eliotstocker / Light-Controller

To Control lights from companys such as limitless LED etc
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Pull dudeofawsomes changes upstream for build compatibility #58

Closed eliotstocker closed 8 years ago

eliotstocker commented 8 years ago

@dudeofawesome what changes are in 486fc40? what is the new expected behaviour?

dudeofawesome commented 8 years ago

I must have accidentally started this PR. It's not quite ready to be merged in yet.

dudeofawesome commented 8 years ago

Derp. You opened the request, not me.

486fc40 modifies the way the brightness slider in the Wear app works. Instead of being an absolute slider (which could never reach 100%, at least not on my watch), it is now a relative slider.

It's not quite ready yet though as I haven't tested it with actual lights, nor have it made the UI display the correct values.

I'll take a look at that this weekend and get it ready to be merged in.

All the other commits are just to make the builds not require developer-unique files and bring some dependencies up to date.

eliotstocker commented 8 years ago

ill merge thw build updates as im lazy haha, and ill pull the AW update once its done :D

dudeofawesome commented 8 years ago

Alright, sounds good. I'll start a PR once it's done

Are there any other changes that haven't been pushed into the Play Store build yet?

dudeofawesome commented 8 years ago

Can we close this PR as is, without pulling in 7eb410c or newer, and then open a new one solely about the changes I've made to the brightness slider on the watch? I'd like to discuss it a little bit before we actually merge in.

dudeofawesome commented 8 years ago

Hey, it looks like you tried to close the PR, but it didn't stick or something image Do you think you could try again? I can't open a new one until this one is closed.

eliotstocker commented 8 years ago

My Bad i was logged in on the wrong account, closing now! :D