elisa-tech / tsc

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Handling updates and changes in safety-critical systems #5

Open bulwahn opened 5 years ago

bulwahn commented 5 years ago

Action items from first workshop:

pahmann commented 1 year ago

Some activities are done in that field. E.g. from OSEP, but also member activities. Not on main roadmap topic yet. It will fit to the Systems WG activities.

pahmann commented 3 months ago

ISO 24089 is out as the FOTA standard.

Topic is still valid, but the tasks and description in the issue are outdated.

There is the section in ISO26262 in part 8, but this gives a hard time for pre-existing software. In 3rd edition there may be something on CI/CD systems and handling of change management.

Topic kept active. Impact of ISO26262 3rd edition to be considered. Note that this topic of course applies also to other industries.