review - 1 day

And then keep the part from 'If an article has been marked...' Also at the end of that section I think a sentence on Decision letters would also be good, just to say if an article is in the waiting for assets queue and only waiting for a decision letter this will usually be loaded within a couple of days.

griffithsc commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this Naushin - should be much clearer that way. I've made these edits now :-)