elisaado / somtoday-api-docs

Documentation for the SOMtoday API
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Way for retrieving upcomping homework #8

Closed 770grappenmaker closed 4 years ago

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

Hello, My question is: Is there a way using the SomToday REST API to fetch upcoming homework?

I need this because I am tired of teachers changing homework just 2 days before. So what I want to do is fetch my homework, store it in a database, and if it is different from the homework before, filter out the changes and post a message on Discord with the changes. This will loop infinitely with a period of 30 minutes.

Thanks in advance.

PS. I would like to know how you got all this information about SomToday.

elisaado commented 4 years ago

Hey, yes, this is possible.

Your idea seems great and actually not too hard to implement! There is a problem, we don't use SOMtoday for homework at our school, so I can't test the endpoint.

I have proefwerkweek these weeks, so I cannot find out what the exact endpoint is.

I get most of my info by decompiling and reverse engineering their app.

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

So..... Can I help with this? I also make some Android apps so I can probably also reverse engineer that stuff. Idk.

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

Oh and how did u get the application key for retrieving a user token?

elisaado commented 4 years ago

I got the app ID and secret via the same method

You could try to load the APK file of the app into android studio and just search files for something like "huiswerk".

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

No, after a long search i cant find a homework fetcher: https://gyazo.com/0022269ac114b466b08e360f7199e4fe Maybe looking in the code of the activity?

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

ToekenningFetcher seems to be the one im looking for. It is an abstract class with 3 superclasses. Afspraak, dag and weekfetcher.

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

Suffix is "studiewijzeritemafspraaktoekenningen"

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

I think this is it, Ill try simulating requests using cURL, lemme check.

elisaado commented 4 years ago

Yep, I found it just now! Let me know if it works, I'll go ahead and test it as well with a test homework-item a teacher put there for me.

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

I’ll let u know if it works. But for now my Linux machine won’t boot.

elisaado commented 4 years ago

/rest/v1/studiewijzeritemafspraaktoekenningen?begintNaOfOp=2020-05-24 works for me with the following result

  "items": [
      "$type": "studiewijzer.RSWIAfspraakToekenning",
      "links": [
          "id": <REDACTED>,
          "rel": "self",
          "type": "studiewijzer.RSWIAfspraakToekenning",
          "href": "https://bonhoeffer-api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/studiewijzeritemafspraaktoekenningen/<REDACTED>"
      "permissions": [
          "full": "studiewijzer.RSWIAfspraakToekenning:READ:INSTANCE(<REDACTED>)",
          "type": "studiewijzer.RSWIAfspraakToekenning",
          "operations": [
          "instances": [
      "additionalObjects": {},
      "studiewijzer": {
        "links": [
            "id": <REDACTED>,
            "rel": "koppeling",
            "type": "studiewijzer.RAbstractStudiewijzer"
        "permissions": [],
        "additionalObjects": {},
        "uuid": "<REDACTED>",
        "naam": "<REDACTED>",
        "vestiging": {
          "links": [
              "id": <REDACTED>,
              "rel": "self",
              "type": "instelling.RVestiging",
              "href": "https://bonhoeffer-api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/vestigingen/<REDACTED>"
          "permissions": [
              "full": "instelling.RVestiging:READ:INSTANCE(<REDACTED>)",
              "type": "instelling.RVestiging",
              "operations": [
              "instances": [
          "additionalObjects": {},
          "naam": "<REDACTED>"
      "studiewijzerItem": {
        "links": [
            "id": <REDACTED>,
            "rel": "self",
            "type": "studiewijzer.RStudiewijzerItem",
            "href": "https://bonhoeffer-api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/studiewijzeritems/<REDACTED>"
        "permissions": [
            "full": "studiewijzer.RStudiewijzerItem:READ:INSTANCE(<REDACTED>)",
            "type": "studiewijzer.RStudiewijzerItem",
            "operations": [
            "instances": [
        "additionalObjects": {},
        "onderwerp": "Test",
        "huiswerkType": "HUISWERK",
        "omschrijving": "<p>opgave 1 2 3</p>",
        "inleverperiodes": false,
        "lesmateriaal": false,
        "projectgroepen": false,
        "bijlagen": [],
        "externeMaterialen": [],
        "inlevermomenten": [],
        "tonen": true,
        "notitieZichtbaarVoorLeerling": false
      "sortering": 0,
      "lesgroep": {
        "links": [
            "id": <REDACTED>,
            "rel": "self",
            "type": "lesgroep.RLesgroep",
            "href": "https://bonhoeffer-api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/lesgroepen/<REDACTED>"
        "permissions": [
            "full": "lesgroep.RLesgroep:READ:INSTANCE(<REDACTED>)",
            "type": "lesgroep.RLesgroep",
            "operations": [
            "instances": [
        "additionalObjects": {},
        "naam": "b5v.<REDACTED>",
        "schooljaar": {
          "$type": "onderwijsinrichting.RSchooljaar",
          "links": [
              "id": <REDACTED>,
              "rel": "self",
              "type": "onderwijsinrichting.RSchooljaar",
              "href": "https://bonhoeffer-api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/schooljaren/<REDACTED>"
          "permissions": [
              "full": "onderwijsinrichting.RSchooljaar:READ:INSTANCE(<REDACTED>)",
              "type": "onderwijsinrichting.RSchooljaar",
              "operations": [
              "instances": [
          "additionalObjects": {},
          "naam": "2019/2020",
          "vanafDatum": "2019-08-01",
          "totDatum": "2020-07-31",
          "isHuidig": true
        "vak": {
          "links": [
              "id": <REDACTED>,
              "rel": "self",
              "type": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak",
              "href": "https://bonhoeffer-api.somtoday.nl/rest/v1/vakken/<REDACTED>"
          "permissions": [
              "full": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak:READ:INSTANCE(<REDACTED>)",
              "type": "onderwijsinrichting.RVak",
              "operations": [
              "instances": [
          "additionalObjects": {},
          "afkorting": "<REDACTED>",
          "naam": "<REDACTED>"
        "heeftStamgroep": false,
        "examendossierOndersteund": true
      "datumTijd": "<REDACTED>",
      "aangemaaktOpDatumTijd": "<REDACTED>"
770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

That is acctually funny it says “notitie zichtbaar voor leerling” = false. But if you use this (even as a student) you can read it

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

But yeah for now thanks for helping me. Tomorrow I’ll start coding the bot and if it’s done I’ll send you the results if you would like to.

elisaado commented 4 years ago

Sure :) I'd love to see that!

elisaado commented 4 years ago

Good luck with your linux machine

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

You know what I’ll make it open source so even my friends can use it. And the rest of the world of course

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

This can be closed right? Or do you still want to have it opened because you need to update the docs? (And maybe ur lib)

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

Also do you know a good Dex compiler? I got one but it produced tons of errors, some files only parts of it were readable.

elisaado commented 4 years ago

You mean a decompiler? I use dex2jar myself, and then open the jar with jd-gui.

elisaado commented 4 years ago

Yes, the issue can be closed and I'll create a new one for adding homework to the documentation.

elisaado commented 4 years ago

@770grappenmaker if you eventually get it working, could you send me a sample of your JSOn output from the API endpoint like I did? This'll help me verify whether or not I've got the correct endpoint and documentation about it.

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

Of course. I’ll store all raw request data in a database and then I can send as many json as you want xD

elisaado commented 4 years ago

Hahaha alright

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago

Can you help me with something? I tried this endpoint, but it completely ignores my begintNaOfOp parameter. My code: https://github.com/770grappenmaker/somtoday-bot/blob/master/events/fetchHomework.js

elisaado commented 4 years ago

I think it's better to discuss this on something like discord, what's your tag?

770grappenmaker commented 4 years ago
