elixir-europe / rdmkit

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New tool assembly page for Beacon v2 #1503

Open ainajene opened 2 weeks ago

ainajene commented 2 weeks ago

What topic do you wish to add? A new tool assembly page for Beacon v2, where we could explain how to implement a Beacon, the differents approaches and linked extensions.

Are there existing pages in the RDMkit website related to the requested page? Mentioned here: https://rdmkit.elixir-europe.org/human_data#sharing-and-reusing-of-human-data (under solutions)

Resources https://docs.genomebeacons.org/ https://b2ri-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Context For the BY-COVID project, CRG is working on deliverable D2.3 (data discovery at source), which is due June 2024, and has been suggested that all the information explained in the deliverable related on how to light a Beacon should be documented here.

bedroesb commented 2 days ago

@ainajene thanks a lot for proposing this Tools assembly page. I would like to point out that in the tool assembly pages we mainly describe general concepts and ideas, of how tools can work together in tackling RDM related questions. (I know that the covid-19 data portal and galaxy tool assembly are exceptions). Detailed information on how to implement something is more appropriate in the FAIR Cookbook than in the RDMkit I would say.

But maybe I am overthinking this! Is the content already written? (or can you be more specific about how detailed you would go). Than we could have a look with the editorial team on how we could make this work. And would you like me to create a Google doc to insert the content or would you work straight away in markdown?

ainajene commented 1 day ago

Hi @bedroesb ! There's information here and there in different github repos. However, for a deliverable in BY-COVID, you can find all the structured information there (section 5.3 here).

The WP2 leads suggested to add this information in the IDTk. However, this implementation is not unique to COVID-19. It can be implemented for any data. Hence, the change to RDMkit.

This being said, I am by no means an expert in RDMkit vs FAIR cookbook. So I'll follow the instructions of the editorial team.

Thanks for taking time to review this issue!

bedroesb commented 1 day ago

@ainajene this is perfect! Let me put it on the agenda of the editorial meeting. I will follow up with more info once we can give you clear pointers.