When an incorrect tag field is entered e.g. one with spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, the error message shown is grammatically wrong.
"Tags names should be alphanumeric" instead of "Tag's names should be alphanumeric" or "Tag names should be alphanumeric"
Steps to reproduce:
add a client with valid parameters for all fields but the tag field contains multiple words e.g. add n/name e/email@u.com a/address p/123 t/tag with spaces
The error message shown should be as in the above screenshot.
VeryLow as it is purely cosmetic and does not interrupt the user's experience (we still understand what the error message is saying despite a missing apostrophe.)
When an incorrect tag field is entered e.g. one with spaces or non-alphanumeric characters, the error message shown is grammatically wrong. "Tags names should be alphanumeric" instead of "Tag's names should be alphanumeric" or "Tag names should be alphanumeric"
Steps to reproduce:
The error message shown should be as in the above screenshot.
VeryLow as it is purely cosmetic and does not interrupt the user's experience (we still understand what the error message is saying despite a missing apostrophe.)