In order to use Zenodo to get a unique identifier for your training material repository hosted at elixir-europe-training an organisation owner need to grant Zenodo access to the github organisation.
When outlining the standard operating procedures for the Training Lesson Template Maintainers it would be good to include procedures for granting access to Zenodo for repositories hosted at the elixir-europe-training organisation.
Once this has been outlined, it should also be included in the Lesson Template instructions.
In order to use Zenodo to get a unique identifier for your training material repository hosted at elixir-europe-training an organisation owner need to grant Zenodo access to the github organisation.
When outlining the standard operating procedures for the Training Lesson Template Maintainers it would be good to include procedures for granting access to Zenodo for repositories hosted at the elixir-europe-training organisation.
Once this has been outlined, it should also be included in the Lesson Template instructions.