Closed ryansch closed 2 years ago
Hi @ryansch, thanks for the PR!
We typically want to avoid MFA tuples whenever possible because you can just as easily configure plugs at runtime. In your paticular case, only/only_matching can be customized by doing this:
@static Plug.Static.init(all_options_but_only)
def my_static(conn, _) do
if my_only?(conn), do:, @static), else: conn
@josevalim I was able to come up with the following code based on your comment.
@static Plug.Static.init(
at: "/",
from: :pages_web,
gzip: false,
only: ~w(assets css fonts images js sprites favicon.ico favicon.svg site.webmanifest browserconfig.xml robots.txt)
def static(conn, _) do
{only, only_matching} = @static.only_rules
only =
opts =
|> Map.put(:only_rules, {only, only_matching}), opts)
plug :static
Am I going about this the right way? I don't know until runtime what the asset digests will be from mix phx.digest
. I don't like how much this code needs to know about the internal structure of the map that Plug.Static
passes itself from init
to call
I don't think you need to do that at all. What only does is something like this:
%{path_info: [path | _]} = conn
if path in only or :binary.match(path, only_matching) do
And you can directly reproduce this logic without building your own only/only_matching,.
@josevalim While your solution does work, a more complete solution seems to require borrowing code from Plug.Static
I started with a small function based plug like you suggested. I then realized that if I want this to be reusable across projects, I needed to handle the combination of only
with at
. I also looked at Plug.Static
's implementation of allowed?
and noticed that it's being careful to pin the match at the beginning of the string.
defmodule PagesWeb.Plugs.Static do
@behaviour Plug
@allowed_methods ~w(GET HEAD)
alias Plug.Conn
@impl Plug
def init(opts) do
plug_static_opts =
|> Keyword.delete(:only)
|> Keyword.delete(:only_matching)
at: opts |> Keyword.fetch!(:at) |> Plug.Router.Utils.split(),
endpoint: Keyword.fetch!(opts, :endpoint),
only: Keyword.get(opts, :only, []),
only_matching: Keyword.get(opts, :only_matching, []),
plug_static: Plug.Static.init(plug_static_opts)
@impl Plug
def call(
conn = %Conn{method: meth},
%{at: at, endpoint: endpoint, only: only, only_matching: only_matching, plug_static: plug_static} = _opts
when meth in @allowed_methods do
only =
segments = subset(at, conn.path_info)
if allowed?({only, only_matching}, segments) do, plug_static)
defp allowed?(_only_rules, []), do: false
defp allowed?({[], []}, _list), do: true
defp allowed?({full, prefix}, [h | _]) do
h in full or (prefix != [] and match?({0, _}, :binary.match(h, prefix)))
defp subset([h | expected], [h | actual]), do: subset(expected, actual)
defp subset([], actual), do: actual
defp subset(_, _), do: []
is already doing a good job of handing the logic around the only
and only_matching
rules. I was hoping to not reimplement what it's already doing.
This PR adds an MFA tuple option to both
.I'm using this in a phx project like so:
This has the effect of allowing the digested versions of all of the allowed paths without needing to add a rule like
only_matching: ~w(site)