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UndefinedFunctionError: function <Struct>.__struct__/0 is undefined or private #11218

Closed feifanzhou closed 3 years ago

feifanzhou commented 3 years ago


Current behavior

Hello! I'm getting the error ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function B2.RequestContext.__struct__/0 is undefined or private when mix test gets to a particular ExUnit test that references the module in the error (see below for the full text of the error and source of the struct and test file).

Unfortunately, I'm not sure how specifically to induce the problem, although it does happen almost all the time. Additional behaviors I notice:

Expected behavior

This crash shouldn't happen; the __struct__/0 function should be defined.


I'm happy to add people to my private repo with the full project if that helps repo. But to start, here's the error message and relevant code:

Full error from running mix test:

11:11:23.919 [error] Process #PID<0.1990.0> raised an exception
** (Module.Types.Error) found error while checking types for Tanagram.Schema.FileTypeTest."test FileItemCreationRequest returns stored values for b2_* fields for B2-backend requests"/1

def(test FileItemCreationRequest returns stored values for b2_* fields for B2-backend requests(_)) do
    user = Tanagram.Factory.insert(:user)
    hours_24_from_now = DateTime.add(DateTime.utc_now(), :erlang.*(3600, 24), :second)
    query = "mutation {\n  createFileItemCreationRequest(backend: B2) {\n    b2_bucket_id\n    b2_authorization_token\n  }\n}\n"
      mock_modules = Enum.reduce([{B2.RequestContext, [], [from_key: fn _, _ -> {:ok, %B2.RequestContext{api_key: nil, api_key_id: nil, authorization_context: nil, authorization_header: nil, base_url: nil, version: "2"}} end]}], [], fn {m, opts, mock_fns}, ms ->
        case(Enum.member?(ms, m)) do
          x when :erlang.orelse(:erlang."=:="(x, false), :erlang."=:="(x, nil)) ->
            try do
              case(:meck.validate(m)) do
                x when :erlang.orelse(:erlang."=:="(x, false), :erlang."=:="(x, nil)) ->
                _ ->
              e in [ErlangError] ->
            :meck.new(m, opts)
          _ ->
        Mock._install_mock(m, mock_fns)
        true = :meck.validate(m)
        Enum.uniq([m | ms])
      try do
        mock_modules = Enum.reduce([{B2.Api.GetUploadUrl, [], [call: fn _, _ -> {:ok, %{bucket_id: "test_bucket_id", upload_url: "https://pod-000-1005-03.backblaze.com/test_upload_url", authorization_token: "test_upload_auth_token", expires_at: hours_24_from_now}} end]}], [], fn {m, opts, mock_fns}, ms ->
          case(Enum.member?(ms, m)) do
            x when :erlang.orelse(:erlang."=:="(x, false), :erlang."=:="(x, nil)) ->
              try do
                case(:meck.validate(m)) do
                  x when :erlang.orelse(:erlang."=:="(x, false), :erlang."=:="(x, nil)) ->
                  _ ->
                e in [ErlangError] ->
              :meck.new(m, opts)
            _ ->
          Mock._install_mock(m, mock_fns)
          true = :meck.validate(m)
          Enum.uniq([m | ms])
        try do
            right = Absinthe.run(query, Tanagram.Schema, context: %{current_user: user})
            expr = {:assert, [line: 66], [{:=, [line: 66], [{:ok, {:%{}, [line: 59], [data: {:%{}, [line: 60], [{"createFileItemCreationRequest", {:%{}, [line: 61], [{"b2_authorization_token", {:auth_token, [line: 62], nil}}, {"b2_bucket_id", {:bucket_id, [line: 63], nil}}]}}]}]}}, {{:., [line: 66], [{:__aliases__, [line: 66], [:Absinthe]}, :run]}, [line: 66], [{:query, [line: 66], nil}, {:__aliases__, [line: 66], [:Tanagram, :Schema]}, [context: {:%{}, [line: 66], [current_user: {:user, [line: 66], nil}]}]]}]}]}
            [bucket_id, auth_token] = case(right) do
              {:ok, %{data: %{"createFileItemCreationRequest" => %{"b2_authorization_token" => auth_token, "b2_bucket_id" => bucket_id}}}} ->
                case(right) do
                  x when :erlang.orelse(:erlang."=:="(x, nil), :erlang."=:="(x, false)) ->
                    :erlang.error(ExUnit.AssertionError.exception(expr: expr, message: <<"Expected truthy, got ", Kernel.inspect(right)::binary()>>))
                  _ ->
                [bucket_id, auth_token]
              _ ->
                left = {:ok, {:%{}, [line: 59], [data: {:%{}, [line: 60], [{"createFileItemCreationRequest", {:%{}, [line: 61], [{"b2_authorization_token", {:auth_token, [line: 62], nil}}, {"b2_bucket_id", {:bucket_id, [line: 63], nil}}]}}]}]}}
                :erlang.error(ExUnit.AssertionError.exception(left: left, right: right, expr: expr, message: <<"match (=) failed", ExUnit.Assertions.__pins__([])::binary()>>, context: {:match, []}))
            left = auth_token
            right = "test_upload_auth_token"
            ExUnit.Assertions.assert(:erlang.==(left, right), left: left, right: right, expr: {:assert, [line: 68], [{:==, [line: 68], [{:auth_token, [line: 68], nil}, "test_upload_auth_token"]}]}, message: "Assertion with == failed", context: :==)
            left = bucket_id
            right = "test_bucket_id"
            ExUnit.Assertions.assert(:erlang.==(left, right), left: left, right: right, expr: {:assert, [line: 69], [{:==, [line: 69], [{:bucket_id, [line: 69], nil}, "test_bucket_id"]}]}, message: "Assertion with == failed", context: :==)
          for(m <- mock_modules) do
        for(m <- mock_modules) do

Please report this bug: https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/issues

** (UndefinedFunctionError) function B2.RequestContext.__struct__/0 is undefined (module B2.RequestContext is not available)
    (tanagram 0.1.0) B2.RequestContext.__struct__()
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/of.ex:131: Module.Types.Of.struct/3
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/expr.ex:193: Module.Types.Expr.of_expr/4
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/helpers.ex:93: Module.Types.Helpers.do_map_reduce_ok/3
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/expr.ex:125: Module.Types.Expr.of_expr/4
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/expr.ex:482: anonymous fn/3 in Module.Types.Expr.of_clauses/3
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/helpers.ex:37: Module.Types.Helpers.do_reduce_ok/3
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/expr.ex:232: Module.Types.Expr.of_expr/4
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/helpers.ex:93: Module.Types.Helpers.do_map_reduce_ok/3
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/expr.ex:125: Module.Types.Expr.of_expr/4
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/helpers.ex:93: Module.Types.Helpers.do_map_reduce_ok/3
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/expr.ex:82: Module.Types.Expr.of_expr/4
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/helpers.ex:93: Module.Types.Helpers.do_map_reduce_ok/3
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/expr.ex:125: Module.Types.Expr.of_expr/4
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/helpers.ex:93: Module.Types.Helpers.do_map_reduce_ok/3
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/expr.ex:82: Module.Types.Expr.of_expr/4
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/helpers.ex:93: Module.Types.Helpers.do_map_reduce_ok/3
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/expr.ex:379: Module.Types.Expr.of_expr/4
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/expr.ex:140: Module.Types.Expr.of_expr/4
    (elixir 1.12.2) lib/module/types/helpers.ex:93: Module.Types.Helpers.do_map_reduce_ok/3

Struct module source:

defmodule B2.RequestContext do
  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          api_key_id: String.t(),
          api_key: String.t(),
          authorization_context: %B2.AuthorizationContext{} | nil,
          authorization_header: String.t(),
          base_url: String.t(),
          version: String.t()
    api_key_id: nil,
    api_key: nil,
    authorization_context: nil,
    authorization_header: nil,
    base_url: nil,
    version: "2"

  def with_auth_header(%__MODULE__{api_key_id: nil} = context), do: context
  def with_auth_header(%__MODULE__{api_key_id: ""} = context), do: context
  def with_auth_header(%__MODULE__{api_key: nil} = context), do: context
  def with_auth_header(%__MODULE__{api_key: ""} = context), do: context

  def with_auth_header(%__MODULE__{api_key_id: api_key_id, api_key: api_key} = context) do
    header = "Basic " <> Base.encode64("#{api_key_id}:#{api_key}")
    %{context | authorization_header: header}

  def from_key(api_key_id, api_key) do
    module = %__MODULE__{api_key_id: api_key_id, api_key: api_key} |> with_auth_header()

    case B2.Api.AuthorizeAccount.call(module) do
      {:ok, auth_context} ->
        {:ok, %{module | authorization_context: auth_context, base_url: auth_context.api_url}}

      error ->

Test code source:

defmodule Tanagram.Schema.FileTypeTest do
  use Tanagram.DataCase, async: true
  import Mock

  @tag :skip
  describe "FileItemCreationRequest" do
    test "returns nil for b2_* fields for local-backend requests" do
      user = insert(:user)

      query = """
      mutation {
        createFileItemCreationRequest(backend: LOCAL) {

      assert {:ok,
                data: %{
                  "createFileItemCreationRequest" => %{
                    "b2_authorization_token" => auth_token,
                    "b2_bucket_id" => bucket_id
              }} = Absinthe.run(query, Tanagram.Schema, context: %{current_user: user})

      assert is_nil(auth_token)
      assert is_nil(bucket_id)

    @tag :skip
    test "returns stored values for b2_* fields for B2-backend requests" do
      user = insert(:user)
      hours_24_from_now = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(3600 * 24, :second)

      query = """
      mutation {
        createFileItemCreationRequest(backend: B2) {

      with_mock B2.RequestContext, from_key: fn _, _ -> {:ok, %B2.RequestContext{}} end do
        with_mock B2.Api.GetUploadUrl,
          call: fn _, _ ->
               bucket_id: "test_bucket_id",
               upload_url: "https://pod-000-1005-03.backblaze.com/test_upload_url",
               authorization_token: "test_upload_auth_token",
               expires_at: hours_24_from_now
          end do
          assert {:ok,
                    data: %{
                      "createFileItemCreationRequest" => %{
                        "b2_authorization_token" => auth_token,
                        "b2_bucket_id" => bucket_id
                  }} = Absinthe.run(query, Tanagram.Schema, context: %{current_user: user})

          assert auth_token == "test_upload_auth_token"
          assert bucket_id == "test_bucket_id"
josevalim commented 3 years ago

I am suspecting this is a race condition in your tests.

with_mock is most likely replacing your module B2.RequestContext and, while it is being replaced, it affects how other modules that invoke B2.RequestContext are compiled. Does the issue happens if you set async: false on all tests that mock this struct or if you do mix test --max-cases 1?

feifanzhou commented 3 years ago

Thank you José! That does appear to be the problem — toggling async on my tests makes the problem go away or come back. It hadn't occurred to me that async tests would still share a single compiled "instance" of a particular module. Are there any plans to increase isolation when running async tests, such that these tests could run concurrently?

josevalim commented 3 years ago

@feifanzhou the thing to keep in mind is that ExUnit runs async tests while test files are still loading. And then the mock library is globally replacing a module while that happens. You should either use a mock library that is safe under concurrency (such as Mox) or run tests synchronously.

josevalim commented 3 years ago

Closing this, as there is nothing the compiler can do if something is changing modules globally. :) Thank you!