elixir-crawly / crawly

Crawly, a high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Elixir.
Apache License 2.0
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Avoid using epipe #192

Closed avillen closed 3 years ago

avillen commented 3 years ago

Related to https://github.com/elixir-crawly/crawly/issues/190

This MR aims to replace epipe using with...do and update dependencies. Maybe the get_response/1 now can be replaced with get_response/2 and use two arguments instead of sending a tuple, I was just trying to avoid modifying the API, but let me know any suggestion or if you prefer closing this PR :smile:

Thanks and congrats for the library!

Ziinc commented 3 years ago

@oltarasenko will need you to merge

Ziinc commented 3 years ago

ci failing because of coveralls not able to upload stats. i think related to github org change.

** (ExCoveralls.ReportUploadError) Failed to upload the report to 'https://coveralls.io' (reason: status_code = 422, body = {"message":"Couldn't find a repository matching this job.","error":true}).
    (excoveralls 0.14.2) lib/excoveralls/poster.ex:21: ExCoveralls.Poster.execute/2
    (mix 1.10.4) lib/mix/tasks/test.ex:484: Mix.Tasks.Test.do_run/3
    (mix 1.10.4) lib/mix/task.ex:330: Mix.Task.run_task/3
    (excoveralls 0.14.2) lib/mix/tasks.ex:54: Mix.Tasks.Coveralls.do_run/2
    (mix 1.10.4) lib/mix/task.ex:330: Mix.Task.run_task/3
    (mix 1.10.4) lib/mix/cli.ex:82: Mix.CLI.run_task/2
    (elixir 1.10.4) lib/code.ex:926: Code.require_file/2

Exited with code exit status 1

CircleCI received exit code 1