elisemercury / Duplicate-Image-Finder

difPy - Python package for finding duplicate and similar images
MIT License
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search in Sub directories #18

Closed DeyoSwed closed 2 years ago

DeyoSwed commented 2 years ago

Hi Elise!

Thank you for existing!

My Onedrive duplicated my library about 4years ago, that and countless backups from WhatsApp and messager, A 550GB mess, yeah you get the point.

I'm really new to coding and git so figure ill postcode instead, it's not clean but I'm pressed on time studying applied data science and working as a product manager.

I have a few more ideas, but the code below was necessary for me right now :)

Code finds photos in all subdirectories (folder in a folder) in the given file paths. Code I have added is commented:

added by Kristofer from

added by Kristofer to

`import skimage.color import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import cv2 import os import imghdr import time import collections

added kristofer

from pathlib import Path

class dif:

def __init__(self, directory_A, directory_B = None, similarity="normal", px_size=50, sort_output=False, show_output=False, delete=False, silent_del=False):
    directory_A (str)......folder path to search for duplicate/similar images
    directory_B (str)....second folder path to search for duplicate/similar images
    similarity (str)....."normal" = searches for duplicates, recommended setting, MSE < 200
                         "high" = serached for exact duplicates, extremly sensitive to details, MSE < 0.1
                         "low" = searches for similar images, MSE < 1000
    px_size (int)........recommended not to change default value
                         resize images to px_size height x width (in pixels) before being compared
                         the higher the pixel size, the more computational ressources and time required 
    sort_output (bool)...False = adds the duplicate images to output dictionary in the order they were found
                         True = sorts the duplicate images in the output dictionars alphabetically 
    show_output (bool)...False = omits the output and doesn't show found images
                         True = shows duplicate/similar images found in output            
    delete (bool)........! please use with care, as this cannot be undone
                         lower resolution duplicate images that were found are automatically deleted
    silent_del (bool)....! please use with care, as this cannot be undone
                         True = skips the asking for user confirmation when deleting lower resolution duplicate images
                         will only work if "delete" AND "silent_del" are both == True

    OUTPUT (set).........a dictionary with the filename of the duplicate images 
                         and a set of lower resultion images of all duplicates
    start_time = time.time()

    if directory_B != None:
        # process both directories
        # process one directory
        directory_B = directory_A

    all_directories_A = [directory_A]
    all_directories_B = [directory_B]

    #added by Kristofer from
    for path in Path(directory_A).iterdir():
        if path.is_dir():

    for path in Path(directory_B).iterdir():
        if path.is_dir():

    dif._validate_parameters(sort_output, show_output, similarity, px_size, delete, silent_del)

    for dif_A in all_directories_A:
        for dif_B in all_directories_B:

            directory_A = str(dif_A)
            directory_B = str(dif_B)
    #added by Kristofer to                    

            if directory_B == directory_A:
                result, lower_quality = dif._search_one_dir(directory_A, 
                                                                similarity, px_size, sort_output, show_output, delete)
                result, lower_quality = dif._search_two_dirs(directory_A, directory_B, 
                                                                similarity, px_size, sort_output, show_output, delete)
                if len(lower_quality) != len(set(lower_quality)):
                    print("DifPy found that there are duplicates within directory A.")

            if sort_output == True:
                result = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(result.items()))

            time_elapsed = np.round(time.time() - start_time, 4)

            self.result = result
            self.lower_quality = lower_quality
            self.time_elapsed = time_elapsed

            if len(result) == 1:
                images = "image"
                images = "images"
            print("Found", len(result), images, "with one or more duplicate/similar images in", time_elapsed, "seconds.")

            if len(result) != 0:
                if delete:
                    if not silent_del:
                        usr = input("Are you sure you want to delete all lower resolution duplicate images? \nThis cannot be undone. (y/n)")
                        if str(usr) == "y":
                            print("Image deletion canceled.")

def _search_one_dir(directory_A, similarity="normal", px_size=50, sort_output=False, show_output=False, delete=False):

    img_matrices_A, filenames_A = dif._create_imgs_matrix(directory_A, px_size)
    result = {}
    lower_quality = []   

    ref = dif._map_similarity(similarity)

    # find duplicates/similar images within one folder
    for count_A, imageMatrix_A in enumerate(img_matrices_A):
        for count_B, imageMatrix_B in enumerate(img_matrices_A):
            if count_B != 0 and count_B > count_A and count_A != len(img_matrices_A):      
                rotations = 0
                while rotations <= 3:
                    if rotations != 0:
                        imageMatrix_B = dif._rotate_img(imageMatrix_B)

                    err = dif._mse(imageMatrix_A, imageMatrix_B)
                    if err < ref:
                        if show_output:
                            dif._show_img_figs(imageMatrix_A, imageMatrix_B, err)
                            dif._show_file_info(str("..." + directory_A[-35:]) + "/" + filenames_A[count_A], 
                                               str("..." + directory_A[-35:]) + "/" + filenames_A[count_B])
                        if filenames_A[count_A] in result.keys():
                            result[filenames_A[count_A]]["duplicates"] = result[filenames_A[count_A]]["duplicates"] + [directory_A + "/" + filenames_A[count_B]]
                            result[filenames_A[count_A]] = {"location" : directory_A + "/" + filenames_A[count_A],
                                                                "duplicates" : [directory_A + "/" + filenames_A[count_B]]
                        high, low = dif._check_img_quality(directory_A, directory_A, filenames_A[count_A], filenames_A[count_B])
                        rotations += 1    
    if sort_output == True:
        result = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(result.items()))
    return result, lower_quality            

def _search_two_dirs(directory_A, directory_B = None, similarity="normal", px_size=50, sort_output=False, show_output=False, delete=False):

    img_matrices_A, filenames_A = dif._create_imgs_matrix(directory_A, px_size)
    img_matrices_B, filenames_B = dif._create_imgs_matrix(directory_B, px_size)

    result = {}
    lower_quality = []   

    ref = dif._map_similarity(similarity)

    # find duplicates/similar images between two folders
    for count_A, imageMatrix_A in enumerate(img_matrices_A):
        for count_B, imageMatrix_B in enumerate(img_matrices_B):
            rotations = 0
            #print(count_A, count_B)
            while rotations <= 3:

                if rotations != 0:
                    imageMatrix_B = dif._rotate_img(imageMatrix_B)

                err = dif._mse(imageMatrix_A, imageMatrix_B)
                if err < ref:
                    if show_output:
                        dif._show_img_figs(imageMatrix_A, imageMatrix_B, err)
                        dif._show_file_info(str("..." + directory_A[-35:]) + "/" + filenames_A[count_A], 
                                           str("..." + directory_B[-35:]) + "/" + filenames_B[count_B])

                    if filenames_A[count_A] in result.keys():
                        result[filenames_A[count_A]]["duplicates"] = result[filenames_A[count_A]]["duplicates"] + [directory_B + "/" + filenames_B[count_B]]
                        result[filenames_A[count_A]] = {"location" : directory_A + "/" + filenames_A[count_A],
                                                            "duplicates" : [directory_B + "/" + filenames_B[count_B]]
                    high, low = dif._check_img_quality(directory_A, directory_B, filenames_A[count_A], filenames_B[count_B])
                    rotations += 1    

    if sort_output == True:
        result = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(result.items()))
    return result, lower_quality

def _process_directory(directory):
    # check if directories are valid
    directory += os.sep
    if not os.path.isdir(directory):
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"Directory: " + directory + " does not exist")
    return directory

def _validate_parameters(sort_output, show_output, similarity, px_size, delete, silent_del):
    # validate the parameters of the function
    if sort_output != True and sort_output != False:
        raise ValueError('Invalid value for "sort_output" parameter.')
    if show_output != True and show_output != False:
        raise ValueError('Invalid value for "show_output" parameter.')
    if similarity not in ["low", "normal", "high"]:
        raise ValueError('Invalid value for "similarity" parameter.')
    if px_size < 10 or px_size > 5000:
        raise ValueError('Invalid value for "px_size" parameter.')
    if delete != True and delete != False:
        raise ValueError('Invalid value for "delete" parameter.')   
    if silent_del != True and silent_del != False:
        raise ValueError('Invalid value for "silent_del" parameter.')   

def _create_imgs_matrix(directory, px_size):
    directory = dif._process_directory(directory)
    img_filenames = []
    # create list of all files in directory     
    folder_files = [filename for filename in os.listdir(directory)]

    # create images matrix   
    imgs_matrix = []
    for filename in folder_files:
        path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
        # check if the file is not a folder
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
                img = cv2.imdecode(np.fromfile(path, dtype=np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
                if type(img) == np.ndarray:
                    img = img[..., 0:3]
                    img = cv2.resize(img, dsize=(px_size, px_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)

                    if len(img.shape) == 2:
                        img = skimage.color.gray2rgb(img)
    return imgs_matrix, img_filenames

def _map_similarity(similarity):
    if similarity == "low":
        ref = 1000
    # search for exact duplicate images, extremly sensitive, MSE < 0.1
    elif similarity == "high":
        ref = 0.1
    # normal, search for duplicates, recommended, MSE < 200
        ref = 200
    return ref

# Function that calulates the mean squared error (mse) between two image matrices
def _mse(imageA, imageB):
    err = np.sum((imageA.astype("float") - imageB.astype("float")) ** 2)
    err /= float(imageA.shape[0] * imageA.shape[1])
    return err

# Function that plots two compared image files and their mse
def _show_img_figs(imageA, imageB, err):
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.suptitle("MSE: %.2f" % (err))
    # plot first image
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
    plt.imshow(imageA, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    # plot second image
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
    plt.imshow(imageB, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    # show the images

# Function for printing filename info of plotted image files
def _show_file_info(imageA, imageB):
    print("""Duplicate files:\n{} and \n{}

    """.format(imageA, imageB))

# Function for rotating an image matrix by a 90 degree angle
def _rotate_img(image):
    image = np.rot90(image, k=1, axes=(0, 1))
    return image

# Function for checking the quality of compared images, appends the lower quality image to the list
def _check_img_quality(directoryA, directoryB, imageA, imageB):
    dirA = dif._process_directory(directoryA)
    dirB = dif._process_directory(directoryB)
    size_imgA = os.stat(dirA + imageA).st_size
    size_imgB = os.stat(dirB + imageB).st_size
    if size_imgA >= size_imgB:
        return directoryA + "/" + imageA, directoryB + "/" + imageB
        return directoryB + "/" + imageB, directoryA + "/" + imageA

# Function for deleting the lower quality images that were found after the search    
def _delete_imgs(lower_quality_set):
    deleted = 0
    for file in lower_quality_set:
        print("\nDeletion in progress...", end = "\r")
            print("Deleted file:", file, end = "\r")
            deleted += 1
            print("Could not delete file:", file, end = "\r")
    print("\n***\nDeleted", deleted, "images.")


elisemercury commented 2 years ago

Dear @DeyoSwed,

Thank you so much for your comment and your input! I really appreciate your effort and support. I will go through and verify your code, and will be happy to apply the changes should I find no issues from my side.

Also, I recommend to follow the steps listed in this guide. The pulling of the code changes to the main branch will be easier for me, and you will then be added as a contributor to the package, which you definitely deserve.

Again, thank you so much and all the best, Elise

elisemercury commented 2 years ago

Hi @DeyoSwed, The feature of searching though subfolders is now supported with version 2.4. All the best, Elise