elishacloud / Silent-Hill-2-Enhancements

A project designed to enhance Silent Hill 2 (SH2) graphics and audio for the PC. It also includes scripts to build or modify SH2 audio files (SFX, BGM and Dialog).
zlib License
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Broken characters while translating to PT-BR #328

Closed PuggyDoggo closed 1 year ago

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

Hey, folks.

First of all, great job on the Enhanced Edition! It's amazing how much the community can still get out of this game almost 20 years later!

I have been trying to make a new Brazilian Portuguese translation, as the available one has quite a few mistakes. I did some research and found similar issues for other languages, but they didn't solve what's happening on my end.

I'm using the Ultimate SH-MES Recompilator to extract the English .mes files and translate them. I did try using the SH2MSGConvert tool, but I got this error when opening it on the CMD Prompt app:

usage: sh2msg.exe [-h] [--file-list FILE_LIST] [--output OUTPUT]
                  [--table TABLE] [--table-jap] [--raw-mode]
                  [FILE [FILE ...]]
sh2msg.exe: error: one of the arguments FILE --file-list/-l is required

Anyway, I translated the Options file as a test, and it came out all wrong: Screenshot 2020-10-23 011947

I did look at the .tga and .bin font files issue, but they seem to include all special characters used in that screenshot:

(If you want to be more specific, the Portuguese language can use the acute, grave, circumflex, and tilde accents, but only on vowels -- with ç being the exception.)

I did try grabbing the .exe from another fan translation and tested one line in the Control Options (Opções de Controle). That one worked well. But then I tried the line when James encounters the first save point in the forest and that was a bunch of trial and error, switching between the EE .exe and the PT-BR .exe. Eventually, I managed to extract the broken line with the SH-MES Recompilator, but that doesn't work often. It feels super finicky. It extracts the files exactly as I translated them, and I have no idea how I got it to extract with broken characters the one time.

It's weird because if the issue was with the font files, it would have never worked -- unless I'm missing something! At some point, both of the .exes displayed the correct characters. It was only when I decided to translate the whole menu that I couldn't manage to get it working again.

Could it be the extract tool I'm using? If so, what am I missing to make SH2MSGConvert work?

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

Update: Fixed the broken character issue by changing Notepad++'s encoding to ANSI.

However, I can't seem to change the Main Menu options to Portuguese using the EE's .exe. Is that hard coded?

Polymega commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

To start, thanks for doing a lot of research on your own to figure out the general tools/processes used to make a new language pack.

@ilducci is one of the creators of sh2msgconvert. He can help with any troubleshooting for the tool, if you run into any more issues.

@renan-de-souza created the most recent Portuguese language pack. Perhaps he could collaborate with you to help for a revised PT pack.

For the main menu: This is a texture image (for exe v1.0/1.1) and not live text (as it is for EU exe). I would need to make this main menu image for you. I won't be able to do this for a few days, but in the meantime, check out this post to know what I need from you and to also see the text length limitations:

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

Of course! Here are the words you need:















@IlDucci I'd appreciate any help running the tool, as I don't have experience running from cmd!

@renan-de-souza Definitely open to collaborate if you want!

IlDucci commented 3 years ago

@RobertoSAG So the best way to use the tool is by writing a couple of batch files. These are text files with commands that have a .BAT extension.

So put in the same folder the sh2msg executable or folder, depending on your choice (I used the python files, having Python 3 installed), another folder with the files you want to extract, and write a text file with this:

FOR %%F IN (folderwithMESfileshere\*.mes) DO python -m sh2msg %%F

For the standalone executable, it should be like this:

FOR %%F IN (folderwithMESfileshere\*.mes) DO sh2msg %%F

Rename the text file extension to .BAT and double click it. If everything went well, you should have a bunch of TXT files in the same folder as the MES files. If you want to reimport the text files into the MES ones, just do another copy of the batch file and, inside, replace the *.mes part with *.txt.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

@RobertoSAG So the best way to use the tool is by writing a couple of batch files. These are text files with commands that have a .BAT extension.

So put in the same folder the sh2msg executable or folder, depending on your choice (I used the python files, having Python 3 installed), another folder with the files you want to extract, and write a text file with this:

FOR %%F IN (folderwithMESfileshere\*.mes) DO python -m sh2msg %%F

For the standalone executable, it should be like this:

FOR %%F IN (folderwithMESfileshere\*.mes) DO sh2msg %%F

Rename the text file extension to .BAT and double click it. If everything went well, you should have a bunch of TXT files in the same folder as the MES files. If you want to reimport the text files into the MES ones, just do another copy of the batch file and, inside, replace the *.mes part with *.txt.

Hey, @IlDucci, thanks for your reply! Most of the files worked well, except for a few that displayed these error codes (I shortened the filepath before putting it here):

sh2msg-win-amd64>sh2msg FILE_LIST\option_msg_e.mes
[ERROR Dump .mes] ERROR sh2msg-win-amd64\FILE_LIST\option_msg_e.mes Unknown bytes        6D address      6100

sh2msg-win-amd64>sh2msg FILE_LIST\option_msg_f.mes
[ERROR Dump .mes] ERROR sh2msg-win-amd64\FILE_LIST\option_msg_f.mes Unknown bytes        80 address      691

sh2msg-win-amd64>sh2msg FILE_LIST\option_msg_s.mes
[ERROR Dump .mes] sh2msg-win-amd64\FILE_LIST\option_msg_s.mes Unknown bytes        6D address      6245

sh2msg-win-amd64>sh2msg FILE_LIST\result_msg_s.mes
[ERROR Dump .mes] sh2msg-win-amd64\FILE_LIST\result_msg_s.mes Unknown bytes        6D address      299

sh2msg-win-amd64>sh2msg FILE_LIST\stage_x_heaven_msg_f.mes
[ERROR Dump .mes] ERROR sh2msg-win-amd64\FILE_LIST\stage_x_heaven_msg_f.mes Unknown bytes
        80 address      846

I wouldn't miss most of those, except for the option_msg_e.mes one. Still, do you have any idea why it's happening? I'm using the standalone executable.

IlDucci commented 3 years ago

Hmmm, that is odd. That means that the tool is not recognising some encoded bytes, which it should (the non-executable version was thoroughly tested, but the EXE gave some trouble). Please make sure you're using the latest version of the EXE file, and if it's still failing, use the scripts version (just download the sh2msg folder, paste it next to the folder with the MES files, and use the commands I've said).

I'm going to tag @Infrid just in case.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

Hmmm, that is odd. That means that the tool is not recognising some encoded bytes, which it should (the non-executable version was thoroughly tested, but the EXE gave some trouble). Please make sure you're using the latest version of the EXE file, and if it's still failing, use the scripts version (just download the sh2msg folder, paste it next to the folder with the MES files, and use the commands I've said).

I'm going to tag @Infrid just in case.

@IlDucci I installed Python3 (latest version - 3.9.0), downloaded the non-executable version, and tried using a new .bat file. It did detect all .mes files, and it seemed to go through all of them, but it didn't create any .txt out of them. Any ideas?

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

@Polymega I also have another question for you, if you don't mind! What's the practical difference between "Data" and "Save" on the Save Menu, below the table? I want to make sure the translation fits with that, but the numbers aren't the same if the scenario is different. I understand that part, but not the logic behind it.

Polymega commented 3 years ago

Data is the save file slot number. If you scroll through all your save files, you'll see the data number is in sequential order as you scroll through your save list.

Think of it as Save File 01, Save File 02, etc.

And Save is the total of how many times the player has saved their game progress so far in that particular playthrough.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

Data is the save file slot number. If you scroll through all your save files, you'll see the data number is in sequential order as you scroll through your save list.

Think of it as Save File 01, Save File 02, etc.

And Save is the total of how many times the player has saved their game progress so far in that particular playthrough.

Thank you so much!

Infrid commented 3 years ago


The problem in this case is not the tool, but in the table it uses for converting text files to .mes, let me explain a bit better.

Every file is a sequence of bytes, the meaning of the bytes is up to the programmer/user, the computer doesn't know what they mean. When you open a file in notepad and you set the encoding in ANSI, you are telling to the computer that the number 0x41 is equal to the character "A", 0x42 is equal 0x42, etc etc.

When you use the "Encoding" menu in notepad, you are basically telling to the computer to load a table where 41=A and 42=B, since that encoding is a standard you don't have to define the meaning of bytes upfront. Computers already know it!

This is not true for Silent Hill 2! The computer doesn't know how to read those files, the programmers during the development of the game invented an entire new encoding, I will not explain why for keeping the explanation short :)

That's why we created sh2msg tool, it's not a text editor but a converter that will translate an encoding that every computer knows to the encoding made for SH2.

Look at this file


there we define how the SH2 encoding works, for example the line


means the game uses 0x21 to represent the char A.

If you read the entire table, you will not find an entry where 80 or 6d are defined, the tool doesn't know how to convert those values, how can you fix that?

You can define your table and feed that to the tool, this feature is vital for other languages where the alphabet is totally different from what the game use and the translator has to re-define all the glyphs.

Copy that table.txt to your computer and add the lines

80=X 6D=Y

where X and Y are the characters that are missing and use it with the tool with the --table=table.txt

This method will work and we can add them to the tool for everyone if those are native to the game!

Let me know if you manage to write your table.txt. By the way the tool works really well with utf8 files (and supports BOM too), you can set that encoding in notepad++ and leave it.

Polymega commented 3 years ago

@RobertoSAG I know it's not exactly the same as the translations you've given me, but I looked at my files and apparently already made a Portuguese translation for the high resolution main menu:


...chances are I made this for @renan-de-souza. It might be good to see if he'll respond, to perhaps help ensure there's one "global" Portuguese translation pack out there for people to use, instead of multiple variations.

I can still remake this high resolution main menu using your translations instead. And if I do, I'll just delete the previous translation for it, as I'd prefer not to have variations of the same language for the menu if it can be helped.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

Hey, @Infrid, thank you for that explanation. It seems like I couldn't convert some of the English .mes files because I was using the ANSI encoding from another tool. I successfully converted all of them now. It did give errors on some of the Spanish and French files I'm using as a reference when needed, but that's not a big deal for me. I didn't need to include new characters on the table!

To be clear, I didn't change anything on the Spanish and French files, so I'm not sure why they gave errors. Hopefully, you can figure that out if needed!

@Polymega I appreciate that! I noticed that it includes some words I didn't translate for you, and they're still in English. I imagine that's because they're never shown on the main menu? I'm not sure what "BATTLE" does here, for example, and I'm assuming "INSTALL" is for the Xbox version. I'm also using a couple of different words for some of them. For instance, I changed "NÍVEL DE AÇÃO" to "NÍVEL DE COMBATE" to better represent that this is the combat difficulty (as "action" can be a bit vague) and "CENAS" to "VÍDEOS" (as it includes both cutscenes and trailers). I do like the idea of changing "Cenário" to "História" to follow the same logic.

Having said that, if you want all of them translated for the sake of cohesiveness (and assuming "BATTLE" is just... "battle"), here are all of them:




História Secundária: NASCIDA DE UM DESEJO

On another note, I noticed the "message" folder from "sh2e" doesn't include these files:


Is it okay to not translate these? Or should I copy them to the folder and translate? It seems clear the TGS one is just for a trial, but I'm especially curious about the others.

IlDucci commented 3 years ago

To be clear, I didn't change anything on the Spanish and French files, so I'm not sure why they gave errors. Hopefully, you can figure that out if needed!

I just redumped the Spanish files from the sh2ee project and they were dumped correctly. Are you sure the French and Spanish assets you used came from either the original, unmodified game or from the Enhanced Edition's texts?

On another note, I noticed the "message" folder from "sh2e" doesn't include these files:


Is it okay to not translate these? Or should I copy them to the folder and translate? It seems clear the TGS one is just for a trial, but I'm especially curious about the others.

Those files are probably untouched by the EE. config_pc, tgs_trial and sample are leftovers that can be avoided. The rest should be translated. (I think you can also ignore letter_msg_e, as w0/w1/w2 are the ones that are indeed used).

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

To be clear, I didn't change anything on the Spanish and French files, so I'm not sure why they gave errors. Hopefully, you can figure that out if needed!

I just redumped the Spanish files from the sh2ee project and they were dumped correctly. Are you sure the French and Spanish assets you used came from either the original, unmodified game or from the Enhanced Edition's texts?

I tried from a backup of the EE files and it worked correctly. My guess is that Notepad++ changed the encoding to ANSI when I was using the other converter. I will keep using yours though, as it's the one recommended by the EE team. Thank you!

On another note, I noticed the "message" folder from "sh2e" doesn't include these files:


Is it okay to not translate these? Or should I copy them to the folder and translate? It seems clear the TGS one is just for a trial, but I'm especially curious about the others.

Those files are probably untouched by the EE. config_pc, tgs_trial and sample are leftovers that can be avoided. The rest should be translated. (I think you can also ignore letter_msg_e, as w0/w1/w2 are the ones that are indeed used).

Perfect! Thank you!

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

@Polymega Do you happen to have the save files for all riddle difficulties? I'd love to make sure every memo is working as intended.

Polymega commented 3 years ago

Do you happen to have the save files for all riddle difficulties?

Sure, completely replace your \data\save\Folder 01\ folder with this new Folder 01 folder: Folder 01.zip

The save files are as followed:

  1. Easy Riddle
  2. Normal Riddle
  3. Hard Riddle
  4. Extra Riddle

Also, here is the revised Portuguese main menu text: start01p.zip

Be mindful when you translate save file locations. While on the save menu, press the left or right arrows to cycle through save file details. You'll notice the detail of the save date/time is a long string. Try to make sure your translated save file locations do not go past this area:

Screenshot 2020-10-31 12-43-02

Lastly, in regards to the save screen, it has some rather strange/silly limitations. You need to ensure the verbiage at the top (on the save folder's "tab") is less than 11 characters. And also ensure the "delete file with backspace" message is kept very short (I believe less than 27 characters).

If you don't do these things, certain characters on the save screen will disappear or "flicker" as you scroll through the save list. More information on this can be read here: https://github.com/elishacloud/Silent-Hill-2-Enhancements/issues/111#issuecomment-568934361

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

Do you happen to have the save files for all riddle difficulties?

Sure, completely replace your \data\save\Folder 01\ folder with this new Folder 01 folder: Folder 01.zip

The save files are as followed:

  1. Easy Riddle
  2. Normal Riddle
  3. Hard Riddle
  4. Extra Riddle

Also, here is the revised Portuguese main menu text: start01p.zip

Be mindful when you translate save file locations. While on the save menu, press the left or right arrows to cycle through save file details. You'll notice the detail of the save date/time is a long string. Try to make sure your translated save file locations do not go past this area:

Screenshot 2020-10-31 12-43-02

Lastly, in regards to the save screen, it has some rather strange/silly limitations. You need to ensure the verbiage at the top (on the save folder's "tab") is less than 11 characters. And also ensure the "delete file with backspace" message is kept very short (I believe less than 27 characters).

If you don't do these things, certain characters on the save screen will disappear or "flicker" as you scroll through the save list. More information on this can be read here: #111 (comment)

Thank you so much, @Polymega! I managed to keep the "Save Folder" part to 12 characters ("Dados Salvos"). Is that okay? It doesn't seem to flicker on my end. If not, I could maybe change it to simply "Arquivos" (meaning "Files"). I changed "Delete file with Backspace" to "Apagar com Backspace" so that should be okay.

I took screenshots at 640x480 to see what you think. The longest one ended up being the "Escadaria/Porão" one, but I can keep it to just "Porão" ("Basement") if necessary.

image image

By the way, about the save files on all riddle difficulties, I was wondering if you had them in a way I could check the Memos menu on all difficulties? Or if there's a method I could check all of them in-game. The ones I've found only have them at Easy, unfortunately.

Finally, the menu works great! I renamed it to "start01e.tex" (making a backup of the original file) since the game doesn't have an official Portuguese language option. I assume I can only replace it like that instead of adding another option?

IlDucci commented 3 years ago

By the way, about the save files on all riddle difficulties, I was wondering if you had them in a way I could check the Memos menu on all difficulties? Or if there's a method I could check all of them in-game. The ones I've found only have them at Easy, unfortunately.

Unfortunately, these saves, for some reason, were from a game that was done without checking any Memo that wasn't required by the plot, kinda like a speedrun. You'll have to beat the game on new save files (I use the plural because some Memos change depending on Action/Enigma difficulties) in order to have that quick access to every file.

Polymega commented 3 years ago

I managed to keep the "Save Folder" part to 12 characters ("Dados Salvos"). Is that okay?

It may be! The best thing to do is to test as you're doing. Keep scrolling up and down on the save file list to see if the "Dados Salvos" text gets cut off any. This bug is very incosistent.

The longest one ended up being the "Escadaria/Porão" one, but I can keep it to just "Porão" ("Basement") if necessary.

This is your translation pack, so translate to what you think is best/appropriate! I just wanted to give some tips about overlapping text in the save menu, is all. :) But yes, your screenshots look good!

By the way, about the save files on all riddle difficulties, I was wondering if you had them in a way I could check the Memos menu on all difficulties?

Unfortunately, I do not have save files on all Riddle levels for all the memos. If you have ever used a memory editor, you can use memory address 01DBBFF5 (byte) to change it in real-time. Although, I'm not sure if the game will correctly/automatically switch the puzzles to the new difficulty in real time...

01DBBFF5 (byte) Riddle Level
0 = Easy
1 = Normal
2 = Hard
3 = Extra

Finally, the menu works great! I renamed it to "start01e.tex" (making a backup of the original file) since the game doesn't have an official Portuguese language option. I assume I can only replace it like that instead of adding another option?

Yes! That's correct. Replace it with any language you'd like. So if you want to replace the English pack with Portuguese, you'd replace start01e.tex as you've done.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

I never tried using one, but I can try! I'll report back later.

I also just thought I could temporarily replace the Easy text with the ones for other difficulties for testing purposes, which might be an even simpler solution.

Polymega commented 3 years ago

This is what I tell everyone working on the .mes files: Test, test, then test some more all of your changes to make sure they display correctly and as you intended in the game!

And I'm sure you figured this out, but every memo/riddle text is stored in at least two .mes files: One at the location it's found (such as an apartment .mes file) and the other in the memo_msg_*.mes file.

elishacloud commented 3 years ago

Finally, the menu works great! I renamed it to "start01e.tex" (making a backup of the original file) since the game doesn't have an official Portuguese language option. I assume I can only replace it like that instead of adding another option?

Yes! That's correct. Replace it with any language you'd like. So if you want to replace the English pack with Portuguese, you'd replace start01e.tex as you've done.

There is actually code to handle this. We can make a separate file for each language , if desired.

Polymega commented 3 years ago

The tricky thing with adding new languages without replacing others is for the main menu, which you linked the code to, but also telling the game to read example_*.mes (with the asterisk being a new language letter), adding the new language as a selectable option in the Options menu, and assigning a new byte for it in the language select memory address (example: 0 = Japanese, 1 = English, etc).

It's probably best to replace all of another's language files as RobertoSAG is doing for that reason.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

I know a lot of Brazilian folks still want to have the English option available, so I thought about replacing the Spanish files with the English files (including the main menu textures).

The only things I can't find how to change are the in-game Pause Menu and the instructions to change audio settings inside Windows. Where can I change these?

Polymega commented 3 years ago

Those can be found in the d3d8.res file. Open that file through a text editor to change it.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

Perfect! I think I have everything I need. I'll let you know if I need anything else.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

@Polymega what about the credits? Is there a way to translate them as well, and possibly including my name after I'm done translating everything?

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

@elishacloud If you don't mind me asking either, is there any other QOL update planned that can change the text somewhere? Just in case I might need to make some backup files beforehand.

elishacloud commented 3 years ago

At this point, I don't have any QOL changes planned for the text or translations. I don't think we want to make any changes here because that would require us to change all languages, which we don't really want to do.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

@Polymega Do you happen to know where I can find the Menu Titles? In the case of the screenshot below, where can I find "Game Options"?


Also, sorry to ask again, but just in case you missed it!

@Polymega what about the credits? Is there a way to translate them as well, and possibly including my name after I'm done translating everything?

Polymega commented 3 years ago

These titles are located in option_msg_*.mes. Note these titles use a different/unique font in the .txt file that I haven't been able to identify. Maybe IlDucci knows what font these strings use?

The videos files can't be changed based on the language selected, so the credit videos are English only. I don't know when I'll re-edit the credits video again (as I'd also have to update/re-upload the entire FMV pack on the site). But if you didn't plan to already, you should definitely include a "ReadMe" file in your translation pack to credit your work for those that download your package.

IlDucci commented 3 years ago

Well, it's not that those strings use a different "font" per se... That "font" is actually Japanese fullwidth characters, which double as a titles font. That stuff should be in the option_msg file.

The thing about fullwidths is that they do not have accented characters. Period. That's how Unicode (or SJIS; which was probably the original encoding used in this game) works. Therefore, the original SH2 team fell back into the standard text whenever they had a title with an accented character. Also, you might have not been able to find these titles because there's a space between each character.

So that's how you should proceed, find these titles using Japanese fullwidths, translate them, and if any of those titles require accented characteres, write them with normal text.

Polymega commented 3 years ago

That "font" is actually Japanese fullwidth characters

Ah, thanks for shedding light on this. I got nowhere in figuring that out back when I was looking.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

Perfect! I found a way to use full-width characters.

The videos files can't be changed based on the language selected, so the credit videos are English only. I don't know when I'll re-edit the credits video again (as I'd also have to update/re-upload the entire FMV pack on the site). But if you didn't plan to already, you should definitely include a "ReadMe" file in your translation pack to credit your work for those that download your package.

@Polymega, I was thinking about editing the credits specifically to avoid the possible issue of someone reuploading my translation without my ReadMe file. Since someone downloading my translation is unlikely to want the credits in English, would it be possible to work on that, and keep the Portuguese version only on my translation?

If necessary, I can edit it myself. I just need to learn how, haha.

Polymega commented 3 years ago

Because video files aren't dynamically changed based on language selection I'm not planning on making multiple language versions of the credit videos, sorry. Rendering videos is about as fun as watching paint dry, so I don't want to manage/upkeep multiple versions of a single video if they don't automatically change based on language.

I'd like to think the chances of someone re-uploading your translation pack and purposefully removing any ReadMe files within it are low. But for what it's worth, people upload and share packages of all our files outside of our website, and there's no saying what's been changed within them. If it's on the internet, this is simply unavoidable to some degree.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

Because video files aren't dynamically changed based on language selection I'm not planning on making multiple language versions of the credit videos, sorry. Rendering videos is about as fun as watching paint dry, so I don't want to manage/upkeep multiple versions of a single video if they don't automatically change based on language.

I'd like to think the chances of someone re-uploading your translation pack and purposefully removing any ReadMe files within it are low. But for what it's worth, people upload and share packages of all our files outside of our website, and there's no saying what's been changed within them. If it's on the internet, this is simply unavoidable to some degree.

Sorry! What I meant was that the file would only be changed if someone is using my translation. It'd be replaced (probably with a backup in place) only if someone downloaded my files. You definitely wouldn't need to manage multiple files - or any at all.

However, I do understand your reasoning and I don't want to create more work for you. I can try to edit it on my end. Would I need to have a specific font to translate the roles?

If it's truly impossible to work on that, I can find another way. It's just that I plan to put this translation on my portfolio, and I'd like to avoid any risk of it being claimed by someone else!

AeroWidescreen commented 3 years ago

Would hex editing your name into one of the files be enough? You know, some kind of hidden watermark. I doubt the average plagiarizer would be smart enough to look for that. You could even include a dummy file (text file) that has your information in it. You could name it "RSAG.mes" or something.

Just throwing out ideas. I'm not sure if something like this would cause any problems or not:


PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

That's an option! Ideally, I'd like to see it visible somewhere so I could show it on my portfolio for potential localization companies, if that makes sense.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

@Polymega I've been looking at it, and it would be enough if I could add a

Tradução por: Roberto Guedes

somewhere. This could be even in one of the menus, which could make things even simpler.


Polymega commented 3 years ago

With all due respect, I don't want to make special one-off videos or altered copyright lines on images for translation packs.

I'd like to add a language pack section to the website--to feature other language packs outside of what's inherently available to the game--and I can credit/link the consenting translators on this page. But this wouldn't be added for a while. In the meantime, I'd recommend including a ReadMe in your package's download. I'd feel confident any potential client viewing your portfolio page won't think you're lying about your work.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

With all due respect, I don't want to make special one-off videos or altered copyright lines on images for translation packs.

I'd like to add a language pack section to the website--to feature other language packs outside of what's inherently available to the game--and I can credit/link the consenting translators on this page. But this wouldn't be added for a while. In the meantime, I'd recommend including a ReadMe in your package's download. I'd feel confident any potential client viewing your portfolio page won't think you're lying about your work.

I think that could work! Thanks for providing that solution!

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

@Polymega Sorry for one more question, but do you know of any way to get all items on my inventory so I could test that translation? I've been looking for trainers, but no luck so far.

Polymega commented 3 years ago

Yes, with memory editing you can quickly do this:

sh2pc.exe+1B7A7E8 (01F7A7E0) 4 bytes - Inventory items Part 1 (mostly involves weapons; set to 0xFFFFFFFF to place all items in inventory)
sh2pc.exe+1B7A7E8 (01F7A7E4) 4 bytes - Inventory items Part 2 (mostly involves keys & early items; set to 0xFFFFFFFF to place all items in inventory)
sh2pc.exe+1B7A7E8 (01F7A7E8) 4 bytes - Inventory items Part 3 (mostly involves later items & BFaW items; set to 0xFFFFFFFF to place all items in inventory)

Here is a save file with the items unlocked: Folder 01.zip

Temporarily rename/move your Silent Hill 2\data\save\Folder 01\ folder and replace it with this new Folder 01 folder. Load the save file. It will have you at the beginning bathroom. Check your inventory to see the items.

Note the Born From a Wish images will not show because you are not playing the BFaW campaign, and some other items might not show, but their descriptions should still be there.

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

Yes, with memory editing you can quickly do this:

sh2pc.exe+1B7A7E8 (01F7A7E0) 4 bytes - Inventory items Part 1 (mostly involves weapons; set to 0xFFFFFFFF to place all items in inventory)
sh2pc.exe+1B7A7E8 (01F7A7E4) 4 bytes - Inventory items Part 2 (mostly involves keys & early items; set to 0xFFFFFFFF to place all items in inventory)
sh2pc.exe+1B7A7E8 (01F7A7E8) 4 bytes - Inventory items Part 3 (mostly involves later items & BFaW items; set to 0xFFFFFFFF to place all items in inventory)

Here is a save file with the items unlocked: Folder 01.zip

Temporarily rename/move your Silent Hill 2\data\save\Folder 01\ folder and replace it with this new Folder 01 folder. Load the save file. It will have you at the beginning bathroom. Check your inventory to see the items.

Note the Born From a Wish images will not show because you are not playing the BFaW campaign, and some other items might not show, but their descriptions should still be there.

Thank you, @Polymega! That worked out perfectly!

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

@Polymega I have never used Cheat Engine before. Would you mind telling me how to add items using it? I've been trying to get the dog key while using a save in the hotel to quickly test the translation.

Polymega commented 3 years ago
PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago
  • Launch Cheat Engine and SH2 PC
  • In Cheat Engine, at the top left, click "Select a process to open" and select sh2pc.exe
  • Then near the middle right, click "Add address manually"
  • Add the memory address and select the memory type
  • Once this memory address is populated in Cheat Engine's list, right click the address and select "Show as hexadecimal"
  • Double-click its value and change it to FFFFFFFF

So apparently adding the dog key to my inventory wasn't enough to trigger it. Any idea on what I should do? I was hoping to not have to complete the game from scratch to get there...

Polymega commented 3 years ago

You can use these save files. Refer to the "ReadMe" file within Folder 01 for more information: Folder 01.zip

PuggyDoggo commented 3 years ago

You can use these save files. Refer to the "ReadMe" file within Folder 01 for more information: Folder 01.zip

That's perfect, @Polymega, thank you!

I did notice James speaks in Japanese in the DOG ending. Is that part of the EE's EXE?

Also, I'm guessing translating the UFO ending is not possible, right? Editing videos and all that.