elihunter173 / dirbuf.nvim

A file manager for Neovim which lets you edit your filesystem like you edit text
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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calling write fails with E17 path is a directory #50

Closed matu3ba closed 1 year ago

matu3ba commented 1 year ago


use { 'elihunter173/dirbuf.nvim', config = function() require("dirbuf").setup { write_cmd = "DirbufSync -confirm" } end, }

However, manually running the command :DirbufSync -confirm works as expected.

The behavior occurs both from opening a directory and opening a file first and then calling :Dirfuf % Is this behavior expected? If yes, then it should be documented.

Side question: Is there a difference in using :e pathtodir and :Dirbuf pathtodir?

matu3ba commented 1 year ago

known workaround: Use the first time :w! to force the write. Subsequent writes will work as expected.

ojroques commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue on Neovim nightly. Maybe the same issue as #45.

elihunter173 commented 1 year ago

Is this behavior expected? If yes, then it should be documented.

This behavior is not expected. Are you using Neovim nightly? If yes, then I'll close this issue as a duplicate of #45 since I just re-opened that for investigation.

matu3ba commented 1 year ago

Yes, I am using Neovim nightly. Closed as duplicate of #45.