eliranwong / UniqueBible

A cross-platform bible application, integrated with high-quality resources and amazing features, running offline in Windows, macOS and Linux, ChromeOS, Android, iOS. Various running modes are supported.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Previous session #872

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

Apologies Eleran, I have been away. For weeks now every time I open UB it opens up at a specific place (Rev 9:9) and translation. How can I get it to open where I left off in the previous session? Thank you.


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['note_editor.uba', 'C:/Users/rpb/OneDrive/Documents/Theology/Derrick ' 'Harrison/Introduction to Christian Theology/Doctrine of the ' 'Bible by Derrick Harrison.pdf', 'C:/UniqueBible-master/marvelData/docx/demo.docx', 'C:/Users/rpb/OneDrive/Documents/MyBible_OneDrive/BasicTheology/DOCTRINE_OF_MAN-Derrick-Harrison.epub', 'C:/Users/rpb/OneDrive/Documents/MyBibleOneDrive/BasicTheology/DOCTRINE ' 'OF MAN-Derrick-Harrison.docx', 'C:/Users/rpb/Downloads/What’s Wrong with Wright Examining the ' 'New Perspective on Paul by Phil Johnson.html'], 'main': ['BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 2:24', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 3:1', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 3:12', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 3:15', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 3:18', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::John 9:6', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 3:21', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 4:1', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 4:8', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 4:9', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 4:11', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 5:1', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 5:8', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 5:9', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 5:13', 'BIBLE:::HKJVx:::Rev 6:1', 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'COMPARE:::Rev 9:9'], 'study': ['LEXICON:::G390', 'LEXICON:::G5495', 'LEXICON:::G1453', 'LEXICON:::G4970', 'LEXICON:::G4624', 'LEXICON:::G1161', 'LEXICON:::G305', 'COMMENTARY:::Matt 18:1', 'STUDY:::HKJVx:::Matt 18:1', 'COMMENTARY:::Matt 18:3', 'STUDY:::HKJVx:::Matt 18:3', 'LEXICON:::G4762', 'LEXICON:::G3989', 'LEXICON:::G2281', 'LEXICON:::G3989', 'LEXICON:::G4625', 'LEXICON:::G575', 'LEXICON:::G4625', 'LEXICON:::G1063', 'LEXICON:::G2570', 'LEXICON:::G1223', 'LEXICON:::G991', 'LEXICON:::G622', 'LEXICON:::G4105', 'LEXICON:::G1437', 'COMMENTARY:::Rev 9:9', 'COMMENTARY:::Matt 18:15', 'STUDY:::HKJVx:::Matt 18:15', 'LEXICON:::G1482', 'LEXICON:::G5057', 'LEXICON:::G1210', 'LEXICON:::G1096', 'LEXICON:::G3844', 'LEXICON:::G4856', 'LEXICON:::G4012', 'LEXICON:::G4229', 'LEXICON:::G3739', 'LEXICON:::G2193', 'LEXICON:::G935', 'COMMENTARY:::Matt 18:28', 'STUDY:::HKJVx:::Matt 18:28', 'LEXICON:::G3784', 'LEXICON:::G3427', 'LEXICON:::G591', 'LEXICON:::G2962', 'LEXICON:::G3900', 'COMMENTARY:::Rev 9:9', 'COMMENTARY:::Matt 19:1', 'STUDY:::HKJVx:::Matt 19:1', 'LEXICON:::G1096']} installHistory = {'BSB.bible': '1fQX8cT12LE9Q3dBUJyezTYg4a0AbdKbN', 'LXX1i.bible': '1vtGfv2otmb2N86M2QdRB6KdFjlNyAGOc', 'MAB.bible': '1E1W145QQOgm-_k3nkjvIFzRasIG9RL0C', 'MIB.bible': '1AWr4F3GoqLs1pgOnQH6s0rJj_8frT9Ve', 'MOB.bible': '1EQyskcmH9eqIv-9SxoM2wPBgHWcuOEvc', 'MPB.bible': '1hJYhu9E1odXNYBKrpUAjl_IvqWUVhHFm', 'MTB.bible': '126VcL8UXwV4FJwO-ZQPZzNqEvrUALuDN', 'Maps_ABS.book': '13hf1NvhAjNXmRQn-Cpq4hY0E2XbEfmEd', 'cBarnes.commentary': '13uxButnFH2NRUV-YuyRZYCeh1GzWqO5J', 'cBenson.commentary': '1MSRUHGDilogk7_iZHVH5GWkPyf8edgjr', 'cBrooks.commentary': '1pZNRYE6LqnmfjUem4Wb_U9mZ7doREYUm', 'cCECNT.commentary': '1MpBx7z6xyJYISpW_7Dq-Uwv0rP8_Mi-r', 'cCGrk.commentary': '1Jf51O0R911Il0V_SlacLQDNPaRjumsbD', 'cCHP.commentary': '1dygf2mz6KN_ryDziNJEu47-OhH8jK_ff', 'cCPBST.commentary': '14zueTf0ioI-AKRo_8GK8PDRKael_kB1U', 'cCalvin.commentary': '1FUZGK9n54aXvqMAi3-2OZDtRSz9iZh-j', 'cClarke.commentary': '1ZVpLAnlSmBaT10e5O7pljfziLUpyU4Dq', 'cEBC.commentary': '1UA3tdZtIKQEx-xmXtMSO1k8S8DKYm6r', 'cECER.commentary': '1sCJc5xuxqDDlmgSn2SFWTRbXnHSKXeh', 'cGill.commentary': '1O5jnHLsmoobkCypy9zJC-Sw_Ob-3pQ2t', 'cICCNT.commentary': '1QxrzeeZYc0-GNwqwdDe91H4j1hGSOG6t', 'cKD.commentary': '1rFFDrdDMjImEwXkHkbh7-vX3g4kKUuGV', 'cPulpit.commentary': '1briSh0oDhUX7QnW1g9oM3c4VWiThkWBG', 'cWhedon.commentary': '1FPJUJOKodFKG8wsNAvcLLc75QbM5WO-9', 'collections3.sqlite': '18dRwEc3SL2Z6JxD1eI1Jm07oIpt9i205', 'cross-reference.sqlite': '1fTf0L7l1ko1Edt4KUDOzg5LGHtBS3w', 'dictionary.data': '1NfbkhaR-dtmT1_Aue34KypR3mfPtqCZn', 'encyclopedia.data': '1OuM6WxKfInDBULkzZDZFryUkU1BFtym8', 'exlb3.data': '1gp2Unsab85Se-IB_tmvVZQ3JKGvXLyMP', 'search.sqlite': '1A4s8ewpxayrVXamiva2l1y1AinAcIKAh', 'wordNT.data': '11pmVhecYEtklcB4fLjNP52eL9pkytFdS', 'wordsNT.data': '11bANQQhH6acVujDXiPI4JuaenTFYTkZA'} enableMenuUnderline = True githubAccessToken = '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' includeStrictDocTypeInNote = 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onegladiator4u commented 2 years ago

Have you tried updating UBA? Restart UBA after update New update saves tab history. Just turn on populateTabsOnStartup option in config flags and open the specific place you want to open next time. Try restarting again

ghost commented 2 years ago

I'll give it a go.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Not sure what it was but I don't think it was your sugestion. Anyhow I just set config flags to their defaults and that seems to have fixed the problem. The populateTabsOnStartup is not turned on. But thanks for sending me in the right direction.