elixir-protobuf / protobuf

A pure Elixir implementation of Google Protobuf.
MIT License
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Deprecate the `new(!)/0,1` callbacks #330

Closed whatyouhide closed 1 year ago

whatyouhide commented 1 year ago

We now fully support struct building with compile-time defaults, so I think it's time to deprecate these and reduce the API surface.

This is already a huge library, and simplifying it is paramount (IMO) to keeping its maintenance sustainable.

The change from MyMessage.new(attrs) to %MyMessage{attrs} is (tedious but) straightforward.

hamir-suspect commented 11 months ago

Hello, I was wondering if this change had some other goal than reducing API surface, as I am not involved with the project so far I can't critique the choices but I'd like to offer my opinion on this and a usecase that I think goes "elixir way" in some codebases MyMessage.new/1 was also used to pipe attrs into as: attrs |> MyMessage.new() so this change is deprecating a nice convinient way to build structs.

edit: After some more thought I am realising that this pattern appeared exactly because of the previous lack of %MyMessage{} and this tedious change will push the code into a better state. Thanks for your work. one example: defaults |> Keyword.merge(params) |> MyMesasge.new