elisescu / tty-share

Share your linux or osx terminal over the Internet.
MIT License
806 stars 87 forks source link

Certificate expired #30

Closed marcoburrometo closed 3 years ago

marcoburrometo commented 3 years ago

Hello all!

From today https certificate is expired and i'm not able to use go.tty-share server. Can you please renew it?


ArunavhaChanda commented 3 years ago

Same issue! I use this every day to organize multiplayer events and this has suddenly blocked us from using tty-share. Would be super helpful if we could get this renewed!

It says: Cannot connect (TLS) to the server (go.tty-share.com:7654): x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid


0x326 commented 3 years ago

I just figured out how to self-host a tty-share server (as documented here):

git clone https://github.com/elisescu/tty-server.git
cd tty-server/
docker build . -t elisescu/tty-server

Create a docker-compose.yml file:

version: '3.7'
    image: elisescu/tty-server
      - ALL
      URL: 'https://${DOMAIN}:44392'
      - '6543'
      - '5000'
      - ''
    # Reverse proxy is omitted. If not using one, add more entries to the 'ports:' section
docker-compose up -d
tty-share --server localhost:44393 --useTLS=false
elisescu commented 3 years ago

Damn, sorry about that, folks! 😞 I updated the certificate a bit earlier today. This server go.tty-share.com is deprecated and replaced by the on.tty-share.com which is running tty-proxy - used by the latest version of the tty-share. More about the change here. So ideally you should update to the latest version of tty-share, so it uses the right server. But of course, I should have made that more clear - hope will get some time to work on it more.