elixir-cldr / cldr_routes

Localised routes and path helpers for Phoenix applications
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`:accept_language` not respecting configured languages #9

Closed rubas closed 2 years ago

rubas commented 2 years ago

Cldr.AcceptLanguage.best_match(accept_language, options.backend) is not respecting the configured locales.


The header Accept-Language: en-GB,en;q=0.9 is matched to en-GB instead of en, which is not accepted by Router.LocalizedHelpers from Cldr.Route.


defmodule MarkoCldr do
  @moduledoc false

  use Cldr,
    default_locale: "en",
    locales: ~w(de en fr),
    gettext: MarkoGettext,
    otp_app: :marko,
    providers: [
    generate_docs: true,
    force_locale_download: Mix.env() == :prod


  pipeline :browser do
      apps: [:cldr, :gettext],
      from: [:assigns, :accept_language],
      gettext: MarkoGettext,
      cldr: MarkoCldr


iex(1)> Cldr.known_locale_names(MarkoCldr)
[:de, :en, :fr]

Argument Error no function clause for MarkoWeb.Router.LocalizedHelpers.home_live_path/3 for locale #Cldr.LanguageTag<en-GB [validated]>

kipcole9 commented 2 years ago

Very good catch. The issues is that the code currently matches on the complete Cldr locale when it should only be matching on the :gettext_locale_name. I'm on it.

rubas commented 2 years ago

Not sure. I would expect Cldr.AcceptLanguage.best_match to respect the configured locales and give me back en as I have not defined en-GB as a valid locale.

That is the behaviour I'm used to and inline with lookup algo described in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4647#section-3.4

Normally when I do a matching over the AcceptLanguage header, I'm interested in a normalized output. For example to work with the vary http header and having a http cache per normalized language ("en", "de" .. ).

kipcole9 commented 2 years ago

As of commit 9ee082d the helpers now match only on the :gettext_locale_name field of a %Cldr.LanguageTag.

kipcole9 commented 2 years ago

Not sure. I would expect Cldr.AcceptLanguage.best_match to respect the configured locales and give me back en as I have not defined en-GB as a valid locale.

Actually it is respecting the configured locales. Here's an example (its not related to AcceptLanguage, that's just an symptom):

When en-GB is not configured as a locale

The user requests en-GB but we haven't configured that. However we do have en configured so we'll use that. But still preserve the users requested territory, even though it won't be used for most localisations.

iex> MyApp.Cldr.known_locale_names
[:de, :en, :es, :fr]
iex> {:ok, locale} = MyApp.Cldr.validate_locale("en-GB")
{:ok, #Cldr.LanguageTag<en-GB [validated]>}
iex> locale.cldr_locale_name
iex> locale.territory

When en-GB is configured as a locale

The user requests en-GB and we have that configured so that becomes the value of the :cldr_locale_name field.

iex> MyApp.Cldr.known_locale_names                      
[:de, :en, :"en-GB", :es, :fr]
iex> {:ok, locale} = MyApp.Cldr.validate_locale("en-GB")
{:ok, #Cldr.LanguageTag<en-GB [validated]>}
iex> locale.cldr_locale_name                            
iex> locale.territory                                   

Summary of behaviour

The principle is that Cldr should do its very best to honour the users requested locale and preserve as much knowledge of that request as possible. But also that a locale is also only valid if it is configured in your backend configuration so there is a process of deducing what the "best match" is between what the user requested and what Cldr and the backend configuration can provide.

rubas commented 2 years ago

Got you! I never checked locale.cldr_locale_name. Just looked at the "headline" ...

kipcole9 commented 2 years ago

Now you some idea of how my one-weekend-to-learn-elixir project turned into a 6 year effort :-)

Normally when I do a matching over the AcceptLanguage header, I'm interested in a normalized output. For example to work with the vary http header and having a http cache per normalized language ("en", "de" .. ).

If you are caching just by the language part, you can use locale.language as the key. Its guaranteed to be a valid ISO 3166 Alpha-2 territory code. I suspect locale.cldr_locale_name might be the better VARY key since its guaranteed to be a valid CLDR known locale.

kipcole9 commented 2 years ago

Fixed in 9ee082d