elishacloud / Silent-Hill-2-Enhancements

A project designed to enhance Silent Hill 2 (SH2) graphics and audio for the PC. It also includes scripts to build or modify SH2 audio files (SFX, BGM and Dialog).
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Playtesters wanted for new SH2 mouse support #618

Closed Polymega closed 1 year ago

Polymega commented 2 years ago

@MasterDarkseid @MarioTainaka @DaniloElectricMonkeys @Veynam @Sumea @Balthazor44 @PedroC47 @Gwektro @shpatter @vStar925

(Tagging you all since you playtested for us previously and did a great job.)

It's with great pleasure that I announce full mouse support is coming to the game through our project! Thanks to the tireless efforts and excellent work by @mercury501, this new feature will give you an in-game mouse experience similar to what's featured in SH3 PC. Now, with the mouse, you can:

In addition to this, Mercury has added mouse support for the following screens:

^ While in these screens, you can move the mouse to cycle through their selections!

What to test for

Play the game using the mouse and make sure everything is working well and working right. As you play, just make sure nothing odd is going on as you use the mouse. We recommend you take your time playing.

Try and perform every conceivable action you can think of with the mouse as you play. Try and mash mouse clicks together during certain scenes or text prompts; time your clicks in weird ways to see if it breaks anything; Alt + Tab out of the game while playing to make sure everything is fine there; do anything you can think to try and break things.

Prerequisites to test

You will need to use the test build (linked below) for testing. Also, having experience using the mouse with SH3 PC will help you out here.


Thank you for your help!

We want this new feature to be as solid and stable as possible upon public release, so we appreciate your help in testing! Once fully tested, please leave your notes in this thread. Let us know if you run into any problems, but also let us know if everything went smoothly for you; we'll need to know either way!

Polymega commented 2 years ago

Oh! A few follow-up notes:

Balthazor44 commented 2 years ago

Hello! I would be delighted to do testing on this. I should be able to begin later tonight.

Balthazor44 commented 2 years ago

I noticed something a bit unusual just now. I am examining the "Patient Memo" in the hospital office. The right-click functions differently when reading this memo there in the room vs. reading it in the inventory. In the inventory, the right-click works the same as the left-click. But when reading the memo in the room, the right-click essentially skips a page because it moves to the next page on both the button down and the button up. I see a similar thing happening in other places, like the drain pipe in the hospital. Left-click on the drain pipe to trigger the text, then right-click and it skips ahead two pages. Also the diary on the hospital roof.

Other than that, everything has been working great. I've been running around going click crazy on everything, I've Alt-Tabbed many times, no problems yet.

Using the mouse wheel to cycle through weapons is handy, but interestingly it reveals how James' stance changes slightly with each equipped weapon. It makes sense that it would, it's just something I never noticed before. But that makes it so that when you spin the mouse wheel quickly it makes it look like James is having a seizure or something. If you hit a strafe button or run while spinning the mouse wheel, then things get really funky.

mercury501 commented 2 years ago

Hi @Balthazor44 , thank you for your time and enthusiasm! I'll test this as soon as I get home.

In the build is included a debug overlay, you can bring it up by pressing CTRL + G, and it displays the current mouse function, aim or Cancel, it could be useful for testers when reporting bugs like this one!

edit- It seems that in these screens, the right mouse already skips to the next page, so it skips twice. We should find a way to identify these situations and disable the input injection. We could use FullscreenImageEvent and RoomID, what do you think @Polymega ?

edit2- or I can "hide" the rmb from the game when EventIndex = In game. Shouldn't be a problem, as when rmb is used by the game is in map, menus or inventory.

Polymega commented 2 years ago

@Balthazor44, thanks for helping us test! @ALL: Please also consider helping us test!

So Balthazor, I believe this is an issue with consistency in the game itself. For some memos/puzzles, the developers decided that pressing the Back button can advanced the text all the way through while other times you must press Confirm to get things started.

I mostly noticed this happening in the Hospital area which, as it's often agreed upon, was one of the first levels/environment made by the development team. Perhaps they didn't agree on a "rule" for button pressing for full screen images at this time and, upon agreeing with a set of rules later on, forgot to go back and apply those rules to these earlier screens.


edit2- or I can "hide" the rmb from the game when EventIndex = In game. Shouldn't be a problem, as when rmb is used by the game is in map, menus or inventory.

Do you mean "hide" the Cancel input for RMB while playing? If so, this is needed to back out of a memo/puzzle while playing.

mercury501 commented 2 years ago

I mean to completely hide the rmb input from the game, you would back out using our injected cancel input

edit- to explain better, I hook the function that gets input from the mouse, read the values, and let it go on normally. With those values I've read, I inject keypresses to simulate action, aim or cancel.

This way the game still gets the original mouse input, usually it doesn't do anything with it, but in this case it's a problem

MasterDarkseid commented 2 years ago

I've just tried a few minutes before going to bed but i can't turn right and left using the mouse is there anything to configure.

Like said above.

However everything else work.

mercury501 commented 2 years ago

I've just tried a few minutes before going to bed but i can't turn right and left using the mouse is there anything to configure.

Like said above.

However everything else work.

Hi @MasterDarkseid , you must have EnableEnhancedMouse = 1 and MemoScreenFix = 1 in your d3d8.ini!

mercury501 commented 2 years ago

@Balthazor44 , try this build if you like, should fix the issues you've encountered. d3d8.zip edit- wrong build

Balthazor44 commented 2 years ago

@Balthazor44 , try this build if you like, should fix the issues you've encountered. d3d8.zip edit- wrong build

Ok great, I will give that a whirl tonight.

Polymega commented 2 years ago

Whenever right click changes to cancel (such as when text is displayed or viewing a full screen image), if you hold down right click does the cancel signal get sent every frame? Here are examples of holding right click down:



This behavior is happening on the latest build and the one before it. I tried holding down Esc and P (set to "Pause") on the keyboard, but didn't experience this behavior. "P" didn't do anything at all, and for Esc, I had to press it each time to progress the text.

Balthazor44 commented 2 years ago

I tried out the latest build on a couple of the documents and it seems to work great. I'm also not getting the same behavior holding the right click down that Polymega described above, when I hold down the right click it advances the page on the down click and then just stays there. I'll continue doing more testing tonight.

Quick question, is there an option anywhere to change the mouse sensitivity? It seems like I have to move the mouse quite a lot when moving James around. It's not terrible or anything, but it would be nice to boost the sensitivity just a bit to see how that feels.

Polymega commented 2 years ago

I'm also not getting the same behavior holding the right click down that Polymega described above, when I hold down the right click it advances the page on the down click and then just stays there.

Interesting. I closed and relaunched the game several times and got the same results that I shared. Did you test those two particular memos that I did? Maybe this is a per-memo issue?

Balthazor44 commented 2 years ago

Interesting. I closed and relaunched the game several times and got the same results that I shared. Did you test those two particular memos that I did? Maybe this is a per-memo issue?

I did try the garbage chute memo, but not the typewriter memo. I also tried it on the patient memo in the hospital memo too and that worked fine as well.

Polymega commented 2 years ago

PS -

It seems like I have to move the mouse quite a lot when moving James around. It's not terrible or anything, but it would be nice to boost the sensitivity just a bit to see how that feels.

Let's see what Mercury says about that but, in the meantime, try playing the game in 60 fps to see if that helps any. I feel like his turning is tighter at this framerate, but it might just be a placebo effect I'm experiencing.

Balthazor44 commented 2 years ago

Let's see what Mercury says about that but, in the meantime, try playing the game in 60 fps to see if that helps any. I feel like his turning is tighter at this framerate, but it might just be a placebo effect I'm experiencing.

Thanks, but I doubt this machine could handle 60 fps. Maybe I'll try that on my other one to see how that feels. But overall I hate playing this game with a mouse, so once this testing is done, I likely won't be playing it this way again. But if it's possible to change the mouse sensitivity, I'm sure that's something that folks who will play the game with a mouse would like to be able to adjust.

Gwektro commented 2 years ago

Hey, thanks for the invite again! I don't have a ton of time lately, but I decided to mess with the current build that was uploaded earlier today. I have a good amount of exp. using keyboard & mouse for SH3 as well as just keyboard for this one & SH4, so far this iteration of it feels like an improvement from 3.

The sensitivity actually feels a bit higher & smoother from 3, the turn speed stops accelerating pretty quickly the moment you start moving your mouse. So the slower you move your mouse, the faster James turns too. Your hand shouldn't be moving that fast at all or else too quick of a swipe will just throttle the turn speed altogether since it only goes so fast which makes James turn slower in the end. Also framerate nor DPI makes little to no difference, I switched & tested it just to be sure. Its the same logic in SH3 as well.

In terms of 'issues', I triggered almost nothing except something pretty buggy related to bindings, but the previous build gave me what looked like some 'autoskip' behavior holding down RMB on every memo up to the end of the apartment section (what @Polymega showed in the video above), but in the latest build that was no longer the case & worked normally again. I rebooted the game a bunch & even reinstalled the .dll a few times to make sure. I actually liked it even though its not intended lol.

This is a little confusing to type so hopefully this will make some sense. I also feel like using keyboard with the PC port has always brought up really weird quirks when playing 2/3 with it, I have a thing when using the search camera on any binding, if you're walking/running & want to turn James + his head left/right on mouse I can't. If you're standing however, James will turn his head appropriately on mouse. BUT, sometimes James will turn only his head (but not his body) on mouse with the search cam active while im running forward after quickturning or quickloading or just altogether? I really cant figure out why it only happens sometimes but it did work occasionally when doing those two things for me anyways. I tried to rebind the movement actions to arrow keys instead of letters in case that was interfering with whatever the mouse is trying to do but that produced the same result. On keyboard, I absolutely have to bind search cam to almost anything other than TAB or else turning while walking (but not running) using the search cam forces me to only turn right if I want to turn James. There is a similar thing in SH3 too along with the mouse support but plays out a bit differently in that game. "Heather" can turn her head when walking/running using search cam on keyboard, but in that game there's separate key bindings for movement & camera control (up/down/left/right) so you can easily turn her character with that. With the mouse, she'll only turn her head if you're using that to turn with the search cam, but then turns & functions normally if you deactivate it afterwards. She'll also only turn right on keyboard when setting search cam to TAB there too lol.

So since SH2 doesn't have separate bindings for camera control + character movement & SH3 has no options to configure the mouse, it feels like the same inputs are fighting each other when you're in search cam mode on mouse. The only thing I can even think of as to why this might happen is something to do with how developers programmed keyboard bindings & maybe didn't test how certain actions worked on specific keys? & now that we get to use a mouse with the same functions, that might interfere with it more? No idea, I got nothing for this.

I'd say in its current testing state, it feels pretty nice aside from all that up above. Cycling weapons (James can dance now!) & using all the other functions unrelated to movement worked great. My big hope would be to have the ability to use my mouse buttons as extra keys to rebind actions to there instead of my keyboard. I'm sure that's a whole other thing to work out though. :)

mercury501 commented 2 years ago

Hi @Gwektro, thanks for your contribution. What I can say about the search view, basically I just inject right analog stick inputs when search view is active, so it should behave exactly like when using a controller.

So the slower you move your mouse, the faster James turns too.

Not sure about this, maybe you meant the faster you move...?

For @Balthazor44, I could put a "sensitivity" setting, but I'm not sure about how useful it would be, because sensitivity is used very little in all this, since the mouse is used to emulate a Left Analog Stick, so you could move the mouse right at 10cm/s or 1m/s, it would turn james at a constant rate. I could decrease the minimum input required to turn james at full speed, or make him turn more at low mouse input values, I'll post a fresh build as soon as I can. Oh and, give it a chance! Mouse input grows on you, i swear.

And @Polymega try redownloading my last build, I sent the wrong one at first!

Polymega commented 2 years ago

@Gwektro To expand a bit more on what Mercury said about search view: This is largely due to both character movement and search view sharing the same keyboard keys to move them around (as you said). To get around this, the devs programmed it to where, once James has fully stopped moving, the keys that moved him will be nulled so that these same keys will now move the camera.

If you activate search view while James is still moving, it creates this "fight" between the two movements as you described. So you'll find similar behavior with using the mouse for search view; since a computer only has one mouse, its movements too must be shared between James and the search camera. So that behavior described for the keyboard holds true for the mouse.

The only exception to this is when using a controller. Since a controller has two joysticks, the game is programmed to separate James' movement on the left stick and search camera movement on the right stick. So with a controller, you can still freely move James will having full control of the search camera. But again, since we only have one mouse, the search camera movement takes precedence over James' movement (at least once he's stood still).

I think it's the best compromise here, given the situation, and behaves similarly to SH3 PC, as you mentioned.

Also framerate nor DPI makes little to no difference, I switched & tested it just to be sure. Its the same logic in SH3 as well.

Good to know; it was a placebo effect for me then. I think turning with the mouse if nice!

Oh, and I totally understand your preference to not use a mouse, Balthazor, as I was super turned off from it as well when I first played SH3 PC. After a while, I did get used to it on that game and came to like it. I'm not saying you'll like it yourself, but it may grow on you over time!

And @Polymega try redownloading my last build, I sent the wrong one at first!

I did that last night and was consistently getting the issue that I shared videos for. Today, it's not happening. 😡 Did my mouse get stuck or something?! No clue what happened there then... but everything looks to be fine now. I will try and do more testing later for this. Thanks!

Balthazor44 commented 2 years ago

For @Balthazor44, I could put a "sensitivity" setting, but I'm not sure about how useful it would be, because sensitivity is used very little in all this, since the mouse is used to emulate a Left Analog Stick, so you could move the mouse right at 10cm/s or 1m/s, it would turn james at a constant rate. I could decrease the minimum input required to turn james at full speed, or make him turn more at low mouse input values, I'll post a fresh build as soon as I can. Oh and, give it a chance! Mouse input grows on you, i swear.

That makes sense. I don't know if I'd waste much time on it, it feels pretty decent as is, and mostly it's probably just me not entirely used to moving with a mouse. Normally I run this game through my tv and use an Xbox controller, I can't stand playing games at my desk. I just figured if there was an easy way to adjust the sensitivity that would be great, but if it's a bigger hassle to take on then probably not worth the effort.

Gwektro commented 2 years ago

Hi @Gwektro, thanks for your contribution. What I can say about the search view, basically I just inject right analog stick inputs when search view is active, so it should behave exactly like when using a controller.

So the slower you move your mouse, the faster James turns too.

Not sure about this, maybe you meant the faster you move...?

For @Balthazor44, I could put a "sensitivity" setting, but I'm not sure about how useful it would be, because sensitivity is used very little in all this, since the mouse is used to emulate a Left Analog Stick, so you could move the mouse right at 10cm/s or 1m/s, it would turn james at a constant rate. I could decrease the minimum input required to turn james at full speed, or make him turn more at low mouse input values, I'll post a fresh build as soon as I can. Oh and, give it a chance! Mouse input grows on you, i swear.

And @Polymega try redownloading my last build, I sent the wrong one at first!

If its emulating the right stick in that mode, then James should just be moving his head then which happened occasionally at random while mostly not doing so at all. Its really nothing major, just a weird quirk is all. & with the turn speed, you explained it pretty much better than me lol. So swiping your mouse left/right past a certain 'speed' = James only turning so fast, which means its working as intended obviously.

MasterDarkseid commented 1 year ago

So i noticed that while using the searching input the mouse don't work for direction. Is that intended or is it a bug ?

So i did half of main game (Hospital entrance) Then did full maria run. No issue so far. As far as i know only the search function disable the mouse for some reasons. Also i find the mouse sensitivity just a bit slow. Is it possible to increase it slightly.

Polymega commented 1 year ago

So i noticed that while using the searching input the mouse don't work for direction. Is that intended or is it a bug ?

This is due to inherent behavior with the game and how it handles the search camera on a keyboard. This is discussed in some more detail here.

Also i find the mouse sensitivity just a bit slow. Is it possible to increase it slightly.

Most likely not. The distance to move the mouse can be changed, but James will always turn at the same, constant speed. This is discussed in some more detail here.

MasterDarkseid commented 1 year ago

So i noticed that while using the searching input the mouse don't work for direction. Is that intended or is it a bug ?

This is due to inherent behavior with the game and how it handles the search camera on a keyboard. This is discussed in some more detail here.

Also i find the mouse sensitivity just a bit slow. Is it possible to increase it slightly.

Most likely not. The distance to move the mouse can be changed, but James will always turn at the same, constant speed. This is discussed in some more detail here.

It's fine for the search view only working for keyboard. It was just the camera sensitivity with mouse that i'm most curious about. But it's okay honestly i'm fine with it.

Speedrun wise directional with controller say the best. Or not i'm not used using SH3 controls in SH2. but the strafe might do the trick. I need to do more testing.

Otherwise like i said seems pretty much a non issue at all.

Balthazor44 commented 1 year ago

I spent a good amount of time testing on both my machines this weekend. I really had no issues at all. The only potential issue I had was a couple times I was moving forward while switching weapons with the mouse wheel and the forward button would essentially freeze, and I'd have to hit a different movement button to unfreeze it. But that only happened twice and I could never cause it to happen again. So probably nothing to be too concerned about.

A couple of observations though. First, it appears you can't use the mouse to steer the boat while moving forward. You have to use the keyboard for that. The mouse does steer the boat as long as the forward button isn't pressed. I have no idea if that's something that can be fixed, or it that's just how it is.

Second is the rotating room puzzle in the labyrinth, I could find no way to turn the block with the mouse, again I had to use the movement keys for that.

I'm hoping to get in a full beginning to end playthrough tomorrow, so I'll report back with the results of that.

Polymega commented 1 year ago

Great catch about the mouse not working on the boat section. πŸ‘

We can take a look into the labyrinth cube. I'm not sure if we can do mouse movement for that yet or not.

Oh, and semi-related: About the full screen images: Early on we decided that if a full screen image doesn't already utilize a mouse for its interaction then we will prevent mouse movement from affecting the puzzle altogether. The goal in doing that would be to make the "rules" for interactions with full screen images while in-game more consistent. (And also, for example, using the mouse on the apartment clock or Blue Creek locked safe would probably be more irritating than useful.)

Balthazor44 commented 1 year ago

I suppose then the mouse not working for the labyrinth cube is consistent with those other puzzles, so by the time a player gets to the cube puzzle they'd be used to using the keyboard for puzzles. So that one could be called a "feature" rather than a "bug". :) The boat does seem like the bigger problem.

Balthazor44 commented 1 year ago

I noticed something else just now, if I hit the ctrl key (I have the search camera mapped there) then at any point after hit the i key to enter inventory, the status menu appears, as if I had hit ctrl+i. And it seems like the status menu will keep coming up every time I hit i to enter inventory until I hit ctrl+i to exit the status menu while on the inventory screen. But then the next time I hit ctrl for the search, it happens again.

Other than that, no further issues. I think I'm starting to get the hang of controlling with the mouse...but I still can't stand it. :)

Polymega commented 1 year ago

We caught the Ctrl thing the other day and Mercury has fixed it! Today, he has put in a fix for rowing the boat with a mouse. I reckon he'll post an updated test build soon for everyone here to play with. Thanks for catching that, though!

I think I'm starting to get the hang of controlling with the mouse...but I still can't stand it. :)

I'm telling ya... it'll slowly grow on you! 🀣

Balthazor44 commented 1 year ago

I'm telling ya... it'll slowly grow on you! 🀣

I don't know about that, moving the mouse around, it just feels too much like exercise. :)

mercury501 commented 1 year ago

Hi all! thank you for your work testing this patch. Here's a build where I've implemented a fix on the boat stage: d3d8.zip

Let me know what you think!

mercury501 commented 1 year ago

Oh and, if you still haven't tried the last one yet, try this one that should be virtually identical to the last one, save for some refactoring: d3d8.zip


Balthazor44 commented 1 year ago

Oh and, if you still haven't tried the last one yet, try this one that should be virtually identical to the last one, save for some refactoring: d3d8.zip


I plan on doing some testing on the new build tonight. Does this just fix the boat issue, or does it fix the Ctrl issue as well?

Polymega commented 1 year ago

Should fix both of these things plus allowing you to use the strafe keys as navigation keys while in menus or on a puzzle/riddle screen. (Strafe keys will also act as turn keys if playing in 2D control mode.)

This adjustment will allow you to assign strafe to A & D for 3D controls to aid in mouse movement, which would also allow A & D to act as navigation inputs on menus/riddles.

Important note: In regards to strafe keys acting as menu/riddle movement keys, this is an early concept. There's a good chance we'll need to add specific checks for certain events in the game where this might not be working right.

MasterDarkseid commented 1 year ago

I'll test this new build shortly.

Polymega commented 1 year ago

I think there were some issues with that build, in regards to using strafing for navigating menus. I'd recommend waiting for Mercury to upload a new build.

mercury501 commented 1 year ago

Here's a new build! d3d8.zip

Keep in mind what @Polymega said!

Balthazor44 commented 1 year ago

Here's a new build! d3d8.zip

Keep in mind what @Polymega said!

Awesome! I plan on digging into it tomorrow.

MasterDarkseid commented 1 year ago

Silent hill 2 have a huge trend right now in twitch and socials. It's good to see Silent Hill back from the dead.

Balthazor44 commented 1 year ago

Silent hill 2 have a huge trend right now in twitch and socials. It's good to see Silent Hill back from the dead.

Indeed. I was groaning at the possibility of a SH2 remake, but the teaser video looks pretty good, and with Masahiro Ito involved and with it looking like they're sticking pretty close to the original, there seems a chance it won't absolutely suck. But the interest generated by these recent announcements may cause more people to take a look at this Enhanced Edition as well, which would be great.

Polymega commented 1 year ago

Yep, there has been a boom in people talking and recommending our project since the announcement. It's exploded a bit on social platforms.

MasterDarkseid commented 1 year ago

Yes so it's our time to shine. I'm doing a 10 star run right now. I got a question tho. How does the mouse handle the boat.

Yep, there has been a boom in people talking and recommending our project since the announcement. It's exploded a bit on social platforms

Edit: The lastest build broke the camera rotation with the mouse he doesn't work. @mercury501

Polymega commented 1 year ago


Edit: The lastest build broke the camera rotation with the mouse he doesn't work. @mercury501

I tested the latest build and search camera still works with mouse. Make sure you're using the latest build here.

MasterDarkseid commented 1 year ago


Edit: The lastest build broke the camera rotation with the mouse he doesn't work. @mercury501

I tested the latest build and search camera still works with mouse. Make sure you're using the latest build here.

Not search camera, like the literal gameplay camera rotation. (The gameplay camera)

Edit : nevermind he works now for whatever reasons

Polymega commented 1 year ago

Edit : nevermind he works now for whatever reasons

No worries. You might have had Search View set to "toggle" instead of "press" in the Game Options menu. If it's set to toggle and you activate it, Search View will be permanently enabled, which will always keep the camera behind James in free camera areas, until you toggle it again.

(I'm honestly not sure why there's an option to set this to "toggle" in the first place...)

Screenshot 2022-10-20 21-21-16

MasterDarkseid commented 1 year ago

So i guess i fugured out it's a bug that is random. My camera is now working but the mouse wheel for weapon cycle don't work.

So it's a bug that fix itself or not. When i started playing the camera was working at all. now the camera work but the wheel don't.

I guess it's random can you look into it. @Polymega

Polymega commented 1 year ago

Got it! I've messaged Mercury about it. I found a peculiar bug myself:

When I was testing the toggle walk/run feature, I started a new game and noticed that pressing up on a controller's D-pad or left joystick wouldn't work. All other directions would make James move, but not up. Then, I loaded a new save file and it fixed itself. Through more testing, this bug only seemed to have happened when I started a new game from the main menu. How oddly specific/weird.....?

Edit: I take that back. I loaded some more random save files and up on the left stick/D-pad will still sometimes randomly not work. I'm not sure if this is caused by the toggle walk/run feature, or something within the mouse feature... πŸ€”

MasterDarkseid commented 1 year ago

Yes it's exactly that also the wheel don't work too. Strange bug he seems to change based on new game in main menu.

MasterDarkseid commented 1 year ago

Best way to test it it's to start a new game in the maria scenario. As the first two weapon in next to each other. Making it a fast way to see what cause this and if he works.

Edit: no wheel do not work. I've re-launched the game 10 times and launching a new game each time and the wheel don't work.

Well anyway i'm gonna go to sleep i've been testing this a lot today. Tomorrow or later morning for me. I will do a few runs and it out. I want to see how the boat section is handled with the mouse.

Balthazor44 commented 1 year ago

I just started trying out the latest build, and I also have the mouse wheel no longer working, and additionally the run/guard no longer works either. I tried remapping those functions but that didn't work. And it's happening both on a new game and a loaded game save.