elipousson / crashapi

💥🚙💥 R package to get Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data with the FARS API
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get_fars_crashes() returns error when county name is not unique #1

Closed tiernanmartin closed 2 years ago

tiernanmartin commented 2 years ago

Thanks for developing this package!

I ran into an unexpected error when I was trying to pull crash-by-location data for Washington state. A little debugging led me to believe it may be related to the county name argument--specifically, when the county name is present in multiple states.

Reprex below.


# common county names return an error:

crashapi::get_fars_crashes(state = "WA", county = "Adams")
#> Error in file(path): invalid 'description' argument

crashapi::get_fars_crashes(state = "WA", county = "King")
#> Error in file(path): invalid 'description' argument

# however, unique county names do not:

tibble::as_tibble(crashapi::get_fars_crashes(state = "WA", county = "Yakima"))
#> # A tibble: 63 x 15
#>    <chr> <chr>      <chr>  <chr>       <chr>    <chr>  <chr>     <chr>     <chr>
#>  1 0     NOT APPLI~ 77     YAKIMA (77) 2015     1      46.72518~ -120.402~ 53   
#>  2 0     NOT APPLI~ 77     YAKIMA (77) 2015     1      46.51380~ -120.453~ 53   
#>  3 0     NOT APPLI~ 77     YAKIMA (77) 2015     1      46.39471~ -119.952~ 53   
#>  4 0     NOT APPLI~ 77     YAKIMA (77) 2014     1      46.34545~ -119.997~ 53   
#>  5 0     NOT APPLI~ 77     YAKIMA (77) 2015     1      46.39013~ -120.480~ 53   
#>  6 0     NOT APPLI~ 77     YAKIMA (77) 2014     1      46.32839~ -120.461~ 53   
#>  7 0     NOT APPLI~ 77     YAKIMA (77) 2014     1      46.34619~ -119.964~ 53   
#>  8 0     NOT APPLI~ 77     YAKIMA (77) 2015     1      46.41827~ -120.290~ 53   
#>  9 0     NOT APPLI~ 77     YAKIMA (77) 2014     1      46.38698~ -120.669~ 53   
#> 10 0     NOT APPLI~ 77     YAKIMA (77) 2015     1      46.43367~ -120.479~ 53   
#> # ... with 53 more rows, and 6 more variables: STATENAME <chr>, ST_CASE <chr>,
#> #   TOTALVEHICLES <chr>, TWAY_ID <chr>, TWAY_ID2 <chr>, VE_FORMS <chr>

Created on 2021-11-18 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

elipousson commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the catch! I updated the county_to_fips() function and (I think) fixed the issue.