elishacloud / dxwrapper

Fixes compatibility issues with older games running on Windows 10/11 by wrapping DirectX dlls. Also allows loading custom libraries with the file extension .asi into game processes.
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Star Trek Armada 1 keyboard/mouse no response after mission starts if STintro.bik exists #149

Closed yochenhsieh closed 3 months ago

yochenhsieh commented 2 years ago

Windows 10 21H2 nvidia GTX 1660 super, driver 512.95 Armada is retail CD version, updated to 1.3 dxwrapper version: v1.0.6542.21 dxwrapper.ini: dxwrapper.txt

I love the intro so I put STintro.bik in animations folder and used a no-cd fix. Problem: If no STintro.bik in animations folder, everything works. If STintro.bik is in animations folder, after starting any mission, keyboard and mouse have no response.

This is log when STintro.bik exists: dxwrapper-armada-has-intro.log I had to kill game process using task manager since mouse and keyboard were not working.

This is log when STintro.bik removed: dxwrapper-armada-no-intro.log Because mouse/keyboard works so I am able to exit game normally.

mirh commented 2 years ago

Nothing seemed wrong here... People also reported it good with dgVoodoo.

yochenhsieh commented 2 years ago

This: https://github.com/elishacloud/dxwrapper/wiki/Star-Trek-Armada-1


Tried revert nvidia driver to 511.65. Still same result. Can reproduce on another laptop with AMD Radeon GPU. So it's not HW specific.

Update 2022/6/11: Running in Windows 11 it works fine with intro. So it could be a Windows 10 problem.

yochenhsieh commented 1 year ago

I think I have some clue... In Windows 10 and when STIntro.bik exists. after mission starts the window focus is on something else(?). The trick is, if I ALT-TAB change focus to desktop and change back to Armada, mouse and keyboard are working again.

I don't know if any settings in dxwrapper is related to this behavior, or if it's fixable.

elishacloud commented 1 year ago

I just posted an update patch that should address this issue. You can see the update here: Star Trek Armada 1 patch

yochenhsieh commented 1 year ago

For current version: (file date 2023-04-14) Win10: Once intro starts, mouse and keyboard are not responsive. cannot click or press Esc to leave intro. At main menu, I cannot click anything. Have to alt-tab to leave game. Win7&11: Works fine with intro.

elishacloud commented 1 year ago

That is weird. It works on my Windows 10. Try disabling the following settings:

EnableDdrawWrapper         = 0

ConvertToDirectDraw7       = 0
ConvertToDirect3D7         = 0
DdrawOverrideBitMode       = 0
mirh commented 1 year ago

I hope it's not too much douchey to throw out this way (I'm really struggling to find the right amount of time for all these issues) But after just having replied to #177, I think you really should add flip/present mode info to the logs (if it can help I believe both presentmon and specialk use ETW, but idk really)

yochenhsieh commented 1 year ago

Tried those settings and now it behaves like previous version. keyboard/mouse no response after mission starts. dxwrapper-armada.log Attached log, hope it helps.

elishacloud commented 1 year ago

I am guessing you might have a zorder issue with your windows. That could be why an alt+tab works, because it resets the zorder. I disabled some items to see if that helps.

Testing build: dxwrapper.zip

If this still doesn't work then try disabling the following settings, like before:

EnableDdrawWrapper         = 0

ConvertToDirectDraw7       = 0
ConvertToDirect3D7         = 0
DdrawOverrideBitMode       = 0
yochenhsieh commented 1 year ago

Really thank you for tracking this issue. I tested it: default config - same as previous version, kb/mouse no response after a mission starts. disabled the settings - intro video won't play (black screen).

I tried installed Win10 on another laptop. It's old but it has intel CPU + nvidia GPU so hardware is different. I can reproduce same result on this laptop. Attached logs here. dxwrapper-armada-amd.log dxwrapper-armada-nvidia.log

elishacloud commented 1 year ago

It is odd because everything looks fine in your log file and I have a laptop with Intel GPU + Nvidia GPU and I am not seeing these issues. Try with this ini file see if it makes a difference: dxwrapper.zip

BTW: Are you sure you are using version 1.3 patch in the game? It should say "1.3.0" in red writing at the bottom left had cornor of the main menu (below the Exit button) after the intro video.

yochenhsieh commented 1 year ago

Yes. I'm using 1.3.0.

Same result for this ini - kb/mouse no response after a mission starts. I will try other setting combinations in the weekend. Edit: Tried some more settings but still no use. dxwrapper-armada.log dxwrapper.ini.zip

elishacloud commented 10 months ago

Ok, try with this update. I have implemented the menu using GDI and the actual game play using Direct3D9.

Here is the new update: dxwrapper.zip

yochenhsieh commented 10 months ago

Same as previous version, this update also very lag in game play - probably because my old netbook can't handle API conversion? (AMD A6-1450) Log attached. Just in case: dxwrapper-armada.log

mirh commented 10 months ago

Your potato pc can even run DXVK actually (albeit an older version). (make sure to have the latest drivers though, and not whatever old garbage that ships out of the box)

yochenhsieh commented 3 months ago

Sorry, I don't have any Windows 10 PC to test this. You may close if it cannot be reproduced.

elishacloud commented 3 months ago

Ok, thanks. Closing issue.