eliheuer / gf-project-plan-q3-q4-2023

GF Project Plan Q3/Q4 2023
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Help develop guidelines for identifying and rejecting spam (shovelware) font projects #6

Open eliheuer opened 1 year ago

eliheuer commented 1 year ago

Low-quality spam font submissions are becoming a problem.

Due to the nature of the OFL (forks of high-quality fonts) just regular quality standards aren't enough to prevent SEO spam and similar spam.

The kind of font projects I think we want to encourage in the OFL ecosystem look like this:

But many fonts that are submitted for onboarding are just endless variations of the same low-quality styles, many verging on being SEO spam, vain self-promotion, achievement farming for resumes or college applications, or what in the game industry we called Shovelware.

Low-budget, poor-quality video games, released in the hopes of being purchased by unsuspecting customers, are often referred to as "shovelware". This can lead to discoverability issues when a platform has no type of quality control. Shovelware video games often have a negative reception from critics and players.

The key thing to think about is how these shovelware spam low-quality fonts hurt discoverability. Onboarding a low-quality font to Google Fonts can make the product worse from a users perspective.

The worst user experience when looking for fonts is sifting through a lot of junk and spam. For many designers a small collection of 100 high-quality fonts would be preferable to a collection of 1000 mixed-quality fonts.

An additional problem with fonts like these is that onboarder productivity is judged by how many fonts they onboard. So when an onboarder gets to a spam font, they might know it's bad and will do a disservice to whoever will use it, but will onboard it anyway, because that is what is incentivized and measured.

A better use of time and energy would be collaborating on improving higher-quality typefaces and onboarding styles that do not have 100s of low-quality variations already.


davelab6 commented 1 year ago

This seems like a small part of #3