Closed KronicDeth closed 7 years ago
Can you please check master? We have pushed many improvements on this area.
Also, if you are using Elixir, is it precompiled? If so, with which Erlang version? It may be code compiler on 18 running on 19 or vice-versa.
I can confirm it happens on master.
Oh, it the error happens only in retort
, it is a dependency in retort
that is generating lines with -1 metadata. They need to do what Phoenix do:
Please try to pinpoint which dependency is causing the issue and let us know so we can reopen the issue as we have limited time to prune down the dependency tree ourselves.
@josevalim I've reproduced the error with a minimal repo and it's kinda surprising. It's this line:
assert {:ok, _} = :ok
The right-hand doesn't seem to matter, but there does need to be a match as
assert :ok
Doesn't cause a problem.
git clone
cd elixir_lang_elixir6015
mix deps.get
mix coveralls
Compiling 1 file (.ex)
Generated elixir_lang_elixir6015 app
12:07:03.370 [error] Process #PID<0.177.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) erl_anno.erl:318: :erl_anno.set(:location, -1, [location: -1, generated: true])
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1516: anonymous fn/3 in :erl_parse.map_anno/2
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1649: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1662: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1641: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1662: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1652: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1662: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
** (exit) an exception was raised:
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) erl_anno.erl:318: :erl_anno.set(:location, -1, [location: -1, generated: true])
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1516: anonymous fn/3 in :erl_parse.map_anno/2
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1649: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1662: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1641: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1662: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1652: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1662: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
lib/excoveralls.ex:30: ExCoveralls.start/2
(mix) lib/mix/tasks/test.ex:206:
(mix) lib/mix/task.ex:294: Mix.Task.run_task/3
lib/mix/tasks.ex:54: Mix.Tasks.Coveralls.do_run/2
(mix) lib/mix/task.ex:294: Mix.Task.run_task/3
(mix) lib/mix/cli.ex:58: Mix.CLI.run_task/2
The original line in retort
where that assert
comes from
assert {:ok, _} = Connection.await
Thank you @KronicDeth, you are awesome for providing such detailed steps!
Hi @KronicDeth, I can't reproduce it on master.
This is what I have done:
Everything works just fine, as I suspected, because all of those bugs have been fixed in master.
@ericmj when you said you were able to reproduce it on master, which commit were you using?
@josevalim I think there's more than one error in retort
and I just isolated one that master happened to have fixed. I updated elixir-lang/elixir
to latest master and ran mix coveralls
and I still get errors, just different errors:
elixir --version
Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] [dtrace]
Elixir 1.5.0-dev (e9292c37b)
mix coveralls
outputThe database for Retort.Repo has been dropped
19:07:00.042 [error] Process #PID<0.254.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) erl_anno.erl:318: :erl_anno.set(:location, -584, [generated: true, location: 11])
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1516: anonymous fn/3 in :erl_parse.map_anno/2
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1649: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1517: :erl_parse.map_anno/2
(stdlib) epp.erl:1698: :epp.interpret_file_attr/3
(stdlib) epp.erl:1699: :epp.interpret_file_attr/3
(stdlib) epp.erl:1690: :epp.interpret_file_attr/3
(stdlib) epp.erl:1699: :epp.interpret_file_attr/3
** (exit) an exception was raised:
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) erl_anno.erl:318: :erl_anno.set(:location, -584, [generated: true, location: 11])
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1516: anonymous fn/3 in :erl_parse.map_anno/2
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1649: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1517: :erl_parse.map_anno/2
(stdlib) epp.erl:1698: :epp.interpret_file_attr/3
(stdlib) epp.erl:1699: :epp.interpret_file_attr/3
(stdlib) epp.erl:1690: :epp.interpret_file_attr/3
(stdlib) epp.erl:1699: :epp.interpret_file_attr/3
lib/excoveralls.ex:30: ExCoveralls.start/2
(mix) lib/mix/tasks/test.ex:206:
(mix) lib/mix/task.ex:301: Mix.Task.run_task/3
(mix) lib/mix/task.ex:333: Mix.Task.run_alias/3
(mix) lib/mix/task.ex:266:
lib/mix/tasks.ex:54: Mix.Tasks.Coveralls.do_run/2
(mix) lib/mix/task.ex:301: Mix.Task.run_task/3
19:07:00.047 [error] Process #PID<0.259.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) :ets.insert(:cover_internal_data_table, {{:bump, Retort.Resources, :"MACRO-__using__", 2, 1, 0}, 0})
cover.erl:1789: :cover.munge_body/4
cover.erl:1740: :cover.munge_clauses/4
cover.erl:1719: :cover.munge/4
cover.erl:1635: :cover.transform_2/5
cover.erl:1620: :cover.transform/3
cover.erl:1568: :cover.do_compile_beam2/5
cover.erl:1478: :cover.do_compile_beam/3
19:07:00.047 [error] Process #PID<0.262.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) :ets.insert(:cover_internal_clause_table, {Retort.Server.Pool, [{Retort.Server.Pool, :__info__, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.Server.Pool, :__info__, 1, 2, 1}, {Retort.Server.Pool, :__info__, 1, 3, 1}, {Retort.Server.Pool, :init, 1, 1, 2}, {Retort.Server.Pool, :start_link, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.Server.Pool, :start_link, 2, 1, 1}]})
cover.erl:1584: :cover.do_compile_beam2/5
cover.erl:1478: :cover.do_compile_beam/3
(stdlib) lists.erl:1239:
cover.erl:2732: anonymous fn/2 in :cover.pmap_spawn/4
19:07:00.048 [error] Process #PID<0.260.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) :ets.insert(:cover_internal_clause_table, {Retort.Sandbox, [{Retort.Sandbox, :__info__, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.Sandbox, :__info__, 1, 2, 1}, {Retort.Sandbox, :__info__, 1, 3, 1}, {Retort.Sandbox, :allow_access, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.Sandbox, :allow_access, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.Sandbox, :version1_token, 1, 1, 1}]})
cover.erl:1584: :cover.do_compile_beam2/5
cover.erl:1478: :cover.do_compile_beam/3
(stdlib) lists.erl:1239:
cover.erl:2732: anonymous fn/2 in :cover.pmap_spawn/4
19:07:00.048 [error] Process #PID<0.261.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) :ets.insert(:cover_internal_clause_table, {Retort.Server.Generic.Logger, [{Retort.Server.Generic.Logger, :__info__, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.Server.Generic.Logger, :__info__, 1, 2, 1}, {Retort.Server.Generic.Logger, :__info__, 1, 3, 1}, {Retort.Server.Generic.Logger, :call, 1, 1, 4}, {Retort.Server.Generic.Logger, :formatted_diff, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.Server.Generic.Logger, :formatted_diff, 1, 2, 1}, {Retort.Server.Generic.Logger, :time_diff, 2, 1, 2}]})
cover.erl:1584: :cover.do_compile_beam2/5
cover.erl:1478: :cover.do_compile_beam/3
(stdlib) lists.erl:1239:
cover.erl:2732: anonymous fn/2 in :cover.pmap_spawn/4
19:07:00.048 [error] Process #PID<0.253.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) :ets.insert(:cover_internal_clause_table, {Retort.Case, [{Retort.Case, :__info__, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.Case, :__info__, 1, 2, 1}, {Retort.Case, :__info__, 1, 3, 1}, {Retort.Case, :create_list!, 3, 1, 2}, {Retort.Case, :stringify_keys, 1, 1, 10}, {Retort.Case, :unknown_relationship_path_document, 0, 1, 1}]})
cover.erl:1584: :cover.do_compile_beam2/5
cover.erl:1478: :cover.do_compile_beam/3
(stdlib) lists.erl:1239:
cover.erl:2732: anonymous fn/2 in :cover.pmap_spawn/4
19:07:00.049 [error] Process #PID<0.257.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) :ets.insert(:cover_internal_clause_table, {Retort.Meta, [{Retort.Meta, :__info__, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.Meta, :__info__, 1, 2, 1}, {Retort.Meta, :__info__, 1, 3, 1}, {Retort.Meta, :database_backed?, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.Meta, :valid!, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.Meta, :valid!, 3, 1, 1}, {Retort.Meta, :valid!, 3, 2, 1}, {Retort.Meta, :valid!, 3, 3, 4}, {Retort.Meta, :valid!, 3, 4, 1}, {Retort.Meta, :valid!, 3, 5, 1}]})
cover.erl:1584: :cover.do_compile_beam2/5
cover.erl:1478: :cover.do_compile_beam/3
(stdlib) lists.erl:1239:
cover.erl:2732: anonymous fn/2 in :cover.pmap_spawn/4
19:07:00.049 [error] Process #PID<0.255.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) :ets.insert(:cover_internal_clause_table, {Retort.Client.Stream, [{Retort.Client.Stream, :__info__, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.Client.Stream, :__info__, 1, 2, 1}, {Retort.Client.Stream, :__info__, 1, 3, 1}, {Retort.Client.Stream, :__struct__, 0, 1, 1}, {Retort.Client.Stream, :__struct__, 1, 1, 2}, {Retort.Client.Stream, :new, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.Client.Stream, :new, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.Client.Stream, :new, 3, 1, 3}, {Retort.Client.Stream, :next, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.Client.Stream, :next, 2, 2, 1}, {Retort.Client.Stream, :page, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.Client.Stream, :page, 1, 2, 2}, {Retort.Client.Stream, :page_params, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.Client.Stream, :page_params, 2, 2, 1}]})
cover.erl:1584: :cover.do_compile_beam2/5
cover.erl:1478: :cover.do_compile_beam/3
(stdlib) lists.erl:1239:
cover.erl:2732: anonymous fn/2 in :cover.pmap_spawn/4
19:07:00.050 [error] Process #PID<0.251.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) :ets.insert(:cover_internal_clause_table, {Poison.Encoder.Retort.Request, [{Poison.Encoder.Retort.Request, :__info__, 1, 1, 1}, {Poison.Encoder.Retort.Request, :__info__, 1, 2, 1}, {Poison.Encoder.Retort.Request, :__info__, 1, 3, 1}, {Poison.Encoder.Retort.Request, :__impl__, 1, 1, 1}, {Poison.Encoder.Retort.Request, :__impl__, 1, 2, 1}, {Poison.Encoder.Retort.Request, :__impl__, 1, 3, 1}, {Poison.Encoder.Retort.Request, :encode, 2, 1, 1}]})
cover.erl:1584: :cover.do_compile_beam2/5
cover.erl:1478: :cover.do_compile_beam/3
(stdlib) lists.erl:1239:
cover.erl:2732: anonymous fn/2 in :cover.pmap_spawn/4
19:07:00.050 [error] Process #PID<0.252.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) :ets.insert(:cover_internal_clause_table, {Retort.AMQP.Default, [{Retort.AMQP.Default, :__info__, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.AMQP.Default, :__info__, 1, 2, 1}, {Retort.AMQP.Default, :__info__, 1, 3, 1}, {Retort.AMQP.Default, :consume, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.AMQP.Default, :declare_queue, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.AMQP.Default, :open, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.AMQP.Default, :prefetch_count, 2, 1, 1}]})
cover.erl:1584: :cover.do_compile_beam2/5
cover.erl:1478: :cover.do_compile_beam/3
(stdlib) lists.erl:1239:
cover.erl:2732: anonymous fn/2 in :cover.pmap_spawn/4
19:07:00.051 [error] Process #PID<0.263.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) :ets.insert(:cover_internal_clause_table, {Retort.TestAuthors, [{Retort.TestAuthors, :__info__, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :__info__, 1, 2, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :__info__, 1, 3, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :allow_sandbox_access, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :changeset, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :changeset, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :delete, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :ecto_schema_module, 0, 1, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :full_associations, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :get, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :insert, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :list, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :repo, 0, 1, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :sandboxed?, 0, 1, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :update, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.TestAuthors, :update, 3, 1, 1}]})
cover.erl:1584: :cover.do_compile_beam2/5
cover.erl:1478: :cover.do_compile_beam/3
(stdlib) lists.erl:1239:
cover.erl:2732: anonymous fn/2 in :cover.pmap_spawn/4
19:07:00.052 [error] Process #PID<0.258.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) :ets.insert(:cover_internal_clause_table, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, [{Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :__info__, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :__info__, 1, 2, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :__info__, 1, 3, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :allow_sandbox_access, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :association_to_include, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :changeset, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :changeset, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :client_start_link, 0, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :delete, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :ecto_schema_module, 0, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :full_associations, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :get, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :insert, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :list, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :sandboxed?, 0, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :timeout, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :update, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.RemoteTestAuthors, :update, 3, 1, 1}]})
cover.erl:1584: :cover.do_compile_beam2/5
cover.erl:1478: :cover.do_compile_beam/3
(stdlib) lists.erl:1239:
cover.erl:2732: anonymous fn/2 in :cover.pmap_spawn/4
19:07:00.052 [error] Process #PID<0.256.0> raised an exception
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) :ets.insert(:cover_internal_clause_table, {Retort.ConnectionCase, [{Retort.ConnectionCase, :__info__, 1, 1, 1}, {Retort.ConnectionCase, :__info__, 1, 2, 1}, {Retort.ConnectionCase, :__info__, 1, 3, 1}, {Retort.ConnectionCase, :__ex_unit__, 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.ConnectionCase, :__ex_unit__, 2, 2, 1}, {Retort.ConnectionCase, :__ex_unit_setup_0, 1, 1, 4}, {Retort.ConnectionCase, :"MACRO-__using__", 2, 1, 1}, {Retort.ConnectionCase, :capture_reconnect_log, 0, 1, 13}, {Retort.ConnectionCase, :log_queue_error_count, 2, 1, 4}, {Retort.ConnectionCase, :override_connection_timeout, 1, 1, 5}, {Retort.ConnectionCase, :override_url, 1, 1, 5}]})
cover.erl:1584: :cover.do_compile_beam2/5
cover.erl:1478: :cover.do_compile_beam/3
(stdlib) lists.erl:1239:
cover.erl:2732: anonymous fn/2 in :cover.pmap_spawn/4
19:07:00.053 [error] GenServer #PID<0.207.0> terminating
** (ArgumentError) argument error
(stdlib) erl_anno.erl:318: :erl_anno.set(:location, -584, [generated: true, location: 11])
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1516: anonymous fn/3 in :erl_parse.map_anno/2
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1649: :erl_parse.modify_anno1/3
(stdlib) erl_parse.yrl:1517: :erl_parse.map_anno/2
(stdlib) epp.erl:1698: :epp.interpret_file_attr/3
(stdlib) epp.erl:1699: :epp.interpret_file_attr/3
(stdlib) epp.erl:1690: :epp.interpret_file_attr/3
(stdlib) epp.erl:1699: :epp.interpret_file_attr/3
Last message: {:EXIT, #PID<0.70.0>, {:badarg, [{:erl_anno, :set, [:location, -584, [generated: true, location: 11]], [file: 'erl_anno.erl', line: 318]}, {:erl_parse, :"-map_anno/2-fun-0-", 3, [file: 'erl_parse.yrl', line: 1516]}, {:erl_parse, :modify_anno1, 3, [file: 'erl_parse.yrl', line: 1649]}, {:erl_parse, :map_anno, 2, [file: 'erl_parse.yrl', line: 1517]}, {:epp, :interpret_file_attr, 3, [file: 'epp.erl', line: 1698]}, {:epp, :interpret_file_attr, 3, [file: 'epp.erl', line: 1699]}, {:epp, :interpret_file_attr, 3, [file: 'epp.erl', line: 1690]}, {:epp, :interpret_file_attr, 3, [file: 'epp.erl', line: 1699]}]}}
I'll attempt to make another root cause repo, but now we know that all the ArgumentErrors aren't actually linked as I originally thought. The new first error is this:
erl_anno.set(:location, -584, [generated: true, location: 11])
set(Item, Value, Anno) -> case {is_settable(Item, Value), Anno} of {true, Line} when ?ALINE(Line) -> set_anno(Item, Value, [{location, Line}]); {true, {L, C}=Location} when ?ALINE(L), ?ACOLUMN(C) -> set_anno(Item, Value, [{location, Location}]); {true, A} when is_list(A), A =/= [] -> set_anno(Item, Value, Anno); _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Item, Value, Anno]) end.
map_anno(F0, Abstr) -> F = fun(A, Acc) -> {F0(A), Acc} end, {NewAbstr, []} = modify_anno1(Abstr, [], F), NewAbstr.
modify_anno1({Tag,A,E1,E2,E3}, Ac, Mf) -> {A1,Ac1} = Mf(A, Ac), {E11,Ac2} = modify_anno1(E1, Ac1, Mf), {E21,Ac3} = modify_anno1(E2, Ac2, Mf), {E31,Ac4} = modify_anno1(E3, Ac3, Mf), {{Tag,A1,E11,E21,E31},Ac4};
map_anno(F0, Abstr) -> F = fun(A, Acc) -> {F0(A), Acc} end, {NewAbstr, []} = modify_anno1(Abstr, [], F), NewAbstr.
interpret_file_attr([Form0 | Forms], Delta, Fs) -> F = fun(Anno) -> Line = erl_anno:line(Anno), erl_anno:set_line(Line + Delta, Anno) end, Form = erl_parse:map_anno(F, Form0), [Form | interpret_file_attr(Forms, Delta, Fs)];
interpret_file_attr([Form0 | Forms], Delta, Fs) -> F = fun(Anno) -> Line = erl_anno:line(Anno), erl_anno:set_line(Line + Delta, Anno) end, Form = erl_parse:map_anno(F, Form0), [Form | interpret_file_attr(Forms, Delta, Fs)];
interpret_file_attr([{attribute,Anno,file,{File,Line}}=Form | Forms], Delta, Fs) -> L = get_line(Anno), Generated = erl_anno:generated(Anno), if Generated -> %% -file attribute interpret_file_attr(Forms, (L + Delta) - Line, Fs); not Generated -> %% -include or -include_lib % true = L =:= Line, case Fs of [_, File | Fs1] -> % end of included file [Form | interpret_file_attr(Forms, 0, [File | Fs1])]; _ -> % start of included file [Form | interpret_file_attr(Forms, 0, [File | Fs])] end end;
I can only reproduce when cloning, works without issues.
@KronicDeth I think you have a problem with your paths, please can you show the output to:
mix run -e "IO.puts System.version"
I can confirm mix coveralls
working on retort with 65c1bd50a0e3ad21a57e52925be700c722f9fa23:
Randomized with seed 870889
100.0% lib/retort.ex 41 5 0
0.0% lib/retort/amqp.ex 46 0 0
100.0% lib/retort/amqp/default.ex 27 4 0
90.0% lib/retort/api.ex 51 10 1
42.9% lib/retort/case.ex 45 7 4
95.5% lib/retort/channel.ex 104 22 1
30.8% lib/retort/client.ex 204 26 18
78.5% lib/retort/client/generic.ex 832 130 28
100.0% lib/retort/client/request.ex 60 1 0
0.0% lib/retort/client/state_machine.ex 109 10 10
85.7% lib/retort/client/stream.ex 86 7 1
100.0% lib/retort/connection.ex 314 52 0
100.0% lib/retort/connection_case.ex 100 29 0
25.0% lib/retort/meta.ex 51 8 6
100.0% lib/retort/queue.ex 52 7 0
100.0% lib/retort/queue/case.ex 28 4 0
100.0% lib/retort/request.ex 100 2 0
50.0% lib/retort/resources.ex 337 50 25
80.0% lib/retort/response.ex 138 10 2
100.0% lib/retort/response/error.ex 108 7 0
0.0% lib/retort/sandbox.ex 30 3 3
70.0% lib/retort/server/generic.ex 241 40 12
0.0% lib/retort/server/generic/callback.ex 21 0 0
100.0% lib/retort/server/generic/logger.ex 44 5 0
64.5% lib/retort/server/generic/resources.ex 218 31 11
53.6% lib/retort/server/generic/rpc.ex 207 28 13
0.0% lib/retort/server/pool.ex 37 3 3
80.0% test/support/retort/client/test_author.e 38 5 1
100.0% test/support/retort/factory.ex 23 1 0
88.9% test/support/retort/kill_once.ex 43 9 1
0.0% test/support/retort/remote_test_authors. 28 4 4
0.0% test/support/retort/repo.ex 29 3 3
100.0% test/support/retort/server/test_author.e 29 2 0
66.7% test/support/retort/test_author.ex 41 3 1
100.0% test/support/retort/test_author_view.ex 21 1 0
0.0% test/support/retort/test_authors.ex 15 0 0
0.0% test/support/retort/test_post.ex 16 1 1
[TOTAL] 71.9%
I know there are some pre-existing issues related to
and line-1
, but the pre-existing steps of deleting_build
and updating all dependencies is not working for
brew info erlang
:erlang: stable 19.3 (bottled), HEAD
Current behavior
git clone
cd retort
git checkout elixir-lang-elixir-6015
mix deps.get
mix coveralls
Expected behavior
Tests are run and coverage information is generated.
Triage information
' smix coveralls
works in both the underlyingalembic
packages, so some dependency adding on top of those or some code inretort
itself is likely causing this issue.calcinator
deps treeretort
deps treeDeps to Check
The following deps are in
and notcalcinator
and need to be checked for incompatibility by addingexcoveralls
and runningmix coveralls
to see if they trigger the bug on their ownamqp
(was already using excoveralls, but still retested)uuid
No dep isolation failed
mix coveralls
. Moving on to slicingretort
itself to try to remove or isolating triggering line inretort
and trace that back to a dep or aquote
in retort itself.