elixir-crawly / crawly

Crawly, a high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Elixir.
Apache License 2.0
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Update returned value to avoid VSCode ElixirLS warning #284

Closed arobie1992 closed 3 months ago

arobie1992 commented 6 months ago

New to Elixir and decided to try using Crawly as a first app. I was getting a warning saying that I was returning the wrong type when copying the sample crawler in the README. Finally figured out it was because I was just returning %{} instead of %Crawly.ParsedItem{} since the former was what was the README shows. This is really minor as it didn't affect the correctness of the program, but I figured it might be helpful to have the README so that it didn't trigger this warning.

For reference, here's the error text:

Type mismatch for @callback parse_item/1 in Crawly.Spider behaviour.

Expected type:
  :items => [map()],
  :requests => [
      :headers => [{binary(), binary()}],
      :middlewares => [atom()],
      :options => Keyword.t(binary()),
      :prev_response => %{},
      :retries => non_neg_integer(),
      :url => binary()

Actual type:
%{:items => [%{:title => binary()}, ...], :requests => []}
ElixirLS Dialyzer