elixir-cldr / cldr_routes

Localised routes and path helpers for Phoenix applications
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LocalizedHelper not respecting the language #4

Closed rubas closed 2 years ago

rubas commented 2 years ago

Version: 0.3-dev

Somehow we can't get the LocalizedHelper to work. It's not respecting the current locale and takes always the first defined route.

What are we missing? 😵‍💫

iex> MarkoWeb.Router.LocalizedHelpers.user_session_path(%Plug.Conn{}, :create)
iex(2)> Gettext.get_locale Marko.Gettext
iex(2)> Gettext.put_locale(Marko.Gettext, "fr")
iex> MarkoWeb.Router.LocalizedHelpers.user_session_path(%Plug.Conn{}, :create)       


user_session_path  POST    /de/anmeldung   MarkoWeb.UserSessionController :create
user_session_path  POST    /en/login              MarkoWeb.UserSessionController :create
user_session_path  POST    /fr/connexion       MarkoWeb.UserSessionController :create



defmodule MarkoWeb.Router do
    use Phoenix.Router
    use Marko.Cldr.Routes

  live_session :non_auth_user do
    scope "/", MarkoWeb do
      pipe_through([:browser, :redirect_if_user_is_authenticated])

      localize do
        post("/login", UserSessionController, :create)


defmodule Marko.Cldr do
  @moduledoc false

  use Cldr,
    gettext: Marko.Gettext,
    force_locale_download: true,
    providers: [


defmodule Marko.Gettext do
  use Gettext, otp_app: :marko

  @spec put_locale(Gettext.locale) :: Gettext.locale | nil
  def put_locale(locale), do: Gettext.put_locale(__MODULE__, locale)

  @spec get_locale :: Gettext.locale
  def get_locale(), do: Gettext.get_locale(__MODULE__)


config :marko, Marko.Gettext,
  default_locale: "en",
  allowed_locales: ~w(en de fr)

config :ex_cldr,
  default_backend: Marko.Cldr,
  json_library: Jason
kipcole9 commented 2 years ago

@rubas Thank you for the report and my apologies for the inconvenience. I'll take a look at this on Sunday (I'm in transit all of tomorrow). Hope thats ok. Will revert ASAP. The Helpers are borrowed from Phoenix and despite some tests, clearly not good enough. I'll get this sorted out.

kipcole9 commented 2 years ago

Apologies for not meeting my own deadline, the day job is definitely impacting this week. I will get to this as quickly as I can.

kipcole9 commented 2 years ago

This is the worst time-to-resolution in my 6 years of building ex_cldr, my sincere apologies.

As of commit f98f6c5 I have rewritten the LocalizedHelpers module and I'm much happier with the implementation since it no longer forks the Phoenix Helpers module.

There is one open issue I need to fix which is that if you specify an :as option to a route it will be overwritten. This is because I am using the :as option to generate one route helper per locale and using the :as option to differentiate.

I will be able to honour the :as option (still appending a locale name) and thats the last step before release I believe.

Nevertheless I wanted to share this with you as quickly as possible to get your feedback. The changelog entry currently reads:


Thanks to @rubas and @ringofhealth for their extreme patience while I worked this through. Closes #1, and #4.

kipcole9 commented 2 years ago

Additional testing found a bug in helper generation so I recommend holding off reviewing for now. Will have this resolved today.

kipcole9 commented 2 years ago

OK, I think its ready for a workout now. As of commit 415b9fb any :as parameter is honoured. In addition, error messages are aligned to the standard Phoenix routing error messages/exceptions.

At the moment any errors associated with calling a valid helper, but a helper that is not localised for the current locale, will raise a Phoenix standard error but not mention an issue related to locales. Thats the next step and, I hope, the last one before the next release.

I will tackle the issue of route prefixes after that.

kipcole9 commented 2 years ago

BTW, I neglected to note that the locale that is used to drive localised routes is the Cldr locale (ie, derived from calling Cldr.get_locale/1. Its the associated :gettext_locale_name that is used to drive translations. But the correct approach is either:

iex> MyApp.Cldr.put_locale "de"                              
{:ok, #Cldr.LanguageTag<de [validated]>}
iex> MyApp.Router.LocalizedHelpers.user_path %Plug.Conn{}, :index  


iex> Cldr.with_locale("de", MyApp.Cldr, fn ->
  MyApp.Router.LocalizedHelpers.user_path %Plug.Conn{}, :index  