elixir-sqlite / ecto_sqlite3

An Ecto SQLite3 adapter.
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datetime_add uses incompatible format #116

Closed rhcarvalho closed 1 month ago

rhcarvalho commented 1 year ago

I'm looking at a project (live_beats modified to use SQLite3) with a query like this:

    |> Ecto.Multi.delete_all(
      from(s in Song,
        where: s.inserted_at < from_now(^(-count), ^to_string(interval)),
        where: s.server_ip == ^server_ip,
          s.user_id in subquery(
            from(u in Accounts.User, where: u.username not in ^admin_usernames, select: u.id)
        select: %{user_id: s.user_id, mp3_filepath: s.mp3_filepath}
    |> Ecto.Multi.merge(&update_users_songs_count(&1))
    |> Repo.transaction()

The query was not returning the expected results because the format used to store a datetime in inserted_at is different than the one produced by from_now. The former uses either iso8601 (%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f, the default) or text_datetime (%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S), while the latter produces %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f000Z.

It took me some time to understand where those are coming from and I traced it back to:



So I wonder if changing the implementation of expr({:datetime_add, ... to match the configured format would be an acceptable change?

warmwaffles commented 1 year ago

IIRC the %f000Z section is the utc_datetime_usec specification. 😬

rhcarvalho commented 1 year ago

Hey thanks for the feedback. I'm not familiar with that spec (and just learning Ecto), but considering that SQLite3 doesn't have a native storage class for timestamps, it's on user-land code to represent dates in a consistent way.

Is there a different way to write where: s.inserted_at < from_now(^(-count), ^to_string(interval)), such that we're sure that the text format in inserted_at is the same as what is returned from from_now?

I'll try and look at how it is done for the Postgres' Adapter, but guessing there the problem doesn't exist because of native data types.

warmwaffles commented 1 year ago

@rhcarvalho you just need to calculate it in the application layer

since = DateTime.add(DateTime.utc_now(), -count, :seconds)

# ...

where: s.inserted_at < ^since
rhcarvalho commented 1 year ago

Thanks @warmwaffles, that works. Closing this as probably working as intended! Thanks again!

warmwaffles commented 1 year ago

I don't think there is a reason we can't support it. https://sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html

iwarshak commented 5 months ago

running into this as well. the ago and from_now ecto functions are returning incorrect data

warmwaffles commented 5 months ago

Okay. I will see what I can figure out. @iwarshak can you share the query you are using? And potentially the schema?

iwarshak commented 5 months ago

something like:

from(w in WaterLevel,
      select: [w.inserted_at, w.level, w.confidence],
      order_by: [desc: w.inserted_at],
      where: w.inserted_at >= published_at > ago(3, "month")

my schema was generated from the generators (i.e. using timestamps()and looks like:

CREATE TABLE "water_levels" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "level" DECIMAL, "sensor" TEXT, "inserted_at" TEXT NOT NULL, "updated_at" TEXT NOT NULL, "error" TEXT, "confidence" DECIMAL);

warmwaffles commented 5 months ago

Okay. I'll plug that in later today and dig into the issue more. The built in date functions in sqlite should get us what we need here.

warmwaffles commented 5 months ago

@iwarshak I can't recreate this. The local schema in the test suite has this

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "products" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "account_id" INTEGER CONSTRAINT "products_account_id_fkey" REFERENCES "accounts"("id"), "name" TEXT, "description" TEXT, "external_id" TEXT, "bid" TEXT, "tags" TEXT, "approved_at" TEXT, "ordered_at" TEXT, "price" DECIMAL, "inserted_at" TEXT NOT NULL, "updated_at" TEXT NOT NULL);

I have a test where I put this in place:

  test "using built in ecto functions" do
    Application.put_env(:ecto_sqlite3, :datetime_type, :text_datetime)

    account = insert_account(%{name: "Test"})

      account_id: account.id,
      name: "Foo",
      inserted_at: days_ago(1)

      account_id: account.id,
      name: "Bar",
      inserted_at: days_ago(2)

      account_id: account.id,
      name: "Qux",
      inserted_at: days_ago(5)

    assert [
             %{name: "Foo"},
             %{name: "Bar"}
           ] =
             |> select([p], p)
             |> where([p], p.inserted_at >= from_now(-3, "day"))
             |> order_by([p], desc: p.inserted_at)
             |> TestRepo.all()

  defp insert_account(attrs) do
    |> Account.changeset(attrs)
    |> TestRepo.insert!()

  defp insert_product(attrs) do
    |> Product.changeset(attrs)
    |> TestRepo.insert!()

  defp days_ago(days) do
    now = DateTime.utc_now()
    DateTime.add(now, -days * 24 * 60 * 60, :second)

The "Qux" product looks like this in the debug

insert_product(%{account_id: account.id, name: "Qux", inserted_at: days_ago(5)}) #=> %EctoSQLite3.Schemas.Product{
  __meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "products">,
  id: 3,
  name: "Qux",
  description: nil,
  external_id: <<210, 239, 78, 89, 113, 95, 79, 99, 145, 148, 188, 236, 13, 214,
    121, 14>>,
  bid: nil,
  tags: [],
  approved_at: nil,
  ordered_at: nil,
  price: nil,
  account_id: 1,
  account: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :account is not loaded>,
  inserted_at: ~N[2024-05-10 01:20:04],
  updated_at: ~N[2024-05-15 01:20:04]

You can check out the work done here. https://github.com/elixir-sqlite/ecto_sqlite3/tree/try-issue-116

If there is a way you can try to recreate the issue reliably in a test, that would be a tremendous help.

krwenholz commented 1 month ago

Hey @warmwaffles. Thanks for your great work. I have also stumbled on this, but I come bearing a test!

The trick is the T that's included in :iso8601 formatting between the %Y-%m-%d and %H:%M:%S components.

Rewriting your test to focus on the time comparison in seconds, rather than days, demonstrates the issue:

  test "using built in ecto functions" do
    account = insert_account(%{name: "Test"})

      account_id: account.id,
      name: "Foo",
      inserted_at: seconds_ago(1)

      account_id: account.id,
      name: "Bar",
      inserted_at: seconds_ago(3)

    q = 
      |> select([p], p)
      |> where([p], p.inserted_at >= ago(2, "second"))
      |> order_by([p], desc: p.inserted_at)

    expanded_q =
      Ecto.Adapters.SQL.to_sql(:all, TestRepo, q)
      |> dbg()

    TestRepo.query(elem(expanded_q, 0), elem(expanded_q, 1))
    |> dbg()

    assert [
             %{name: "Foo"},
           ] =
             |> TestRepo.all()

  defp insert_account(attrs) do
    |> Account.changeset(attrs)
    |> TestRepo.insert!()

  defp insert_product(attrs) do
    |> Product.changeset(attrs)
    |> TestRepo.insert!()

  defp seconds_ago(seconds) do
    now = DateTime.utc_now()
    DateTime.add(now, -seconds, :second)

Those dbg statements help make it extra clear:

  [test/ecto/integration/timestamps_test.exs:207: Ecto.Integration.TimestampsTest."test using built in ecto functions"/1]
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.to_sql(:all, TestRepo, q) #=> {"SELECT p0.\"id\", p0.\"name\", p0.\"description\", p0.\"external_id\", p0.\"bid\", p0.\"tags\", p0.\"approved_at\", p0.\"ordered_at\", p0.\"price\", p0.\"account_id\", p0.\"inserted_at\", p0.\"updated_at\" FROM \"products\" AS p0 WHERE (p0.\"inserted_at\" >= CAST (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f000Z',?,CAST(-2 AS REAL) || ' second') AS TEXT)) ORDER BY p0.\"inserted_at\" DESC",
 [~U[2024-09-04 21:10:49.323351Z]]}

[test/ecto/integration/timestamps_test.exs:210: Ecto.Integration.TimestampsTest."test using built in ecto functions"/1]
TestRepo.query(elem(expanded_q, 0), elem(expanded_q, 1)) #=> {:ok,
   command: :execute,
   columns: ["id", "name", "description", "external_id", "bid", "tags",
    "approved_at", "ordered_at", "price", "account_id", "inserted_at",
   rows: [
       <<176, 205, 18, 155, 220, 11, 69, 162, 178, 242, 198, 35, 11, 42, 162,
       <<52, 193, 197, 202, 27, 50, 72, 199, 148, 41, 26, 182, 88, 84, 208,
   num_rows: 2

I've whipped up a potential solution I can submit if it looks ~correct (new to Elixir, would love feedback):


warmwaffles commented 1 month ago

Yea that solution looks super close to being the solution to use. I believe we'd want to use compile_env in this case

@datetime_type Application.compile_env(:ecto_sqlite3, :datetime_type, :iso8601)

defp expr({:datetime_add, _, [datetime, count, interval]}, sources, query) do
  fmt = Ecto.Adapters.SQLite3.Codec.datetime_format(@datetime_type)

If you want to open a PR that'd be fine. Otherwise I can grab the solution you have and play with it some more. Thank you for reproducing the error.

warmwaffles commented 1 month ago

Fixed under v0.17.2 thanks a ton @krwenholz, I had to alter your solution a bit, it was failing integration tests expecting that microsecond to be returned.

krwenholz commented 1 month ago

Oh cool. Thanks, Matt! Had to step out yesterday, but next time I'll just open the PR 😅

I didn't realize the options were compile time (still wrapping my head around that distinction). The other changes you made make sense. Thanks for getting it merged so quickly!

warmwaffles commented 1 month ago

Options don't need to be compile time, but I don't think users want to alter the adapter at runtime. The trade off is that every time the the datetime_add is invoked, it'll incur a lookup penalty vs simply being inlined by the compiler.

krwenholz commented 1 month ago

Oh duh. That makes sense. Thanks!