eliotstocker / Light-Controller

To Control lights from companys such as limitless LED etc
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Provide build flavor without play-services #38

Open ghost opened 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

Google's play-services are non-free software, could you provide an easy to use build flavor without them? I tried stripping wear and play-services from build.gradle and settings.gradle, but didn't succeed.

eliotstocker commented 9 years ago

ill have a check on this when i get a chance, shouldn't be an issue, any particular reason you want to build it without play services? as i dont see any reason why it wouldn't run on a device without play services

ghost commented 7 years ago

Sigh.. seems I missed your reply for two years :/. It might run, but it will not build on hosts not serving the non-free Google Repository.

Edit: I had another look at it and the problem still exists. Even if there is a switch to build with and without play, the code still references play-services at all time, e.g. by import com.google.android.gms.common.api.GoogleApiClient.

louwers commented 6 years ago

Would be great to have this app on F-Droid!