eliheuer / gf-project-plan-q3-q4-2023

GF Project Plan Q3/Q4 2023
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Prototype what a more Developer Relations and Community Management oriented GF onboarder looks like #8

Open eliheuer opened 12 months ago

eliheuer commented 12 months ago

The role of Google Fonts onboarder has a lot of overlap with Developer Relations and Community Management roles in other parts of the tech industry. I want to take ideas and ways of working from these communities and introduce them to Google Fonts more. Done well this can be seen as good marketing for Google Fonts, and can replace expensive and inaccessible type design education.

Delegating to the open-source community and improving publicly available font engineering knowledge and education will increase the quality level in the OFL ecosystem and gradually reduce the need for onboarding contractors doing lower-level tasks, so Google Fonts contractors can focus on higer-level tasks.

Interacting will Google Fonts should be a good experience for everyone, and people should be treated with respect and kindness. Onboarders should at the least treat potential contributors the way a customer or client would be treated, and at best act as a teacher and mentor on their journey learning type design and font engineering.


Community Management is helpful to prevent things like the Font Bakery Fork and how painful and difficult it is using and interacting with the Microsoft OpenType Spec.



Interacting with Google Fonts should be a good experience, that is great marketing, because when people talk about Google Fonts they will have a positive perception of the project:

davelab6 commented 12 months ago

This seems like another smaller piece of #3 where you'll draft more detailed concrete processes expected from each onboarding effort?