elise1993 / sysidHAVOK

This is a testbed for system identification and forecasting of dynamical systems using the Hankel Alternative View of Koopman (HAVOK) algorithm and Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics (SINDy). This code is based on the work by Brunton & Kutz (2022) and Yang et. al. (2022).
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Test 1: Verification and Accuracy #12

Closed elise1993 closed 5 months ago

elise1993 commented 7 months ago

To verify that the code works as intended, we have a suite of test cases representing different types of dynamical systems, including Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), Delay Differential Equations (DDEs), and Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs):

System Type Parameter Values Initial Conditions $t_0:dt:t_{max}$ Interpolation Factor Tolerance
Lorenz System ODE $\alpha=10, \rho=28, \beta=8/3$ | $[-8, 8, 27]$ [0:0.01:200] 0.1 1e-12
Rössler System ODE $a=0.1, b=0.1, c=14$ | $[1,1,1]$ [0:0.01:50] 0.1 1e-12
Van der Pol System ODE $\mu=5$ | $[1,1]$ [0:0.01:200] 0.1 1e-12
Duffing Oscillator ODE $\delta=0, \alpha=1, \beta=4$ | $[1,1]$ [0:0.01:200] 0.1 1e-12
Double Pendulum ODE $l_1=l_2=m_1=m_2=1, g=10$ | $[\pi/2,-0.01,$ $\pi/2,-0.005]$ [0:0.01:200] 0.1 1e-12
Mackey-Glass System DDE $\beta=2, \tau=2, n=9.65, \gamma=1$ | $1$ [0:1:2000] 0.01 1e-10
Earth Magnetic Field System SDE $\gamma=[1.5,1.5], \epsilon=[1.5,0.6], \tau=1, K=0.05,$ $V=[0.0017068, 0, -0.1536767, 0, 0], w=0.2$ | $6.7096 [1, 1]$ [0:1:1e6] 5 --

To verify the correctness of HAVOK-SINDy and test its performance, we initially exclude the ML term, as the accuracy of the ML model is highly dependent on the type of system and ML parameters such as tree size, number of layers, etc. Thus we construct the HAVOK-SINDy model, and during forecasting we feed the true intermittent forcing into this model for testing.

We use the following performance metrics to test the accuracy of the HAVOK-SINDy method:

We expect these performance metrics for the HAVOK-SINDy model to asymptotically approach zero as stackmax and rmax increases.

elise1993 commented 5 months ago

Effect of Stackmax and Rmax

Using the following conditions (see /tests/test1a.mat for an exhaustive list)

System Multi-Step Prediction $dt$ Interpolation Factor
Lorenz System 100 0.01 0.1

The prediction accuracy naturally increases with increasing stackmax and r, until it reaches the tolerance set for the ODE solver (1e-12):

stackmax = rmax r RMSE NMSE $R^2$
6 3 8.97e-1 1.30e-2 0.99
10 5 4.57e-1 3.38e-3 1.00
40 18 3.46e-2 1.94e-5 1.00
100 47 9.52e-5 1.47e-10 1.00
400 194 2.04e-5 6.76e-12 1.00
1000 491 2.07e-5 7.06e-12 1.00

Performance on Various Systems with Linear Model (HAVOK-SINDy)

Here we test the accuracy of the linearization for various systems, i.e. we only forecast using $\dot{\textbf{v}}=\textbf{Av}$. Stackmax and rmax have been adjusted somewhat for each system to obtain a better separation of linear and nonlinear dynamics.

With similar conditions as above (see /tests/test1b.mat for exhaustive lists):

System stackmax rmax RMSE NMSE $R^2$
Lorenz System 39 7 6.35e-2 6.53e-5 1.00
Rössler System 100 6 3.37e-2 8.37e-6 1.00
Van der Pol System 39 7 7.16e-4 2.12e-7 1.00
Duffing Oscillator 50 7 8.06e-6 1.47e-11 1.00
Double Pendulum 40 10 3.62e-3 1.62e-5 1.00
Mackey-Glass System 40 5 5.60e-5 5.99e-8 1.00
Magnetic Field Reversal 100 4 9.40e2 2.84e-2 0.97

Lorenz system image

Rossler system image

Van der Pol system image

Duffing oscillator image

Double pendulum image

Mackey-Glass system image

Magnetic Field Reversal image

Performance on Various Systems with Forced Linear Model (HAVOK-SINDy-ML)

Ideally one would choose the ML method that best fits the type of system, but here we have simply chosen to use Random Forest Regression (RFR) for all systems. As can be seen for the Magnetic Field Reversal case, RFR is not able to predict the chaotic jumps, and thus performs poorly in this case.

Multi-Step Prediction Regressor
1000 RFR-MEX
System stackmax rmax RMSE NMSE $R^2$
Lorenz System 39 7 6.15e+0 6.13e-1 0.57
Rössler System 100 6 5.46e+0 2.20e-1 0.81
Van der Pol System 39 7 6.51e-2 1.75e-3 1.00
Duffing Oscillator 50 7 2.96e-2 1.99e-4 1.00
Double Pendulum 40 10 8.21e-1 8.33e-1 0.42
Mackey-Glass System 40 5 4.97e-2 4.72e-2 0.96
Magnetic Field Reversal 100 4 5.71e+3 1.05e+0 0.17

Lorenz system image

Rossler system image

Van der Pol system image

Duffing oscillator image

Double pendulum image

Mackey-Glass system image

Magnetic Field Reversal image