elixir-explorer / explorer

Series (one-dimensional) and dataframes (two-dimensional) for fast and elegant data exploration in Elixir
MIT License
1.09k stars 118 forks source link

An official place to discuss between early-adopters/users? #753

Closed thbar closed 10 months ago

thbar commented 10 months ago



I'm dabbling more and more with Explorer, often converting small bits of non-Explorer code to Explorer once it's relevant or useful or I want to move into LiveBook and show more stuff.

I often have small questions popping up, that are not necessarily obvious to figure out after reading the documentation (although over time it will get easier).

I am pretty sure there are other early-adopters that would be happy to bounce small questions.

My question is: how can we make sure those exchanges are captured & not lost etc?

I am not sure what the right answer is - could be:

In the past I had good success with a StackOverflow tag (as a maintainer it made it easy to point people to a specific response, or let them handle things directly), see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/kiba-etl.

I am pretty sure Explorer is going to see more and more interesting use-cases, and I want to make sure the knowledge is spread as much as possible!

Thoughts? Thank you!

josevalim commented 10 months ago

ElixirForum is the place to go: https://elixirforum.com/c/elixir-framework-forums/nx-forum/105

There is also the #machine-learning channel on the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation Slack. You can request your an invite by creating a free account :)

thbar commented 10 months ago

@josevalim thank you!

Would you welcome a PR adding this information at the top of the readme maybe?

josevalim commented 10 months ago

@thbar sounds good to me!